Galaxy 5th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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Halo: CE (PC)
Call of Duty 4 (PC)

I've wasted an incontrovertible amount of my life into those two games.
without putting a lot of effort into thinking it through.... I'm going to say

CS 1.3
Shadow Warrior

for completely different reasons.
for single player:

Half Life 2
Quake II

for multiplayer:
Counter Strike
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Tyrian. First game I ever bought with my own hard-earned money. Well, allowance. I was 12. :p (inb4 meh, back in my day, I paid my whole entire month's salary for an Asteroids cabinet!)

Quake 2-3. I can't pick between the two. Both have an equally sized portion of my heart beating for them. Ahh, the good ol' days of tweaking another setting and running crusher.dm2...and trying to get Quake 3 to run on my poor old integrated Rage LT 4 meg.
All time favorites:
Battlefield 1942
Half Life 2

Most recent favorite:
Battlefield Bad Company 2
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