Galaxy Note 4

Carrier discounting is one thing which most are not. however the fact Samsung is running a promotion for $190 trade in offer is the point, has Samsung ever done this before?

Not that im aware of, its not a bad thing. Its just a promotion to push more Note preorders
The iPhone sells are hurting Samsung badly, according to reports. Samsung estimates a significant cut in revenue.
Not that im aware of, its not a bad thing. Its just a promotion to push more Note preorders

The iPhone sells are hurting Samsung badly, according to reports. Samsung estimates a significant cut in revenue.

The report of revenue forecasts down plus iPhone supporting pre-orders with cash is kinda worrisome. Note 4, a brand new product should essentially sell it self without mfg support at least not until its 6 months in (even the iPhone gets marketing support cash half thru the year).
The iPhone sells are hurting Samsung badly, according to reports. Samsung estimates a significant cut in revenue.

revenue is about $43.56B ( down 20%) and profit $3.8B ( DOWN 60%)
i dont think apple is biggest problem for samsung
it's rising chinese smartphone dragons ( like xiaomi dominating chinese low-end market)
increasing cost of marketing and fierce competition at low-mid level range device is hurting em badly
Apple may not be the only problem but boy are they attacking the sacred 5.5" space with all they have got. The samsung experience area is huge and right next to the tiny Apple display.

the samsung experience store has TONS of their devices Notes Galaxy Ss etc, but maybe one or two lurkers, while the apple display (which is merely a small desk with one 6 and one 6+ has a line of people waiting to try out the device, and the activation area for cell phones is packed with new iPhones.
Good review happy I pre ordered a while back. Really going to be ill if I have to wait to much longer to get a new phone.
I'll recant.

If I had money lying around, I'll probably jump on this one. Too bad my S4 is still working perfectly.
My friends bought 2 Note 4. Gotta say that it has a nice ass screen. The con is the worst part doe. I can feel the legendary Touchwiz lag already after setting up the phone. 805 processor right guys? Lol. There's also loads of useless feats popping out till no end, forcing the user to check "Do not show" so many times. This never happen on the G3 I tested. Once again, another Samsung phone held back by lousy software.
Battery life is amazing compared to other phone with QHD display or even phones with lower resolution. You have to click expand on each section of battery test on gsmarena for a more complete list. It looks to be the king of design, battery life, performance, precision pen, specs, OS features, etc. Only need to see more camera samples.

Note 4 2560x1440
G3 2560x1440
iPhone 6+ 1920x1080
iPhone 6 1334x750

Talk Time
Note 4 28:34h
LG G3 25:54h
iPhone 6 Plus 23:49h
iPhone 6 12:26h

Web Browsing
Note 4 10:44h
iPhone 6 10:29h
iPhone 6+ 9:05h
LG G3 6:40h

Video Playback
Note 17:25h
iPhone 6+ 11:15h
G3 9:57h
iPhone 6 9:24h
The screen itself is the biggest selling point of this phone. Battery life is quite good as well. I wonder when the otterbox is due to release their case for this phone though.
I keep hearing people complain about touchwiz and compare it to Apple. Last time I checked I could change all the software on my Samsung phones, I could not change it on Apple phones. I have yet to see an Apple phone run better than a rooted android phone with some of the great mods that are out there.
I keep hearing people complain about touchwiz and compare it to Apple. Last time I checked I could change all the software on my Samsung phones, I could not change it on Apple phones. I have yet to see an Apple phone run better than a rooted android phone with some of the great mods that are out there.

Its compared because they compete against each other. It should not be the only comparison though
I keep hearing people complain about touchwiz and compare it to Apple. Last time I checked I could change all the software on my Samsung phones, I could not change it on Apple phones. I have yet to see an Apple phone run better than a rooted android phone with some of the great mods that are out there.

Here's the thing: normal people don't root their phones. You must always remember that.

Moreover, if you hate the standard interface for your device... you bought the wrong phone. Not only are you making more work for yourself, you're rewarding the company for its bad behavior. Buy an LG G3. Buy a Nexus 6 when it shows up. Heck, buy an iPhone 6 Plus. But don't buy a Galaxy Note 4 if you think Samsung is on the wrong track, because you're just encouraging more of the same (and this is Samsung, so it's guaranteed to provide more of the same).
I keep hearing people complain about touchwiz and compare it to Apple. Last time I checked I could change all the software on my Samsung phones, I could not change it on Apple phones. I have yet to see an Apple phone run better than a rooted android phone with some of the great mods that are out there.

Except having to root the phone and install 3rd party mods could be interpreted as a strike AGAINST Samsung, as very few people who own this phone are going to be assed enough to do that.
Here's the thing: normal people don't root their phones. You must always remember that.

Moreover, if you hate the standard interface for your device... you bought the wrong phone. Not only are you making more work for yourself, you're rewarding the company for its bad behavior. Buy an LG G3. Buy a Nexus 6 when it shows up. Heck, buy an iPhone 6 Plus. But don't buy a Galaxy Note 4 if you think Samsung is on the wrong track, because you're just encouraging more of the same (and this is Samsung, so it's guaranteed to provide more of the same).

Umm...okay. I am wondering why we are having a conversation about 'normal' people in a forum of hardware enthusiasts? Also, your argument about supporting the company is moot, because I am buying the phone due to its hardware capabilities. So yes, I do want to reward a company for a nice looking phone with very good hardware specs compared to what is out on the market. And the fact that I 'can' root it and install my own software is a double plus. And I want to encourage good hardware on good phones that also allow me to install my own software..
Except having to root the phone and install 3rd party mods could be interpreted as a strike AGAINST Samsung, as very few people who own this phone are going to be assed enough to do that.

