GALLERY! Show off your HTPC!

Hello everyone. This is my setup that i have been now working on for a year.

46 inch sammy lcd
hk receiver
paradigm mains


amd 780g mobo
amd 5000 black edition
2 gigs corsair
lite-on blu-ray
antec fusion case

My next purchase will be a matching center for my mains,then a new receiver.
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Just got my Silverstone LC13-B in ye olde mail. so psyched to wire it up when everything else comes in. Quality of construction is amazing. reminds me of my old TJ-07.
I used to have a Antec Fusion with a AMD X2 4850e, 2GB, Gigabyte 780G....Until the day i spotted the ION 330. Sold the Fusion for the same money i bought the 330 for, and i could simply NOT be more happy!


What kinda box is that... i hate my bulky (shuttle pc like) case that i have (even though it sits behind my HTPC box). I also have a nice little tiny ion
not yet, i want one but i live in a apartment.
That sux. I feel your pain. I used to live in an apt. I refused to get a real HTS until I got a house. That was my motivation, LOL.

Now I can rock on w/ a 12" sub and only hurt my hearing w/o disturbing neighbors. :cool:

What, did you say something? :p
^That's pretty much the main thing driving me to desire a house right now. I can deal with all the other hassles of apartment life without much stress. But not being able to crank movies up to the point where it has any real impact has become the major roadblock between me and a perfect life.
I feel you fellow apartment dwellers pain, but actually at the moment, the apartment below and across the hall from me are empty. So while i can, "Let the good times roll."
^That's pretty much the main thing driving me to desire a house right now. I can deal with all the other hassles of apartment life without much stress. But not being able to crank movies up to the point where it has any real impact has become the major roadblock between me and a perfect life.
Yep, I know what you feel like. I once had a downstairs neighbor tell me that the bass from my 60 W JVC shelf stereo system was affecting his pacemaker. WTF? :rolleyes:

Now that I'm in a house, it's all about "All your bass are belong to us." :D

BTW, you got about a month left if you want to cash in on the $8k 1st time home buyer's tax credit.
page 1 is full of silly posts lol. white crts, 9600 powered HTPCS, and 1280x1024 GAMING GOODNESS! :D
Here are some photos of my monster (taken with a small digi cam, sooo don't mind the crappy photos, im actually really talented at photos and have a real DSLR, its just easier with the point and shoot)... i took it out to see if i could add one more HD (which I can) which i'll be using to store TV content i record when my new tuner comes in:






Old photo (the screen on the left is a 15" Touch screen, no longer hooked up)... mind the red carpet, i live with a family member sooo its a little out dated the decorations (all furniture is from my old apartment really):

My HTPC: H2O cooled Antec Aria, Barton 2500+, 9800 AIW, 120gb 7200rpm HD, TDK 4x DVD burner, and 512mb RAM (needs an upgrade.)

Picture of the radiator mounted on the left hand side panel (facing the front)

Radiator and intake fan mounted looking from the top.

The case in my rack:

And my setup in all it's glory:

H20 cooled 9800 oh no he didnt!!!!!!! :D
Damn, got me beat. 9600 in my HTPC, no H20 though, do'h

Got most of us beat. I don't water cool mine. It's all stock cpu and gpu air cooled. I don't need the excees cooling to watch BD movies. Air cooling I don't notice the fan noise even when tv is off.
If you have to watercool your HTPC, you might have too much power. Unless you're using it to rip and encode files then it kinda makes sense. There are some HTPC's in here that actually beat out my main rig.
My HTPC used to have Wi-Fi. Then I upgraded it from Vista/32 to 7/64 and my Abit PCI-e Wi-Fi card no longer worked. For the time being, I ran a long and fugly Ethernet cable to it until I found a new Wi-Fi solution. Then I finally did when I bought a Rosewill PCI Wi-Fi card that reviews said works just fine w/ 7/64, and I found that to be true. :cool: No more unsightly Ethernet cable to my HTPC. Of course the LAN speed drops a lot, but I don't frequently transfer large files between it and my main PC.
I am thinking of going wireless eventually, and I was wondering, has anyone ever used a purely internal wireless card? I was thinking of one of these:
... that I could use with a laptop card I have laying around.

The idea, of course, is to limit the crazy external antenna that I always end up breaking.
^ The external antenna that came w/ both of my Wi-Fi cards has a cord, so you can put the antenna within a yard of the PC. In my case, it was long enough for me to put it behind my DLP TV. I have 100% signal strength. The router is basically directly above the HTPC/TV area in my office upstairs.
My Home Theater

My 1080P HDTV Sony KDL-46V2500, Klipsch Quintet SL, and Sony Playstation3 40GB.

Here is my HTPC(look in sig), Sony VCR, Sony STR-DG910, Toshiba A-30 HDDVD, Sony S300 Bluray Player, and Klipsch 10" Sub.

My complete system.

Saving up for Klipsch F2 floorstanding speakers and Klipsch S-2 surrond speakers. Also going to get my hands on a Xbox 360 elite by fall.
Tell me what you guys think...

I updated quite a few things in my home theater. I do not beleive I will be upgrading any more for a good long time. I upgraded my TV to a Sony KDL-52W4100. I love the 120Hz picture on this thing. I replaced all my home theater speakers. I now have Kliptch F3 fronts, C3 center, S2 sides, S2 rears, and a Sub12. To power all those speakers I have a Sony STR-DN1000. The surround sound come from all around you. It sounds as good as it looks.

