Games your looking forward to from E3 '08

Feb 23, 2006
Just wondering what you guys were looking forward to from E3 the most next week, and what console it was on.

For me...
Gears 2
Too Human
Halo wars

Wipeout HD
Motorstorm 2
Resistance 2
SIREN: Blood Curse (episode 1 demo is up on PSN and it's BADass)
Killzone 2
Tekken 6 (crossing fingers)
Twisted Metal (crossing fingers)
God of War 3 (REALLY crossing fingers)

I own one, but my kids play it more than me, but it has nothing I'm looking forward to.

Fallout 3
Mercenaries 2
Resident Evil 5

Also I didn't know if you guys were aware of this but G4 will be showing the big 3 conferances live and commercial free, so set your DVR's ;)
I'm not really looking for anything in particular, but in addition to a few titles in your list I'll be keeping an eye on:

Infinite Undiscovery
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Mass Effect 2 (not expecting much yet)

Wipeout (DLC or a new full game hopefully)
Twisted Metal

Mirror's Edge
The Last Remnant

It's kinda funny that four of the games on my list are RPGs and I still haven't purchased/played through Lost Odyssey/Eternal Sonota/Blue Dragon yet.
I've seen enough of all the announced games that will be shown at E3 to know if I want them or not. Anything else I'll be interested in will be new.
Persona 4, duh!

But, seriously, Infinite Undiscovery and the Star Ocean games are at the top of my list.
Hmm, since I only have a Wii (PC covers everything else for me) I'm interested in:

Samba De Amigo
Guitar Hero: World Tour/Metallica
Animal Crossing Wii
Punch Out Wii
Anything else that's new

Gears of War 2
Too Human
Banjo Kazooie Nut and Bolts
Left 4 Dead
Viva Pinata 2
Fable 2 (kinda)
Halo Wars (kinda)


Kill Zone 2
Resistance 2
Socom (kinda)


Fallout 3
Far Cry 2
Resident Evil 5
Splinter Cell: Conviction :(.

I don't have any expectations of it showing up at E3 this year.
They're gonna show Twisted Metal? Oh man I hope so.. thats another system seller right there :eek:
-Gears of War 2
-Fable 2
-Killzone 2
-Little Big Planet
-Resistance 2
-God of War 3
-Twisted Metal
-Motorstorm 2
-Animal Crossing
-Little Kings Story
-Golden Sun 3 (If they actually are making it)
-Left 4 Dead
-Starcraft 2
-Diablo 3
-Mythos (Although it looks like the developer went in the tank :( )

Little Kings Story, Little Big Planet, and Fable 2 are what I'm most excited about because they are the type of games I don't really ever play.

Some new software updates for the PS3 would be nice as well.
Squeenix on Wii.
Wrath Details (if any Pally trees?)
more RPGs for Xbox360

More CO-OP games for both Wii and 360.. need something for me and GF.