Game of Thrones Stars' Personal Details Leaked as HBO Hackers Demand Ransom


Aug 20, 2006
Hackers have released the personal addresses and phone numbers of Game of Thrones actors, as well as emails and scripts, in the latest dump of data stolen from HBO. They are threatening to release the entirety of Season 7 unless a multimillion-dollar ransom is paid. Interestingly, the show has managed to break viewership records despite all of the leaks.

The hackers claim to have taken 1.5TB of data – the equivalent to several TV series box sets or millions of documents – but HBO said that it doesn’t believe its email system as a whole has been compromised, although it did acknowledge the theft of “proprietary information”. HBO said it is continuing to investigate and is working with police and cybersecurity experts. The hackers demanded “our six-month salary in bitcoin”, claiming they earn $12m to $15m a year from blackmailing organisations whose networks they have breached.
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The scripts I don't really care about. As a fan, I'll just avoid all the spoilers. The personal information though, I can understand how it's a big deal. Hopefully things get resolved.
With GoT seasons being so short , i dont see the point in watching some low quality post-production version of the episodes
at the moment all i care is to avoid spoilers.

100% agree. I looked to see what was leak and when I saw it was only 360p, I was like yea I am going to wait until it is on for better IQ, and oh man am I happy I did. Last episode was really good and well worth the wait.
When I see my first spoiler on Game of Thrones on Facebook...
Yeah, why would HBO care if the season was released? The people who will illegally obtain the season will just get it earlier, and the ones that pay for monthly subscriptions will keep their subscriptions because HBO is more than just GoT. However, there will be a really small segment that will stop their subscription, but I doubt it's enough to make HBO worry at all.

I like discussing the latest episode of GoT with friends and coworkers. It's fun to get everybody's opinions on what they saw and what they expect to see next week and beyond.
But maybe I'm just old fashioned and don't want to binge watch new series because I think it's not quite as engaging that way.
the episode leak might have helped as this past week's episode was the highest rated one in the show's history...
How would leaking it have "helped" anything? This was the best episode of GoT we've seen in a long time anyway. You think it would have been any less revered had we all waited until Sunday to watch? (Which I did anyway TBH since I didnt want to watch something with a watermark). This idea that piracy is helping GoT is absurd. HBO needs no assistance selling this show lol. You cant be results oriented and act like a show is more popular because 100,000,000 watched it instead of 50,000,000 due to piracy. Because those other 50m people still wanted to watch it, so the popularity metric is unchanged.
I pay to watch this show, I don't care about shitty copies.
It's so damn annoying that I have to spend most of the week avoiding spoilers because of this shit.
Get your damn shit together HBO.
I don't see this affecting the subscription market at all.

What it 'should' mess up is the Box Set sales (buying the full season Digital/Physical).
Releasing personal details is pretty low for even those scumbag hackers...I'm pretty sure they know there is no money to be had, they just want attention.
What it 'should' mess up is the Box Set sales (buying the full season Digital/Physical).

Why would it?? The leaked episode was absolutely garbage quality, and I can only assume the others will be as well (if there are others).

It makes no sense. "Fuck buying the boxset, I'm going to enjoy me some pixelated garbage on my TV instead" said nobody, ever.