G5 mouse for ~$14 at CC, YMMV

Jun 27, 2004
Today I just picked up a Logitech G5 mouse (after months of putting it off) for $16 after tax at Circuit City. I tried to get Best Buy to price match them by showing my receipt but when they called they said they were selling them for about $60 despite the fact that CC's site only shows them carrying one model.

If it matters, I got mine from the Pittsburg CA store.
They're probably clearing out slow moving stock at B&Ms. Good deal if you can find them though!
Scan the receipt please!!! Oh and how did you find out about this deal anyway? Did you just go inside the store and it was on clearance or something? Also why exactly did Best Buy call CC, isn't the receipt good enough for price matches? I mean I though an add, or simply a receipt was good enough to price match I mean?
Scan the receipt please!!! Oh and how did you find out about this deal anyway? Did you just go inside the store and it was on clearance or something? Also why exactly did Best Buy call CC, isn't the receipt good enough for price matches? I mean I though an add, or simply a receipt was good enough to price match I mean?

Generally they call to verify stock. They don't pricematch OOS items.
I would buy another G5 at that price even though I already have two
[H]exx;1032780608 said:
You never happened :p

Maybe he did get it at $15 at the store...I've seen better f'ups on prices before.

This thread got me all worked up. I was ready to go out to CC and buy one :(

Yeah, maybe at his store it was on clearance or something. I checked the CC in San Francisco, no luck =(
Meh, I feel retarded for not including a scan. My bad yall. Better late than never no? :D


This one (classic) happens to be the one I have wanted since my MX510 broke down since I am not a big fan of the Blue shell one and very badly wanted a wired unit. V2 has an extra button yet both are normally sold for $40 - $50 every where I looked. I tried eBay, Overstock, Pricegrabber and so on, only to see the same $40+ price every where.

To be a bit more clear; they only had 2 mice left. One Grey and one Blue. The Blue one was in a beat up box that looked like someone had stepped on it a few times. Both were on separate ends of the G15 keyboard shelf area and both had the $14 price tag underneath. I later told my friend who tried to get BB to price match the Blue G5's they carry using my reciept. Customer Service called up CC to verify the price but were told that all G5 mice they carry were $60 - which is the same price the CC site lists.


They real funny thing is that early on that same day I got Best Buy to price match Circuit City over a 4GB Pro Duo. Later that day I realized that the version CC sells is just a plain old 4GB stick while the one I was sold over at BB was a Mark2. This was possible only because the person who attended me over at BB did not even bother to call CC to verify SKU's, availability or the credibility of my claim.
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A true YMMV situation indeed.

New task for us [H]ard guys: Go beat up some boxes of mice so that circuit city can mark them down!!!

LOL. What I think happened is that they sold out of the Blue one EXCEPT for the beat up one (hell, even I did not want it) and I was the one who picked up the very last Grey one. My Grey's box is in perfect condition, never opened nor did it look used. It came with all the parts and has been working perfect ever since. I now fully understand why people recommend the G5 so much and why I now need to pair it up with a G11/15.
thats not bad. if circuit city was so far up the road i'd go check itout. i'll see if there is a closer one to me
I just bought a blue G5 mouse from Fry's B&M yesterday. Fry's have a few refurbished units out on shelf in sealed logitech cardboard box. They are marked at $49.99 each, but they really are on sale at $29.99 each. My cousin works at Fry's and he gave me a call as he was filling up stocks.

Maybe this news can salvage this thread's purpose? lol

PS. I got my cousin knocked off ~$8 more using his discount; making my purchase a $23.9x deal. :)

EDIT: Forgot to add that while it is refurbished, both my unit and my cousin's unit worked flawlessly. Weight packet, CD, instructions are all included just like the original packaging.(it is refurbished and sealed by logitech after all)
I later told my friend who tried to get BB to price match the Blue G5's they carry using my reciept. Customer Service called up CC to verify the price but were told that all G5 mice they carry were $60 - which is the same price the CC site lists.

Thats me ! :)

looking back I think that best buy pulled a fast one on me, they must have... the clerk at customer service gave the person from circuit city the numbers off the barcode... and it should have come up as whats on the receipt, and she was pretty quick and finding out there where none in stock, I bet she just asked and then talked to herself when she was put on hold when a clerk went to go check

god I hate best buy, would have been nice to get a new mouse
nice to get new mouse? i have a box of mx518's and other similar mice hehe.. cant believe people drive to diff stores trying to get price matches wish i had time for that.. i personally go with the g9 mice for most of my pc's only 55-60$.. you prob spend that much on gas and food for your price matching conquests..