GA-965P-DS3 rev 3.3 problems installing windows vista when using RAID


Limp Gawd
Aug 19, 2004
I'm currently using the Gigabyte 965P-DS3 rev 3.3 (complete specs in signature).

I recently purchased two WD 640GB Blacks (WD6401AALS). I plugged them into the purple ports on my motherboard. I followed the instructions in the manual and successfully created a RAID 0 setup. I proceeded to load the RAID drivers, they install fine, and a volume is recognized by the Vista installation. However, once the RAID drivers are installed, my IDE DVD drive becomes disabled. Therefore, this prevents me from installing Windows at all because it keeps on saying that I need to insert a disc when I already have done so.

Does anyone here know a solution/work around to this problem? I have tried using the drivers from Gigabyte's website and the drivers from JMicron's website and still the same deal. They both disable my IDE DVD drive once they are installed.

Thanks in advance.