Game of the Year?

A real gamer wouldn't put any FPS in their GOTY-list.
Except for S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Bethesda games.

Anyway Dragon Age is probably the most fun and engrossing experience I've had since The Witcher.

uh... there's been plenty of shooters that deserved GOTY.
Not this year, I admit though.
phucking uncharted 2... jesus mary and all the saints

that game is unreal in its scope, execution an implementation...
I'm not sure what Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, and the saints have to do with Uncharted 2, but I'll take your word for it.
I was going to say Batman AA, but then Assassin's Creed II came out, game of the friggin year.
The games ive played, Borderlands. Although a lot of people are saying Dragon Age, so maybe i should play that next
Dragon Age is the GOTY for me.

It isn't the best looking game. The world design is outdated. The combat is grueling. But its still amazing and enthralling in a way that apparently only Bioware can manage. I become attached to my character and I have my favorite party members. Despite the fact that the game world isn't open, every level feels like its apart of something greater. The combat takes effort which in turn gives you a sense of accomplishment after every battle. As far as the stoy I feel that this game is holding nothing back, anything could happen to your party which is almost nail biting. The only time I put it down is when I feel that I need a break just to process all of what has transpired in the game. This game has epic masterpeice written all over it while the other games while great were just not quite as good.

The games ive played, Borderlands. Although a lot of people are saying Dragon Age, so maybe i should play that next

I can't in good conscience say Borderlands is my GOTY. I love it a lot but I just can't say it. Borderlands hits all the right buttons, the guns are amazing the fights are frantic and the game is beautiful and unique. And it runs so well, everything you want from an FPS. At the end of the day though it doesn't feel like the GOTY to me and I can't put my finger on it.

The other game I feel that I am shorting is of course Batman Arkham Asylum which was brilliant in every way.
nothing beats being able to pick between giving life, or bringing death to someone and the choice is all yours in Dragon Age.

Poor Connor, I'll leave his mother to her grief
damn you guys made me go and get Dragon Age
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Uncharted 2. No Contest. If it doesn't win I'd say because it's PS3 only.
Uncharted 2. No Contest. If it doesn't win I'd say because it's PS3 only.

Not even sure how the last place console scored that one as an exclusive. It would have sold as well or better on the 360 and at least passably well on the PC as well.
Not even sure how the last place console scored that one as an exclusive. It would have sold as well or better on the 360 and at least passably well on the PC as well.

Well, isn't it published & developed by one of Sony's studios? :p
Won't win because dragon age is better.

No. I'm playing Uncharted now, and I'm dabbling in Dragon Age. It's no comparison. Uncharted 2 gives such an amazing experience. The humor, action, cinematics, presentation, scale, animation, controls, etc - it's all top notch.

I think Uncharted has a much more widespread demographic than Dragon Age as well.
Not even sure how the last place console scored that one as an exclusive. It would have sold as well or better on the 360 and at least passably well on the PC as well.

360 sucks. That's all I say.
I fail to see how Uncharted 2 having a widespread demographic has to do with the topic at hand, i asked what YOUR game of the year was, not what you think the GOTY will be for everyone else
Take your flame war to PM's please

both consoles have their redeeming features, bickering over which one sucks or not isn't really relevant to this discussion.
IMO, the best PS3 game of 2009 should be one of the following
- Battman AA
- Uncharted 2
- Killzone 2.
Batman has my vote.