Games enter your dreams?


Aug 24, 2004
Has anyone ever had a dream about games?

Last night I had a dream that I was walking around in 3rd person view and I had the blue and red mana things at the bottom of my vision - daiblo style. It was fucked.

On and off I have had lingering dreams about EQ2 before nights which we have scheduled for EPIC raids.

Mixes in there with my frequent dreams of when I was back in college. I keep dreaming that I've forgotten to study for class, or i'm late on a paper, or that i'm getting kicked out for some odd reason. I wake up after the dream all out of breath and sweating.

Kind of funny though. I talk to my parents on the phone on and off and my father seems to have the same school dream about being in trouble or late for something.
Had a dream once I was the shadow from the movie and I was fighting a bad guy in a big wharehouse. I was fighting him and he managed to knock me on my back and he fired a gun point blank into my head. I woke up in a cold sweat and I could feel a tingling sensation in my forehead where he shot me.
When I played Quake alot, I kept have a recurring dream about picking up "Red Armor" in the hallways of my
Playing Doom back in the day made me terrified of walking down the hallway at night, afraid those damn pink aliens would come outa nowhere and get me.
Hehe! If I play a game right before bed, I rarely can just fall right to's like drinking a pot of coffee.
Funny this thread came up, my friends and I were talking about this yesterday.

The top 3 that I can still remember the details too:

1) When I went through my 2 months of non stop WoW. I often thought i was an undead priest and had dreams fearing people.

2) The dreams where I was Spawn. I actually dreamt it 3-4 times and it's probably the coolest dreams I ever had. Although one dream happened after I beat the video game, most happened when I watched the animated series.

3) Since I'm a FPS whore, I get a lot of "war" dreams. They usually end up me having a cardboard sword or fake gun. :(
nah, i dont remember having any game related dreams, i can't even remember the last dream i had (for real, and i know we all dream everyday, you just dont remember them)
This may sound a bit creepy but a number of people die every other night in my dreams which usually involve games in some form.

But Jack Thompson can bite me, because if games taught me to do anything, it taught me to headshot terrorists.
I have not had a dream, that I can remember when I wake up, in longer then I can remember.

In other news ....

Scientist link THC with changes in REM sleep.

..... coincidence .... you decide.


but yea ive had some wak dreams after playin battlefield 2 all damn day.....
I remember this one dream i had a few months ago.

I was playing Doom3 for about a week straight.

Well i kept waking up every hour that night. Having all these cold sweet nightmare's about doom3. I was the marine getting killed or running. It was wife found it wierd that i dream about games... :D
Sometimes I have nightmares if being chased by gnoll bashers with about 3 health left and a millisecond short of hitting the key for desperate prayer, then dying without a soulstone. Oh why didn't I take that free +5 health minor brace enchant earlier?
not so much dreams, but i remember, when doom2 was relatively new...i was like 14 or 15, playing it on a p166 w/32mb ram, wheeee flying for doom2 i know...but i used to stay up all nite on fridays and saturdays on my weekends off from school, playin doom all nite, sometimes the actual game tryin to play thru it, othertimes just user made maps and whatnot. and whenever i had to go take a leak in the nite, walkin down the hallway and to the bathroom was quite terrifying. one time the cat dashed by me cuz i scared it and i scream out at like 3am AAAAHHHH!!!!! parents get up and i explain im freaked out cuz of this game, and the damn cat freaked me out....heh, i quit stayin up so late playing after that
I actually had a Deja Vu moment playing Morrowind. It was after I left Balmoral the first time to do some exploring and approached Fort Moonmoth. As I approached the Fort I felt I had seen the Fort in my dreams long before the game came out. I actually sat there for a number of minutes staring at the screen and the Fort. A strange thing indeed. One thing to have Deja Vu, but never with a game. After playing it a lot I remember having dreams with that music going on in my head.
So its hard for me to get up for work in the morning becuase im not a morning person.
this morning from what my fiance was trying to get up for work but i was in mid dream/awake. I was in the middle of a gun fight and she said i yelled "I cant! Im in the Last Man Standing!!!!" then after i threw the covers over my head she pulled them off and i whispered. "Stop!! im camping!!"
I remembered another game dream that I had while I was reading over these.

It was a year or two ago. I dreamt that I was in a huge field with about 30 other people and there was a t-rex running around eating us. There were numbers in the corner of my vision, and the t-rex was like twice as big as a normal t-rex. I'm trying to run away, but he just chomps me. All of a sudden I respawn and I'm running away and he eats me again. This goes on for awhile. It was a pretty stressful dream.
lol I dont have to dream every now and then I think I see a sniper in the trees or on a roof. I see it out of the corner of my eye and it cause me to jump a little.
The worst for dreams for me was kotor. What made it so bad is I didnt really like star wars but loved the game and every night for about a month I was dreaming about putting new crystals in my lightsaber. Recent history ocassionly dream about BF2 crashing my helicopters into cooling towers.
While i was newbie at MMORPG and spent a solid week at an orc village leveling. Even in my dreams i'm still grinding. Orc! Shoot! Dead! Orc! Shoot! Dead! Orc! Shoot! Dead! Orc! Shoot! Dead! <Go to sleep> Orc! Shoot! Dead! Orc! Shoot! Dead! <Wakeup> Orc! Shoot! Dead! Orc! Shoot! Dead!...

I got shot in the head a few times like that too, weird.

BTW, what framerate do you guys dream in? :D
Bah, I one-up all of you. I have dreams that take place in games that were never made! Hah! Beat that! The sad thing is my dreams like these seem to be in similar graphics to the modern game of the time. Damn, hope I don't have a Wolfenstien 3d dream.... It would be a nightmare... "Nooooo where are my bump-mapped textures and 4x AA!". I could picture waking up in a cold sweat to that....
bonkrowave said:
I have not had a dream, that I can remember when I wake up, in longer then I can remember.

In other news ....

Scientist link THC with changes in REM sleep.

..... coincidence .... you decide.


YOu wanna have some vivid memorable dreams? QUIT using THC and watch the show. THe Dude ..... knows.
I have had diablo2 dreams and COunter-Strike dreams, probably more but I cant remember
I dream about any game I play continuously for hours. Sometimes I would lag out...that's when I wake up.
IceWind said:
Had a dream once I was the shadow from the movie and I was fighting a bad guy in a big wharehouse. I was fighting him and he managed to knock me on my back and he fired a gun point blank into my head. I woke up in a cold sweat and I could feel a tingling sensation in my forehead where he shot me.


I have played SWG for long hours then I go away from the computer and I still see the UI lol. I see the UI in my dreams too.

The dark side never sleeps.
lol . I would dream of ut. Busting head shots on some nail. Ha boo jEE!!! haha I love those four arm fuckers. Dam i think i'm gonna go play some unreal now