Game Disc Changer/Carousel accessory?


Oct 19, 2005
How about this for an accessory current generation of games....a 5 disc carousel so you dont have to swap discs through the 360 or PS3's annoying disc drive (wii looks to be slot loading so its not so much of an issue)? I honestly hate waiting for the drawer to close, the disc to spin up and then starting to play...I also hate having to fetch the disc from the case and a PC gamer, one thing that annoys me about Consoles is having to keep up with discs, whereas on PC you can create an ISO (of anything short star force protected games) and then just put your CDs away.

I figure with the USB connection options, why not hook up something like this and add a dashboard selector to jump straight from one game to another? Give it HD/BlueRay player capabilities and it would really shine as you could have like 3 games in and a couple of movies....

also, if the 360 ends up publishing games on multiple dvd9's it would easier to keep them all in the carousel...

watcha think?:confused:
So instead of waiting for the tray to close and the disk to spin up, you would rather thumb through a disk menu, choose a disk, wait for that disk to load, spin up and then play,

Why do people think we are above Disc's?

Not trying to be a jerk, it would be cool for novelty purpose but i don't think it would be anything more.
So instead of waiting for the tray to close and the disk to spin up, you would rather thumb through a disk menu, choose a disk, wait for that disk to load, spin up and then play,

Why do people think we are above Disc's?

Not trying to be a jerk, it would be cool for novelty purpose but i don't think it would be anything more.

add to the beginning of your process: peering through the spines of multiple games or movies, selecting the correct game, opening the case, carefully pulling out the disc careful to not touch the data side lest the possibility of fingerprints on the disc and hazarding a dirty disc error in the middle of a game, waiting for the tray to open, putting it in, then pick up at your steps. thumbing through a menu is a lot less hassle for me.

my thing is, I'd rather not have to handle the games and keep track of them any more than I need to. Like I said, I'm spoiled by my PCs lack of a need to constantly swap discs. right now I want to play madden, ncaa and gears of war at different times depending on what else I'm trying to multi-task or play with friends...soon I'll be adding PGR4 to that mixed list. one less reason to open that drawer would be more than a novelty for me.

no one says we are above discs...just looking for less reason to handle them :p
People just want to do the smallest amount of work to get by, We could create a government agency to change cd's for people, since people think the gov should take care of their kids cause they are to busy or think they are fragile.

I mean for real, I have been changing discs since CD's came out and i have not ruined a single one!

Sorry in advance for being a jerk :D
Hey, at least we're not blowing out our NES cartridges anymore.
This is why people are fat.

nope, people are fat cause they eat mcdonald's and chips while gaming...or doing anything at all really.

at any rate, looks like its not much a market after all...still, it would be a useful accessory for me
nope, people are fat cause they eat mcdonald's and chips while gaming...or doing anything at all really.

at any rate, looks like its not much a market after all...still, it would be a useful accessory for me

I think the point he was trying to make is that people don't do anything but sit on their asses all day. I'll admit that I'm guilty of it. I'm way out of shape. I'm fat and I don't eat McDonalds nor do I eat chips while gaming. I try to eat healthy (like salmon, low-fat meats, low-carb stuff, whole-wheat and whole-grain foods) with decent portions, so I know that's not the problem.

If changing a disk in your video game system is too strenuous for you, then what does that say?
I see the market for such a device, but I personally wouldn't be interested in one. Mostly because I know I would just forget what disc I had in there, and just have to get up and go open the tray anyways to check (which used to happen all the time when I had a 5-disc DVD changer).

Also the PS3 has a slot load drive aswell.
Honestly, I don't change disks often enough for something like that to be worth the cost and extra shelf space. I usually leave the disk in the drive until I finish the game...for example Forza 2 stayed in my 360 for about 3 weeks. Of course I also think 5 disk dvd players are silly..but I can see where they would be useful if you had young kids who watched the same movies over and over. (or had an entire day to kill watching the LOTR triology)
This is why the HDLoader for PS2 is so popular ^^

I'd much rather a way to import the game images completely to HDD and play with minimal load times. This of course requires a large hard drive. Then again, I know people with 300+gb s in their PS2s
i want such a device for my snes. hmm maybe with enough erector set and knex parts and mindstorm bits. hmm.
I think the point he was trying to make is that people don't do anything but sit on their asses all day. I'll admit that I'm guilty of it. I'm way out of shape. I'm fat and I don't eat McDonalds nor do I eat chips while gaming. I try to eat healthy (like salmon, low-fat meats, low-carb stuff, whole-wheat and whole-grain foods) with decent portions, so I know that's not the problem.

If changing a disk in your video game system is too strenuous for you, then what does that say?

you gotta exercise, m8.

sigh, like I said, I never claimed changing discs was strenuous, difficult, unreasonable or otherwise out of the question, merely that a mechanism by which to not have to would be pleasant. I dont see why some of you folks need to try to insult in order to say you wouldnt be interested though....