I was tired of the hand me down furniture I had, so invested in some good furniture. It ties everything together very well I think. Here is what my new setup now looks like. I hope you like this. I know I do......

Here is a view from my seating area. You can see the big Kiptch speakers. I was looking at the smaller ones but got a deal on these.

Here are the two side views. You can see the side speakers up high on the wall.


Here is the view of the seating area. You can see the placement of the back speakers. They sound great. You can hear the seperation in the all the speakers. Just listen to a movie.

Here you can see all the equipment in one place rather than in a separate audio cabinet. Before, it was hard to use the remote to turn on everything I needed. Now I just point at the TV and it works.


I no longer invest in going to the movie theater. I just wait till it comes out on bluray and watch it at home. I think the sound alone is much better.
Very nice setup. I can't wait to get a house so I can get mine all setup clean like this.
Very nice, AppleJD. And "Matrix" FTW! :cool:

The only "critique" I'd have is to find a way to hide the cables that are being run to your rear speakers. You can, for example, fish them up the wall in the back so that the speaker wires aren't visible back there.
Very nice, AppleJD. And "Matrix" FTW! :cool:

The only "critique" I'd have is to find a way to hide the cables that are being run to your rear speakers. You can, for example, fish them up the wall in the back so that the speaker wires aren't visible back there.

The Matrix is just what happened to be in the HD DVD player. I want to run the cable through the wall but not looking forward to it. It is an old house with blown in insulation.
The Matrix is just what happened to be in the HD DVD player. I want to run the cable through the wall but not looking forward to it. It is an old house with blown in insulation.

You could always buy the covers for them and run them under the baseboard and then straight up the wall. Then paint the covers the same color as the wall. That way if you have to move them later your not replastering holes and rerunning wires.
Cool setup, AppleJD. Where is the center speaker? Is it sitting above the fireplace above/behind the screen?
You could always buy the covers for them and run them under the baseboard and then straight up the wall. Then paint the covers the same color as the wall. That way if you have to move them later your not replastering holes and rerunning wires.
Yep, that' a good option for him. In my game room, I bought some cable track system from Home Depot, which has something similar to that Monoprice link you provided.
dude where did your fireplace go????


TV looks great..... like others have said, either run those wires in the wall or use a raceway..... ( i hate raceways, if you own the house rip into that sheet rock or plaster and put some conduit in there.
1st time poster here. Going to build my 1st HTPC, but a gaming one within in mind. I had an AMD 940 Denab build in a Lian LI PC V-1110 case but have sold most of it except my watercooling, LG blu ray drive and hard drives. These will be my specs for my build and bringing the case to a machine shop to get holes drilled for my raditor and ventilation for them on side with no power supply. Already ordered my cpu and motherboard and shortly my memory will be here.


Case: N Media PC 6000B
CPU: I7 920
MB: EVGA x58 SLI Micro
RAM: G Skill 6gx2 DDR31600
GPU: ATI 5970
PS: Corsair HX850(I have a hx 650 but going to bump to keep it safe)
Optical: LG Blu Rau player(already own)
HDDs: WD 250and 640 (Later on upgrade to raptor 300 and a Seagate 2TB)
Cooling: Koolance setup I already own
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Thought i would show my i7 (front room htpc) and my i5 (bedroom htpc) The i7 i built back in august 2009 before the ATI 5870's were launched. The i5 i built in january after selling my old q6600, mobo and ram.

i7 specs:

antec fusion max case loads of holes cut for cables and sprayed matt black
i7 920 @ 4.0ghz
magalehems push pull setup
asus rampage II extreme x58
2 x asus top gtx 285's sli
Corsair XMS3 6GB 1600mhz
seasonic m12d 850w
creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium
2 x 1 tb samsung f1
LG GGW-H20L Blu-ray Drive/HD DVD
2 x 120mm akasa apache case fans
win 7 ulitmate 64bit
samsung 40"






i5 specs:

antec fusion max case again cut around for cables and sprayed black
i5 750
corsair h50 cooler push pull setup
Asus Maximus III Formula p55
4gb g skill ripjaws @ 2000mhz
evga gtx260 216 55nm
antec true power trio 650w
LG GGW-H20L Blu-ray Drive/HD DVD
2 x 120mm akasa apache case fans painted red/black
2 x 1 tb samsung f1
win 7 64 bit
samsung 32"





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^ Looks sweet. Congrats! Their specs - esp. the i7's - look more like gaming PCs than just HTPCs. You put a lot of goodies under the hood. :cool:
^ Looks sweet. Congrats! Their specs - esp. the i7's - look more like gaming PCs than just HTPCs. You put a lot of goodies under the hood. :cool:

Thanks Beowulf7 you are right about the i7 as i built that for gaming hence the sli gtx 285's but i wanted to use it in my front room connected to my tv so went with the htpc case.

The i5 i used the gpu and psu from my old gaming rig hence the higher then usual spec for a htpc, it does have a nova s2 tv card so is used mainly for watching blu rays/hd dvds, tv and movie storage.

I will be replacing the gtx260 for ati 5 series card when the prices level out as they use less power, but will most likely keep the gtx 285's as they still have plenty of power at the resolution i play at.

Case: 2U Norco
CPU: Intel E4400
Mobo: Intel G33 something
Video: ATI 4350 with HDMI out
HD: 80gb somthing
DVD-Rom: writemaster dvd+rw (never use it)

this streams music (FLAC), DVD ISO's, and Blu-Ray ISO's from my media server