G4 Station is Being Canceled


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2008

While the topic is not particularly about gaming, the station is probably the #1 station for gamers, so I figure this topic applies for the thread.

Quite honestly I never liked G4 and hated that they got rid of all the awesome TechTV programs. What I don't understand is that TechTV was never in the same market as G4, so why G4 had to take it over was beyond me. Plus, I really don't like Kevin Pereira.

Good riddance, G4.
Oh dear, now where will I watch reruns of Cops, Cheaters and Quantum Leap?!
Good riddance.

They bought out TechTV and turned it into dumbed-down trash for the lowest common denominator.
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Did anyone actually read the article.

G4 is going less geek, more chic.
The NBCUniversal-owned cabler is undergoing a rebranding, according to sources, that could involve a name change and take G4 in a direction reminiscent of GQ, the magazine for the "modern male" whose interests span beyond the dorm room or messy bachelor pad. The guy-centric net is mulling a more sophisticated look while remaining true to its tech and vid game roots. Brand refresh aims to bow in early 2013.

A spokesperson for the network declined comment.

The decade-old net rang in the new year with the appointment of former NBC marketing chief Adam Stotsky as its new general manager. He in turn hired former VH1 and BermanBraun exec Matt Hanna as head of original programming, in addition to making a series of promotions within program planning, acquisitions and marketing departments, reshaping the architecture of G4's upper ranks.

G4 is currently known for pop-culture yakker "Attack of the Show!" and its fanboy-focused Comic-Con coverage, yet brawny competish series "American Ninja Warrior" has also shown legs on the net.

Available in 60 million homes, G4 has long struggled to find the right brand positioning since Comcast first merged the net with another channel acquisition, TechTV in 2004. Outside brands from WWE to UFC have reportedly eyed G4 over the years as a network home, though nothing came of talks.

As the rebranding begins to coalesce, many male-skewing nets are vying with G4 for profitable young-male demos. Spike has established itself as a go-to for testosterone-fueled programming, for instance, and Velocity continues to unveil a slate of shows focused on cars and sports. History, Discovery and A&E have also established themselves as destinations for men. Were G4 to adopt an upscale male aesthetic, it could conceivably better distinguish itself from the muddled cabler pack.

Rebrand would also not be the first for a net within the NBCU umbrella. This summer, Style network unveiled a new logo and tagline, part of a rebranding effort that had been underway since fall 2011 that has retargeted the cabler aims with fresh content focused on style and fashion experts. E! has also undergone a similar brand refresh that emphasizes the net as a news source for all things pop culture, ramping up a new anchor team in recent weeks.

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As a gamer I don't care to watch tv about gaming. Id rather game.
It's time for Screen Savers!!! Wooot!!!

I miss the good old days so much. I still remember the show really well... I loved this stuff.
Thank god!

TechTV kicked so much ass the pre Kevin Pereira years. Not to say that he was the issue, just saying that his timing of joining the show initiated the start of the regime change.

I don't recall all of the shows. But I did enjoy these.

Silicon Spin
Robot Wars
Extended Play (Was infinite time better before changing to X-Play and adding in Morgan Webb. She had a much better role on TSS)
Tomorrow's World
Secret, Strange & True
Fresh Gear
Call for Help
Big Thinkers
Beyond Tomorrow
Screen Savers

Thankfully there was a 40gb torrent floating around when the network was canned :)

Sadly it's SD and only goes so far :/

Nearly everything on the original TechTV network was golden. I could leave the channel on all day without issue. Maybe going to the History and Discovery channel every so often. If the old TechTV network was put back on air, I would once again pay the $80 or whatever for cable.
The only thing good that comes on G4 is COPS.

And fuck that stupid fucking bitch Sarah Underwood, that stupid annoying piece of shit made me cringe everytime I heard her voice.
G4 sucked. Only a very small portion of their programming was related to gaming these days. I understand its probably hard to have a channel 24 hours per day of gaming content, but it just felt like they weren't really trying either.

I would be happy with just a solid TV series on any network dedicated to gaming news and reviews. I believe the internet is killing that concept though.
And not a single fuck was given.

