G70 imminent?


One Hour Martinizing While You Wait
Jan 23, 2003
This was just posted in a thread on the OCUK forums: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=4914371&postcount=5

For context, Overclockers.co.uk is retailer with a really good track record for getting high end kit early on (I've been buying from them for years), and the poster "Gibbo" is their stock manager type guy, so he's probably not talking out of his ass.

It may be old news to others, but I was suprised to learn that they expect to be stocking g70 gtx based cards from bfg, xfx and leadtek in as little as 2-3 weeks.

Slightly more alarming was that he seems to think ATIs r520 is going to be hit by supply problems again, but then, that's further out, so things may change.
I'm expecting a paper launch form nVidia by the end of this week (or maybe monday of next).
jon_k said:
I'm expecting a paper launch form nVidia by the end of this week (or maybe monday of next).

I don't know, is it a paper launch if it's in the shops, in quantity, just a week or two after the announcement, as OCUK seems to think they will be?
MartinX said:
I don't know, is it a paper launch if it's in the shops, in quantity, just a week or two after the announcement, as OCUK seems to think they will be?

well by paper launch I don't mean they will delay it for 2 months, but I mean they will just launch it without benchmarks. I expect benchmarks sometime late next week.
What he expects and what he gets are 2 different things. No hardware company will ever have product available when the product launches. Its SOP to do nothing but paper launches nowadays. The new availability dates are "When its Here."
I think we still have a while to wait, I don't see any reason why Nvidia would go ahead and launch the G70 now. They may paper launch but I doubt we will see products on shelves till at least Fall.
UltimaParadox said:
I think we still have a while to wait, I don't see any reason why Nvidia would go ahead and launch the G70 now. They may paper launch but I doubt we will see products on shelves till at least Fall.

Well... most likely they will launch it now so people like us will buy it and they will have more money lol. The sooner they release it, the soner they get the $$$$. Also, the longer the G70 is out before the R520 the longer nVidia will have no competition in the enthusiast market. You remember how everyone bought GTs when ATI was screwing around with the X800 release? I smell a repeat.
So it looks like ATi is going to be playing the same game they played last year...make the card with more pipelines than you intend to enable to offset the problems associated with a new process...then if needed enable the other 4 pipelines to compete with nvidia...and if yields are bad...just blame it on OEM demand...

R520 = X800XT Phantom Edition?

I don't like the sounds of this guys post...
If we're going to see G70 within 2-3 weeks, I would've expected nV to allow some hardware sites to preview the card by now. I don't think nV will be releasing the G70 any time soon- they're still making money off of 6x00 series, especially off of enthusiasts who splurge on 6800 Ultra SLi rigs. I'm sure that the 6x00 series is a lot cheaper to churn out than G70, and if you're going to charge the same amount on all the cards (ie $500+ for high-end, $400 for mid, etc..) it makes more sense to reap the greater profits manufacturing the older generation.

I'm think they'll release the cards right after ATi unveils Crossfire, but before R520. That way, they can negate the advantages of Crossfire, and keep the lead until ATi releases R520.

ATI is going to be raking in cash by the boatload for that, I doubt they're too worried about marginal components like the the initial high end r520.

Some fab(s) somewhere is tooling up for (or already pumping out) the xb360 gpu, maybe the plan is to focus on pumping out loads of them and then gradually shift over to r520 when they've tipped out enough silicon to keep MS happy.

It makes perfect sense for g70 to hit now, it'll certainly knock the wind out of ATIs crossfire publicity.

It sounds like g70gtx is inferior to r520, but nvidia might not intend for whatever they release in the next week or two (if anything) to be the direct competition for r520, they may have a refresh planned for the end of the year.

As for reviews, if OCUKs timeframe is correct, then I'd say sites already do have samples (or will get then in the next week) but are still under nda, and nvidia is going to do the big reveal before computex ends (or at the LAN event thing the following week) with the cards on sale for the last week of june.
All ATI provided to microsoft was the design, they are not making the boards for them like Nvidia did for Xbox 1. Microsoft has full responsibility and control over the R500s being produced, its really their board.
killerD said:
All ATI provided to microsoft was the design, they are not making the boards for them like Nvidia did for Xbox 1. Microsoft has full responsibility and control over the R500s being produced, its really their board.

Correct. Just like Nvidia's arrangement with Sony. The IHV's aren't going to be hassled with yields and other manufacturing issues this time around. That's why Nvidia's CEO claimed that the Sony deal was "all profit" from here on out.
I doubt this will be a paper launch since ATI really needs to get a strong lead int he market. At this point their real flagship is the highly impracticle SLI setup, I have yet to see a large OEM offering sli. The g70 will be oem friendly and therefore great for making money for nvidia.
Is it possible that nVidia would release a 7800GTX sometime soon, get the next-gen lead on ATi and get a jump on the tech-crowd who wants the fastest possible rigs for benchmarks and such in SLi, wait for ATi to bring out their offerings, and refresh the 7xxx series in December/January with a 7900GTX with 32 pipes? It just seems that if nVidia keeps the 7800GTX as their flagship card for this generation, I smell a Sega Dreamcast repeat (and I liked the dreamcast alot :p) which could be dangerous.

