Games for summer


May 6, 2007
I am not taking any courses this summer, and I am wondering what I should be playing. I have played just about all the new releases lately. DA:O, BC2, GTA:IV L4d2, stuff like that. Maybe an MMO? Is age of conan any good?
Just Cause 2. It's my game of the year so far.

Ignore SC2. TA is still better. ;)
Try Allods Online, it's free and pretty sweet. Graphics are good, and it's similar to WoW.

Otherwise I'm scavanging Amazon for cheaper games. So far I'm looking at Drakensang($7) Mount and Blade ($10), others I don't remember...:eek:

Keep an eye on Steam Deals, especially weekend deals.
I bought last codemaster racing deal on steam

greatest buy of my life
In one month's time, Obsidian will be releasing an RPG that takes place in modern day times, and the player character will be a spy - the idea of leveling up a spy in an espionage game makes me dizzy with excitement. The game is called Alpha Protocol.

This could be THE game of the summer. I have my fingers crossed that this game will be something special.

My one concern: Obsidian usually either hits a home-run, or strikes out. I loved Mask Of The Betrayer, for example, but Storm Of Zehir was a dud. NWN 2 was mind blowing, but KOTOR 2 was garbage.
I'll finally be getting into Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. So far its a freaken amazing game.
In one month's time, Obsidian will be releasing an RPG that takes place in modern day times, and the player character will be a spy - the idea of leveling up a spy in an espionage game makes me dizzy with excitement. The game is called Alpha Protocol.

This could be THE game of the summer. I have my fingers crossed that this game will be something special.

My one concern: Obsidian usually either hits a home-run, or strikes out. I loved Mask Of The Betrayer, for example, but Storm Of Zehir was a dud. NWN 2 was mind blowing, but KOTOR 2 was garbage.

Much agreed, except for the KOTOR 2 part. We all know they ran out of time to do the end of KOTOR2 it's proper justice. The characters and the plot just weren't tied together at the end. Ignoring some of the rushed content at certain areas of the game, it's core was epic, beyond even KOTOR1 and KOTOR1 was epic.
I'm praying Jumpgate Evolution gets released this summer, but im not holding my breath.
I'm praying Jumpgate Evolution gets released this summer, but im not holding my breath.

Ha, I wouldn't be holding my breath for the next year as far as this game is concerned :rolleyes:. I don't undersstand why it's taking them this long to even get a beta out.
Just Cause 2. It's my game of the year so far.

Ignore SC2. TA is still better. ;)
Hell yeah !JC2 is great and it will last a long time with mods.

Find one game that you can sink a lot of time into and then watch for DD sales from Steam, Impulse, etc. and grab extra games for cheap that you might want to spend any extra time with. I "stocked" up on cheap Steam games and so I think I'm set this summer. :)
Red Dead Redemption comes out in 11 days. If any of the following phrases perk your ears up, look into it: "open world" "western shooter" and "the dudes who made GTA IV". Multiplayer looks pretty over the top as well.
I would suggest looking at some older games you perhaps missed. I recently was able to snag Mass Effect (the original) from Impulse for $5 and am loving it.
Red Dead Redemption comes out in 11 days. If any of the following phrases perk your ears up, look into it: "open world" "western shooter" and "the dudes who made GTA IV". Multiplayer looks pretty over the top as well.

if this was coming out on pc i would agree buts its console only trash isnt it.
the witcher for a great single player rpg
mmo - i suggest lord of the rings online, its not wow and it is certainly a lot of fun. No dickheads either
Alpha Protocol looks amazing. A definite must buy. Mass Effect 2 and Just Cause 2 are very good, too.