Game Freezes


Jul 19, 2005
Im having an issue with my gaming rig. During gameplay all of the sudden the screen will freeze, it could be 5 minutes into the game or 20 minutes, makes no difference. Everything on my PC runs at stock, no overclocks. My GPU temperature never gets above 85 and im checking it right now just to make sure its not the problem. I've had my Antec powersupply for 3 years or so now, its very quiet and as a matter of fact i've never even heard the fan spin up really high..I did however hear a fan throttling up and down last night before it crashed, but I could not pinpoint where it was coming from..Any suggesions? Specs are in my sig.
AFAIK there is a high failure rate in the TruePower Antecs, do you have another PSU to try out with this machine?
If the fan on the PSU is running at full speed then it is time for a new psu.

My old psu, Thermaltake toughpower did the same thing- fan spin up and computer shut off.

Change the psu and the power was fixed.
Check Antec PSU for leaking capacitors (their OEM used really crappy ones for a while), possibly check with another PSU if you have access as mentioned.
Check to see if your power supply is still under warranty and try out another PSU.