G9x Reviews That Actually Help


Jan 11, 2002
I know some people here at [H] are G9 fans and looking for real info on the G9x. Well reviews for this mouse that aren't just re-worded press releases are finally trickling in. Yes, we all know that it has uselessly higher DPI and can compensate for higher g's (which I guess is cool if you're a super twitch gamer) and has customizable grips, but how does it actually improve on the problems of the original?

Here are some of them:


http://www.examiner.com/x-892-PC-Game-Examiner~y2009m3d16-Logitech-G9-gaming-mouse-review (only useful bit of this one is all the way at the bottom).

For those of you who were considering an upgrade to it for the possibility of some fixed issues, you'll be disappointed.

1) The middle mouse button still has way too much resistance. I'm trying to find info on whether it takes less or more than the G9. Anyone that could weigh in on this would be fantastic. I'm not asking if you think either the G9 or G9x's MMB is too stiff or not; I'm asking about how the G9x MMB is relative to the old G9.

2) The left mouse button is more sensitive than the G9. It's kind of strange that all the good reviews mention this compared to the G9 yet none of them compare the old stiffness of the mmb to the new MMB. I actually liked the specific resistance the old G9 LMB gave, and I'm under the impression that the reviewers felt the same and the G9x just goes too far.

3) The cord, of course, is the same as it is with the G5/G7/G9; really stiff.

4) And of course, it still uses a different, incompatible version of SetPoint from all other Logitech products ever.

Obviously for people who didn't like the G9 before, you're not going to like this one. If you haven't figured out by now that everyone needs to find a mouse that is comfortable to them and that no mouse is strictly better than another, then you're beyond help and no amount of forum posts or reviews will change that. Think of it this way, do you go to a forum and ask what is the best tasting food or what the best pizza toppings are? There are qualitative things you can talk about, but there is no strict quantitative ranking.

So anyone out there with experience with both a G9 and G9x confirm/deny/add to those reviews?