Galaxy Final Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Every week from now to Christmas Galaxy will be giving away one of its video cards that covers almost its entire line of video cards. This week we start with the Galaxy GeForce GTX 480 Super OC Video Card - 1536MB GDDR5. This could be the perfect card for any new DX11 gaming box!

You can check out the cards here.

To enter this week simply post in this thread ONCE and Ctrl-V what is sitting on your clipboard. Or if you want to puss out, just write something stupid like you you usually do when you post.

Good luck. We will draw a random winner next week and will notify you by PM. If you do not respond to the PM in 12 hours, we will move to our next winner. I highly suggest you turn on email notification for PMs if you are not going to be online Monday.

This drawing is open to USA residents only.
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Heh, it was steam sale link I was sending to a friend. The steam holiday sale is starting out great. This would help me play all those games better.


I would control-c but it would paste my steam key for the indie bundle pack haha
Sorry, nothing in the text buffer. Just been surfing the web which doesn't involve much of the control-c ing.
Robert Shaw was drunk half the time while filming "Jaws", the whole scene where he talked about the Indianapolis was ad-libbed. He was a great Shakespearian actor despite being the antagonistic character that most people love and hate him for in "Jaws". Another interesting fact is that "Jaws" is the only movie to ever capture two real shooting stars while filming. Something else which has grown to be more common knowledge about the movie is that the mechanical great white shark which was used for "Jaws" was named "Bruce" by the cast and crew. Which, strangely enough was the reason why in the animated film "Finding Nemo", the great white was named "Bruce." I consider Jaws to be one of the greatest cinematographic films of all time. What other movie can have a two deep tone musical beat give you an unsettled feeling? I rest my case.
Nothing there. I was hoping that there was something. That way I'd see if anyone has been using my PC. I guess no one.

<3 civ 5, the pot of video games
nothing to ctrl-c this is first site i usually go to when i turn on computer
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