Gamer Stabbed in Head For Using Wallhack

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The next time you are playing Counter-Strike and you think about using a wallhack to cheat, just remember there are people out there that use hacks too…on your head. WARNING: The guy that got stabbed actually lived but the second picture is pretty gruesome, you might not want to click the link from work / school / your mom’s house. Blame forum member Cliché for the link.
I can't imagine anyone getting that upset about someone else cheating...
Well, the guy who was stabbed might not have died. But the assailant who did the stabbing might disappear permanently.
Lesson to be learned:

Someone's always got l33ter hacks than you do. :p
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I opened it while eating some ice cream. I manned up the warning...but now I can't finish the damn ice cream.
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnn. That guy took that game a little too serious.
I'm glad I play mostly single player games. Or at least when i play online the people are in other countries.
He shouldn't of skipped out on buying the helmet.

Seriously though, whoever stabbed him should be put to death. Because they have serious issues, I mean even if the kid was taunting him and being an overbearing prick... A punch in the mouth is at the absolute MOST should ever happen.

But I don't even believe in that.. It's sad people let others get to them so easily.
I can dance all day, I can dance all day!!!

Goes to show you, everyone runs faster with a knife equipped.
Strangley, the second picture looked pretty normal? I work in a hospital in a laundry department while going to university and one of my responsibilities is opening bags of OR (Operating Room) remnants and loading them into a washer. I'm pretty consistently seeing the sheets, gowns, doctors uniforms, draws and any device after they have been used for minor, major or trauma surgery. Seeing that knife in this guy's head was kind of 'oh' and I continued eating my cookies sadly.
Strangley, the second picture looked pretty normal? I work in a hospital in a laundry department while going to university and one of my responsibilities is opening bags of OR (Operating Room) remnants and loading them into a washer. I'm pretty consistently seeing the sheets, gowns, doctors uniforms, draws and any device after they have been used for minor, major or trauma surgery. Seeing that knife in this guy's head was kind of 'oh' and I continued eating my cookies sadly.

That's desensitization for you. It's what makes the world ACTUALLY go round.
lol dang, some people just get real angry i guess. Luckily that guy survived.
I don't play CS but, does surviving this give the guy some kind of achievement? :D
Don't use cheats, kids.

Also, looks like the other guy just racked up a massive...

*puts on sunglasses*

Ouch really sucks being stabbed. I wonder if he will remember it all...? Probably will be avoiding counterstrike for awhile too.

They havn't fixed the many year old bugs in countersrike yet?
Isn't there ...something better now than Counter Strike to play though? I mean, I know some people are pretty die-hard about old games from their childhood, etc but still... There must have been at least 40+ games that have come up in the fps genre since Counter-strike's release. With strategy games like Starcraft, at least you could use the excuse that there have been probably less than a dozen triple a strategy game releases and some of those might be less action-orientated/more city-building based.
I'm really surprised he survived, let alone with no apparent damage to his motor functions...that's insane! But in the head. I know people get pissed off over silly things but DAMN! :p
yep... with rail gun.

Oh and.. fuck me in the ass with a garden implement!!!!!!!!!! that shit looked bad.. wow!

Sometimes you don't know if someone is joking...or actually typing it out because they want it but merely passing it off as a joke. jking.

Well, it's a fail headshot/kill since the guy is alive. He clearly bought kevlar and helmet.