But if things keep on the way they are, the ATi card will have to be hella expensive to keep ATi from owning the enthusiast market, especially with Crossfire on the way.
Ozymandias said:
If we're going to see G70 within 2-3 weeks, I would've expected nV to allow some hardware sites to preview the card by now. I don't think nV will be releasing the G70 any time soon- they're still making money off of 6x00 series, especially off of enthusiasts who splurge on 6800 Ultra SLi rigs. I'm sure that the 6x00 series is a lot cheaper to churn out than G70, and if you're going to charge the same amount on all the cards (ie $500+ for high-end, $400 for mid, etc..) it makes more sense to reap the greater profits manufacturing the older generation.

I'm think they'll release the cards right after ATi unveils Crossfire, but before R520. That way, they can negate the advantages of Crossfire, and keep the lead until ATi releases R520.

Um.........the G70 cost less to manufacture. Oh and by the time R520 is released, the next Genafter G70 Nvidia card will be surfacing.Nvidia is going back to 6 month cycles. Sell your ATI stock :D

How Do I know?..................ESP
MartinX said:

ATI is going to be raking in cash by the boatload for that, I doubt they're too worried about marginal components like the the initial high end r520.

Some fab(s) somewhere is tooling up for (or already pumping out) the xb360 gpu, maybe the plan is to focus on pumping out loads of them and then gradually shift over to r520 when they've tipped out enough silicon to keep MS happy.

It makes perfect sense for g70 to hit now, it'll certainly knock the wind out of ATIs crossfire publicity.

It sounds like g70gtx is inferior to r520, but nvidia might not intend for whatever they release in the next week or two (if anything) to be the direct competition for r520, they may have a refresh planned for the end of the year.

As for reviews, if OCUKs timeframe is correct, then I'd say sites already do have samples (or will get then in the next week) but are still under nda, and nvidia is going to do the big reveal before computex ends (or at the LAN event thing the following week) with the cards on sale for the last week of june.

PS3 will reap 10x the revenue of xbox3 for Nviida since Sony will be fabbing, Nvidia will have 0 overhead licensing revenue
It pretty much sounds to me like nvidia has the technology for 32 pipes but doesnt want to implement it. I wonder if the new cards are going to have the extra 8 pipelines locked?
MartinX said:
This was just posted in a thread on the OCUK forums: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=4914371&postcount=5

For context, Overclockers.co.uk is retailer with a really good track record for getting high end kit early on (I've been buying from them for years), and the poster "Gibbo" is their stock manager type guy, so he's probably not talking out of his ass.

It may be old news to others, but I was suprised to learn that they expect to be stocking g70 gtx based cards from bfg, xfx and leadtek in as little as 2-3 weeks.

Slightly more alarming was that he seems to think ATIs r520 is going to be hit by supply problems again, but then, that's further out, so things may change.

Christ if "Gibbo" the stock manager type guy says so, it must be true. Too bad he doesnt know shit. Just like everyone else.
tsuehpsyde said:
Is it possible that nVidia would release a 7800GTX sometime soon, get the next-gen lead on ATi and get a jump on the tech-crowd who wants the fastest possible rigs for benchmarks and such in SLi, wait for ATi to bring out their offerings, and refresh the 7xxx series in December/January with a 7900GTX with 32 pipes?
I agree with this. It makes sense for Nvidia to release a new series of GPU's now (seeing as how it has been over a year since they released any high-end video cards). ATI would then come out with their superior (most likely)32 pipe R520, which will destroy the g70 and then Nvidia slaps the g80 down sometime in the fall to handle ATI's offerings.

Of course this is all unfounded speculation :D .
FanATIc said:
Christ if "Gibbo" the stock manager type guy says so, it must be true. Too bad he doesnt know shit. Just like everyone else.

You do realize that beating down any positive rumours about G70 is just as bad (or even worse) than people believing there is some truth to them. Did Gibbo personally insult you or something? You've been complaining about others but you're doing the same thing. Everybody is just having fun with the tidbits of info that are trickling in - calm down.
FanATIc said:
Christ if "Gibbo" the stock manager type guy says so, it must be true. Too bad he doesnt know shit. Just like everyone else.