I dont see how its a strike, Samsung has amazing hardware in their phones but they put way to much of themselves into the software
Umm...okay. I am wondering why we are having a conversation about 'normal' people in a forum of hardware enthusiasts?

Because even on [H] the number of people who go that route is pretty low, since rooting brings with it a loss of warranty and the possibility of bricking your expensive new device. Its just not as straightforward as modding a PC.
Because even on [H] the number of people who go that route is pretty low, since rooting brings with it a loss of warranty and the possibility of bricking your expensive new device. Its just not as straightforward as modding a PC.

Any modding of a device takes some research but having the option to do is great to have.
Because even on [H] the number of people who go that route is pretty low, since rooting brings with it a loss of warranty and the possibility of bricking your expensive new device. Its just not as straightforward as modding a PC.

Really? Modding a PC can also result in bricking your PC. It can also result in loss of warranty. There isn't as much of a difference as you seem to think. And I know lots of people who are just regular Joe's that root their devices. I have yet to see any of them lose their warranty over it. Even ones that have bricked their phones have still gotten them repaired under warranty. So again, I fail to see what all the doom and gloom is about when Samsung is making great devices that work well out of the box and work even better with a little bit of time rooting and reinstalling. The process to root and install mods is almost embarrassingly easy now.
Really? Modding a PC can also result in bricking your PC. It can also result in loss of warranty. There isn't as much of a difference as you seem to think. And I know lots of people who are just regular Joe's that root their devices. I have yet to see any of them lose their warranty over it. Even ones that have bricked their phones have still gotten them repaired under warranty. So again, I fail to see what all the doom and gloom is about when Samsung is making great devices that work well out of the box and work even better with a little bit of time rooting and reinstalling. The process to root and install mods is almost embarrassingly easy now.

curious how do you "root" your PC?
curious how do you "root" your PC?

One, I never said I "rooted" my PC, but if you want to play that game, my PC came "rooted" like most PCs. Curious how you don't know how to do that? "Rooting" is the process of gaining elevated permissions for a device or software. It is not really a new term, it has been around for ages.
One, I never said I "rooted" my PC, but if you want to play that game, my PC came "rooted" like most PCs. Curious how you don't know how to do that? "Rooting" is the process of gaining elevated permissions for a device or software. It is not really a new term, it has been around for ages.

For a moment there I was confused but thanks for clearing it up.

My personal take:

Rooting a Smartphone and Modding a PC are two very distinct things that share certain similarities. Modding a PC, which [H] is all about is usually going against the grain regarding a set hardware setup. Rooting a smartphone involves changing software level permissions, and never touching the hardware. Again they might sound the same but they are not (maybe when the new modular phone from Google launches).
Umm...okay. I am wondering why we are having a conversation about 'normal' people in a forum of hardware enthusiasts? Also, your argument about supporting the company is moot, because I am buying the phone due to its hardware capabilities. So yes, I do want to reward a company for a nice looking phone with very good hardware specs compared to what is out on the market. And the fact that I 'can' root it and install my own software is a double plus. And I want to encourage good hardware on good phones that also allow me to install my own software..

Because the "just root your phone" answer is a cop-out. An excuse. An apology. It says you're willing to buy broken products with the hopes of fixing them yourself.

And remember, Samsung doesn't normally ask you why you bought a device. If you shell out for a Galaxy Note 4, you're explicitly endorsing everything behind that product. As far as it's concerned, you now love TouchWiz. Want Samsung to tone it down and make something you'd like to buy? Get something else -- it's only going to listen to your demands if you stop handing over money like an unquestioning automaton.
Because the "just root your phone" answer is a cop-out. An excuse. An apology. It says you're willing to buy broken products with the hopes of fixing them yourself.

It's perfectly okay to buy a piece of hardware expecting to run an OS that's different from the one the manufacturer put on it. The last time I bought a laptop, I bought a mac book pro, not because I'm in love with OSX but because it had the most appealing form factor and specs compared to other models I was looking at. I ran windows on it most of the time. If everyone is so enamored with the hardware specs on samsung phones then let them buy it. It's infinitely more difficult to buy something else and then try to change the hardware inside the phone (e.g. processor, ram, screen, etc...).

If you want to hold manufacturers accountable to produce the perfect combination of hardware and software for your tastes then I hope you get lucky and the committee of people tasked with defining the specs and software for the phone you'll buy are exactly in tune with you needs and desires.
Am I the only person who doesn't hate TouchWiz? I never rooted my S4 because I never felt there was something I was missing out on that required root access. I also haven't run any other ROMs so maybe I just don't know what I'm missing out on.
Am I the only person who doesn't hate TouchWiz? I never rooted my S4 because I never felt there was something I was missing out on that required root access. I also haven't run any other ROMs so maybe I just don't know what I'm missing out on.

No, its a very loud minority who dislike it. It has its quirks but I don't hate it either.
No, its a very loud minority who dislike it. It has its quirks but I don't hate it either.

Same here.i have galaxy s3,s4 and now note 4. Dont really have any complain about touchwiz. Never also rooted any of my phone. Just use it as it is. Dont see anything wrong with it, thats why i dont understand the hate:rolleyes:
I used to root mainly for WIFI tether but it's no longer needed since Foxfi achieves the same without root. There's nothing wrong with Touchwiz and even on an old 2012 Galaxy Note II in real world usage like browser scrolling performance it's much faster and smoother than the iPhone 6+ with the buggy lagfest iOS 8 that's half the OS in terms of features. Just upgraded my iPad to iOS 8.1 beta 2 and it still lags and stutters on basic stuff like browsing.
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