I miss ZDTV/TechTV so much. I had a tuner card in my computer and I would have TechTV playing on one monitor while I was gaming on the other. I miss those days.
What about Arena and Cheat!? That stuff kicked ass.
Olivia Munn was, sadly and telling of the quality of the channel's content, the only thing keeping this station alive.

I actually think most of the hosts (Kevin, Morgan, Adam) are actually pretty good and know their stuff -- it's the format and ridiculously hoaky writing that kills the shows. You can actually see them get red-faced and cringe at times during some of the more awful material. It they would just stick to hardware and gaming evaluations and discussions, like the former TechTV, it would do much better.
And fuck that stupid fucking bitch Sarah Underwood, that stupid annoying piece of shit made me cringe everytime I heard her voice.

Wuuuut?1!! I could watch her all day. Yeah, I might have to mute it after a while, but she is very watchable. Maybe you should change the channel to Lifetime or OWN.
While TechTV was certainly the superior option, G4 didn't become unwatchable until a few years ago.
IMO, the channel finally started totally tanking in 2008 when Xplay's format changed. That's also when it seems like all of of their shows started battling for content.
Now that the talent seems to have disappeared (is Morgan Webb still there?) the writing is on the wall.
It's time for Screen Savers!!! Wooot!!!

I miss the good old days so much. I still remember the show really well... I loved this stuff.

Amen, Bro! Attack of the show has some nice eye candy though.
As myself and my children are huge Ninja Warrior fans, I hope they keep the show on the channel or move it to another.
Attack of the show is overrated. There were some good episodes, mainly the ones centered around e3 and comic con, but overall the program sucks.

The biggest thing I will miss from this is the ninja warrior marathons. That show is awesome. Even better drunk!
The problem is G4 doesn't know what it wants to be. It's roots are one thing but it's format and programing today make little sense. G4 has their gaming oriented stuff, tech oriented stuff but that's been pushed out by Cheaters and COPS reruns. Ninja Warrior is interesting, but I've never thought it belonged on G4.
The last American Ninja Warrior event (the one with the entire course in Las Vegas) was co-produced and co-aired by NBC. Something tells me that won't be going away with G4.
took way to long for the channel to die. the channel has sucked ever since G4 took it over from techtv.
X-Play died after Sessler left, and Attack of the Show has always been that show I would watch for a braindead laugh when *nothing* else was on TV. It began to decline once Olivia Munn left, and with Kevin Periera out of the picture it's nearly unwatchable.
The last American Ninja Warrior event (the one with the entire course in Las Vegas) was co-produced and co-aired by NBC. Something tells me that won't be going away with G4.

I can't stand the American version of Ninja Warrior.
When they killed TechTV I boycotted them. Glad they are going belly up.
Another thing I like about g4 is their "movies for guys" on like saturday afternoon. That is one of the few bright spots besides ninja warrior.
I can't stand the American version of Ninja Warrior.

I don't want to derail this thread too much, but I was actually surprised at how little they changed American Ninja Warrior from the Japanese show. It seriously is a pretty direct interpretation and maintains the core spirit. and with the way they handled the first season, we now have some recognizable faces and they pretty often show us that it has become a community, where a lot of the contestants train together.

the biggest problem, is that the american broadcasts often seem to strive to ignore the fact that this came from Japan and there are people doing this in Japan, also. Olympic broadcasts have similar problems. American sportscasting has always been self centered. I'd like to see Japan get together a group of people to send to American Ninja Warrior. Then we could have crossover on both sides and the contestants would have two chances per year at competing.
I don't want to derail this thread too much, but I was actually surprised at how little they changed American Ninja Warrior from the Japanese show. It seriously is a pretty direct interpretation and maintains the core spirit.

Didn't seem that way to me. The pre-lims were just like the original, but then they had to do the stupid teams, challenges, shit talking crap that every other reality show does up until they get to Japan. That portion of the show was unwatchable.
The problem is G4 doesn't know what it wants to be. It's roots are one thing but it's format and programing today make little sense. G4 has their gaming oriented stuff, tech oriented stuff but that's been pushed out by Cheaters and COPS reruns. Ninja Warrior is interesting, but I've never thought it belonged on G4.

This seems to be the problem with a lot of channels these days. Syfy for instance, WWE? Really? I know it is all made up bullshit, but I wouldn't call it science fiction, fantasy maybe.