Being an nvidia !!!!!!, and thus your sworn enemy, I feel obligated to point out that you know even less than "Gibbo" the stock manager. So maybe if you don't have anything positive to contribute you can just keep your posts to yourself...or go spread G70 hate in the ATi section...that's what it's there for...
all i can say is it would be Extremely convenient for me if Nvidia were to release their new cards next monday or whatever. I am on the verge of buying a new computer, and trying to figure out what to do with the videocard is driving me crazy/pulling-out-massive-amounts-of-hair.....damn them

I dont want to spend money on this gen when the next gen is just around the corner :( im thinking of getting This card to hold me through till someone does something smart....but then again i dont want to be sitting around on my ass crippled by my videocard waiting for next gen releases.....im so confused....
FanATIc said:
Christ if "Gibbo" the stock manager type guy says so, it must be true. Too bad he doesnt know shit. Just like everyone else.

lol take a look at your screenname
FanATIc said:
Christ if "Gibbo" the stock manager type guy says so, it must be true. Too bad he doesnt know shit. Just like everyone else.

So you're saying graphics cards just turn up in retailers warehouses in the middle of the night without any warning, delivered by the GPU fairy?

Silly me for thinking that the people who actually sell the stuff might have a clue about when they'd be availiable...

Gibbo may be wrong, but if he says 2-3 weeks then I'm inclined to believe it's because that's what nvidia/the card manufacturers have told him not just speculation on his part.
jacuzz1 said:
PS3 will reap 10x the revenue of xbox3 for Nviida since Sony will be fabbing, Nvidia will have 0 overhead licensing revenue

HUH?....... that makie no sense. please elaborate
CodeWaste said:
HUH?....... that makie no sense. please elaborate

Sony has paid for a portion of the research and developement of the GPU in their box. Nvidia designed it and Sony owns their own fab. Sony will take over manufacture of the GPU once final silicon is released and will just license the technololgy from Nvidia.
jacuzz1 said:
Sony has paid for a portion of the research and developement of the GPU in their box. Nvidia designed it and Sony owns their own fab. Sony will take over manufacture of the GPU once final silicon is released and will just license the technololgy from Nvidia.

Ah yes, i see what your saying now, ADDless scentances make much more sense.
MartinX said:

ATI is going to be raking in cash by the boatload for that, I doubt they're too worried about marginal components like the the initial high end r520.

Some fab(s) somewhere is tooling up for (or already pumping out) the xb360 gpu, maybe the plan is to focus on pumping out loads of them and then gradually shift over to r520 when they've tipped out enough silicon to keep MS happy.

It makes perfect sense for g70 to hit now, it'll certainly knock the wind out of ATIs crossfire publicity.

It sounds like g70gtx is inferior to r520, but nvidia might not intend for whatever they release in the next week or two (if anything) to be the direct competition for r520, they may have a refresh planned for the end of the year.

As for reviews, if OCUKs timeframe is correct, then I'd say sites already do have samples (or will get then in the next week) but are still under nda, and nvidia is going to do the big reveal before computex ends (or at the LAN event thing the following week) with the cards on sale for the last week of june.

and you dont think nvidia will make loads on rsx because...?

ps3 will outsell 360 by far
I dont think any of us can speculate what millions of americans and Japanese (the first two markets) will buy.
Personaly th ability to play all my oldschool games on the revolution sounds great. I am waiting for more info though as Nintendo can be very odd with things like that.
Also the Xbox360 has some great games coming out like Morrowind Oblivion. PS3 on the other hand doesnt have many titles that intrest me (ever since they slaughterd the Tekken series with number 4 and 5 being so bad). I do think that the PS3 will have some great games though. I just wish that games would come out on every console. Particularly the FF series. Even though the FF series is rather linear.
{NG}Fidel said:
I dont think any of us can speculate what millions of americans and Japanese (the first two markets) will buy.

You don't even need to speculate about Japan. Sony owns Japan - it's their stomping ground - no two ways about it. The only competition is going to be in North America.
iori yagami said:
and you dont think nvidia will make loads on rsx because...?

ps3 will outsell 360 by far

See that?

That speck...over there in the distance?

That's "THE POINT", and you sir, have missed it utterly.

I brought up XBox360 as an example of something that I thought might pre-occupy ATIs attention/resources and possibly contribute to low availability of highend ATI consumer graphics cards towards the end of the year, and to point out that ATI will make a great deal of money out of it (certainly ALOT more than out of the high end r520 retail card), and thus may have less of a sense of urgency about satisfying the rabid, but ultimately marginal, enthusiast community.

That you somehow interpreted that as an attack on the PS3 shows you to be just the type of person who'll fit in perfectly on my ignore list.

MartinX said:
See that?

That speck...over there in the distance?

That's "THE POINT", and you sir, have missed it utterly.

ROFL -- I don't really get excited about consoles... but damn that was funny.
Who gives a ratt's ass about consoles anyway... PC's 0wn them all, no matter how powerful consoles claim to be... :p

And I agree with NumbLock, that was teh_funney... :D