Galaxy GTX 470 $139.99 + tax free ship

Not too shabby if you're still rocking an 8800/9800 card. That's pretty much what pushed me, I saw a 460 on sale a while back and bit, and the 460 is quieter than the 8800!
I thought that was a 6 instead of a 4 and got all sorts of excited.

Worthy upgrade from a GTX 260?
yes if you want a noisy, hot running and power hungry card. I upgraded to a gtx470 from my gtx260 192sp and was happy to send that gtx470 right back after a couple of weeks.

spend 60 bucks more and get a faster 7850 which uses less than half the power and can easily overclock to gtx580 performance levels.
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yes if you want a noisy, hot running and power hungry card. I upgraded to a gtx470 from my gtx260 192sp and was happy to send that gtx470 right back after a couple of weeks.

spend 60 bucks more and get a faster 7850 which uses less than half the power and can easily overclock to gtx580 performance levels.

thanks for the suggestion :)
Runs hot. Power Hungry. I wouldn't bother.

6950's can be found on here in the fs/ft section for $150-$170 and I would say it's a much better deal. Sure beats the hell out of this card. Maybe even an unlocked 6950 too.
yes if you want a noisy, hot running and power hungry card. I upgraded to a gtx470 from my gtx260 192sp and was happy to send that gtx470 right back after a couple of weeks.

spend 60 bucks more and get a faster 7850 which uses less than half the power and can easily overclock to gtx580 performance levels.

If you get a good oc'er the difference between the 470 and 7850 isn't that much of a difference, but I do agree though, they're hot, noisy and suck power like crazy; I'm so glad I got rid of mine.
Great upgrade from a GTX 260. Ignore the haters. I still rock a 480, wife rocks a 480, got another 480 in a box for backup since SLI still unbearably problematic. Slap aftermarket cooling on it and 'power hungry' is the only remaining caveat.
Great upgrade from a GTX 260. Ignore the haters. I still rock a 480, wife rocks a 480, got another 480 in a box for backup since SLI still unbearably problematic. Slap aftermarket cooling on it and 'power hungry' is the only remaining caveat.
Ignore the haters? how old are you? and if you are going to buy aftermarket cooling then why not just spend a little more and get a better overall card in the first place that is not as power hungry? :confused:
Because it's ATI and that matters to a lot of people. If anything I'd personally say spend a bit more to get a 560 ti but he asked a specific question:

260->470 worthy upgrade?

The answer is yes. It's not the best answer, but it's not incorrect. He didn't say he was buying this deal anyway, for all we know he might have been planning to buy a used 470 for cheap (a great option for upgrading a 260) and just happened to ask his question here.

edit: and cannondale you know better than that.
I'll second the 470 is a decent upgrade. I still have three of them sitting in my old gaming rig that were running tri sli and never had any problems with them except they used a ton of power. It broke a kilowatt during game play.
Great upgrade from a GTX 260. Ignore the haters. I still rock a 480, wife rocks a 480, got another 480 in a box for backup since SLI still unbearably problematic. Slap aftermarket cooling on it and 'power hungry' is the only remaining caveat.

Ignore the haters? how old are you? and if you are going to buy aftermarket cooling then why not just spend a little more and get a better overall card in the first place that is not as power hungry? :confused:

Even with sales, slapping an aftermarket cooler on a 470 is going to put you in the range of the MSI Hawk 7850, which will run 1250 core easily and be comparable to a stock 7950 in some situations lol....

I would rather just buy the Hawk for the money, but that's just me.
I'll second the 470 is a decent upgrade. I still have three of them sitting in my old gaming rig that were running tri sli and never had any problems with them except they used a ton of power. It broke a kilowatt during game play.

That's just insane.
I upgraded from a 275 GTX to a 470 and I would say the upgrade was not worth it. I honestly could have kept the GTX 275 up until now just fine. The card was not that great compared to the heat, noise, and power you had to put up with if we go by the numbers.

Everything I could play before was made better by the card at the end of the day though. I'm not saying the card is absolutel shit, but at the time I bought it (350 USD) the upgrade just didn't make sense. I got a couple of more frame rates with more AA at 1080P.

If you must upgrade consider the 580 GTX which should be dropping in price further with the release of the 660TI. Even then I would say hold off until you can afford a Kepler series card (660 TI or better.)

If you're open to AMD cards, the 7850/70 cards should be dropping in price as well.
Well I was running 4800x1200 and honestly 4 cores could not feed them, I used a hex core to feed them. I would agree that saving up for like a 660ti would be better.