Galaxy 480GTX SOC Issue


Limp Gawd
Sep 19, 2005
After going through my first RMA due to RAM issues with the card (not to mention the complete lack of communication from Galaxy) I received a new card that will at random times stop communicating with the driver and display a large amount of artifacts as seen in the shot.


I've tried many different drivers and down-clocking the core well below stock. (the ram passes the OCCT test) Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

i5 2500K
MSI p67A-G43
12 Gb Gskill ram (2 X 2gb, 2 X 4gb)
630W PSU
Your PSU is really low for a 480 GTX, especially that model with the 3 fans. Maybe power is the issue. What brand is your psu?
I run an Earthwatts 650 w/ that card and it is about as fast as a 580, perfectly stable highly oc'ed, quiet, cool etc.

What psu? 630 is kind of a weird rating. Do you know what the 12V rail is? Etc.

Was the rma card new or a refurb?

PM the local Galaxy rep here.
Ah, that's unfortunate. I have heard about some issues, but I thought they were only with dual monitors. My drivers crash every once in a while, but it's not too big of an issue.
I've reached out to MSI to see where I should go from here, might just try to find a whole new mobo.
Could be the mobo, but I've seen 2 bad gpu's in a row before. And they were MSI GTX 480's.
Oy, the card now refuses to POST after updating the driver to the latest WHQL. Out of curiosity I tried to find the card for sale and not Tiger Direct, New Egg, hell even google couldn't find this card for sale anywhere. To me this points to serious flaws, any other thoughts? Going to try get Galaxy to send out an equivalent card.
Oy, the card now refuses to POST after updating the driver to the latest WHQL. Out of curiosity I tried to find the card for sale and not Tiger Direct, New Egg, hell even google couldn't find this card for sale anywhere. To me this points to serious flaws, any other thoughts? Going to try get Galaxy to send out an equivalent card.

GTX 480s are EOL (end of life) whatever quantities are left are being sold off. Your not going to find them easily. What brand Power supply do you have? Also what is its +12v rating for amperage? Have you tried unplugging or removing any other devices used in the system to see if you gain stability, e.g. sound cards, optical drives additional hard drives.

Also have you made sure your cpu and everything else is at stock frequencies? What temps was the card getting during your occt and other testing?