Game to run on your HTPC?


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2005
I've been sitting on a giftable copy of Half Life 2 since the Orange Box first came out. Everyone I know has already played it. I figure this might be a good game for somebody w/an HTPC designed for "light gaming". I've been asking questions and learning from others in this forum so I figured I'd see if anyone here wants it.

You'll have to have Steam installed and registered on your computer. First to PM me their Steam ID gets it.
Go retro... put a nes emulator on there and load your "legal" copy of Super Mario brothers 3,2, etc... its an awesome time at parties. Just pick up a nice usb joystick or wireless one and your set.
Somebody bit. Offer void.

Also, thanks for the tip ferrisnox. That's a really good idea.