Gamasutra: When big games launch badly


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 26, 2004
Found an interesting article on Gamasutra, worth the read: When big games launch badly: Breaking the 'vicious cycle'..

This is the industry as it is. Many gamers have a clue, but this article clears up a lot for those who want to know more. When you are in the trenches working on stuff and you see these things from a mile away... very painful.
Reason why you see more character in Indi games then Big boxed AAA games.
Pressure Aggression what are we doing anyway? Like Destiny and Bungie
I wouldn't complain about Battlefield 4 that game is Bug Free the only glitch I found was zero sound on some servers.
Reason why you see more character in Indi games then Big boxed AAA games.
Pressure Aggression what are we doing anyway? Like Destiny and Bungie
I wouldn't complain about Battlefield 4 that game is Bug Free the only glitch I found was zero sound on some servers.

BF4 was bug free??

Umm.. what? :confused:

Dude you might want to re-read what you posted that or at least put down the pipe :)
Bug-free or not, the problem is that games ship with show-stopping bugs due to pressure to hit a date or budget.