Gamestop just lost me as a customer


Jun 29, 2001
Let me first start out by saying I spend waaaay too much money on games and movies and etc lol

So here is what happened. I went in to a local gamestop tonight to pickup a few used games, a 360 wireless guitar for guitar hero and and Gears of War on PC (since my copy got mangled). I was going to buy Gears at Circuit City since it was on sale for $14.99 but figuring how I wanted to get this other stuff too, and I wouldn't be able to pick up Gears of War until tomorrow, I'd stop off here. In the past, at several locations I have never had a problem doing a pricematch as long as I have the advertisement with me.

So I go in to gamestop find gears of war and the other stuff I wanted and bring it to the counter. I then say I wanted to do a price match and showed the circular to the clerk who said oh ok no problem. But then he looked harder and suddenly had some trouble and said we cant do a price match to that, thats a special promotion. To which of course I replied well, yes it is a sale thats why I wanted to do the price match, it's never been a problem in the past....

So he then calls over the manager and tells him that I want to do a price match but her doesnt know how, and the manager says oh ok no problem you help them out and I'll take care of that for you. So he comes over goes to ring me up and does the same thing and says we cant pricematch that it's a special promotion, in fact we've never pricematched anyone, ever. Thrown back by this I said umm yes you do I have done it many times at this location and others... Then he proceeds to tell me he has been a manager there for 6 years and they have never done pricematches. Of course I found that amusing seeing as how he hasnt been the manager there for 6 years, I knew the managers there for over 7 years, the only time I stopped knowing them is when gamestop bough them out (they used to be EB games) but even then price matching was never an issue.

First off I'm put off by the fact that they were willing to do the pricematch until they saw the price, then I'm put off by the fact that he is calling me a liar, and then he has the nerve to lie to my face and tell me he has been manager there for 6 years (the dude seriously couldn't have been over 25 lol.. of course not trying to sound liek an old man myself lmao).

Anyway with that and some other events that have happened in the past few months (I wanted to buy a used wireless guitar so checked stock by calling in, they said yes they have them they have three, I went in to buy one and they refused to sell them to me, the same guy that told me they had them on the phone then told me they were all broken.... but they of course have the new ones avialible, and then a used game I bought I lost the receipt for, and went back the next day because it wouldnt work and he wouldnt exchange it because I didnt have the receipt... the same guy who sold it to me)

Anyway this event, past events, and high prices has just really put me off completely from them.

I'll stick to eBay for used games and Best Buy, Circuit City and Wal-Mart for new games now roflmao
gamestop wants you to buy used games and equipment for them because it's all profit. if they said they were broken, they probably were. as for the price match, sorry to hear that it didn't work out. if i had a local store where i could buy stuff used for cheaper i would, but as it is i shop there often, buy seldom.
I was gonna get gears of war and mass effect since circuit city had them at 30 each. I decided to only get mass effect because I had borrowed gears of war from a friend on the xbox. It's a good thing I waited since now mass effect is 40 and gears of war is 15. Too bad for circuit city but they were out of stock so I had to pricematch at best buy. A couple weeks ago I had pricematched the $25 orange box at bestbuy as well. I don't think I can refuse buying gears of war for 15 dollars. But anyways, I definitively recommend best buy, I've never had a problem pricematching.
I already purchased gears online tonight with instore pickup for tomorrow :) on
people still shop at EB/gamestop ?
I wander what keeps you coming back? Is it the ridiculously awesome deals they have, like when they buy your used game for 15 bucks, turn around and with a straight face put a sticker for 55 on it?

Or maybe it's the overly knowledgeable and helpful staff who seem to be under mass delusion that because they work in a gaming store, they are somehow part of the video gaming 'biz' and would prefer not wasting their precious $8/hour time on your pathetic requests for exchanges of scratched discs.

I stopped giving money to gamestop a long time ago. Hopefully the next round of consoles will have full support for digital downloads of games, so they can finally put these miserable stores out of business once and for all.
Why not just buy Gears of War at the place where it was on sale?

Price matching has always felt icky to me. They have no obligation to sell you something at a price that someone else has it for, and it's up to the manager's discretion. Just because they did more in the past doesn't mean they have to keep doing that. IMO.

I get 90% of all my games (used) from GameStop, never had a problem, yet.
There is a GameXchange up here that I like. Its the only one in the 6 city area that sells used PC games, and they have a couple of decent guys there. If you have on in your area, check them out. its not very "corporate" and they don't even have a webstite as far as I can tell. Heck, it may even be just a locally owned franchise or something. But, they ALWAYS have the lowest prices on used games (all platforms) and usually good prices on new games.
I don't like buying games at Gamestop. I can usually find them cheaper at Fry's or Best Buy and unlike Gamestop they don't open and pre-molest the software before I get ahold of it.

Gamestop FTL.
Let me first start out by saying I spend waaaay too much money on games and movies and etc lol

So here is what happened. I went in to a local gamestop tonight to pickup a few used games, a 360 wireless guitar for guitar hero and and Gears of War on PC (since my copy got mangled). I was going to buy Gears at Circuit City since it was on sale for $14.99 but figuring how I wanted to get this other stuff too, and I wouldn't be able to pick up Gears of War until tomorrow, I'd stop off here. In the past, at several locations I have never had a problem doing a pricematch as long as I have the advertisement with me.

So I go in to gamestop find gears of war and the other stuff I wanted and bring it to the counter. I then say I wanted to do a price match and showed the circular to the clerk who said oh ok no problem. But then he looked harder and suddenly had some trouble and said we cant do a price match to that, thats a special promotion. To which of course I replied well, yes it is a sale thats why I wanted to do the price match, it's never been a problem in the past....

So he then calls over the manager and tells him that I want to do a price match but her doesnt know how, and the manager says oh ok no problem you help them out and I'll take care of that for you. So he comes over goes to ring me up and does the same thing and says we cant pricematch that it's a special promotion, in fact we've never pricematched anyone, ever. Thrown back by this I said umm yes you do I have done it many times at this location and others... Then he proceeds to tell me he has been a manager there for 6 years and they have never done pricematches. Of course I found that amusing seeing as how he hasnt been the manager there for 6 years, I knew the managers there for over 7 years, the only time I stopped knowing them is when gamestop bough them out (they used to be EB games) but even then price matching was never an issue.

First off I'm put off by the fact that they were willing to do the pricematch until they saw the price, then I'm put off by the fact that he is calling me a liar, and then he has the nerve to lie to my face and tell me he has been manager there for 6 years (the dude seriously couldn't have been over 25 lol.. of course not trying to sound liek an old man myself lmao).

Anyway with that and some other events that have happened in the past few months (I wanted to buy a used wireless guitar so checked stock by calling in, they said yes they have them they have three, I went in to buy one and they refused to sell them to me, the same guy that told me they had them on the phone then told me they were all broken.... but they of course have the new ones avialible, and then a used game I bought I lost the receipt for, and went back the next day because it wouldnt work and he wouldnt exchange it because I didnt have the receipt... the same guy who sold it to me)

Anyway this event, past events, and high prices has just really put me off completely from them.

I'll stick to eBay for used games and Best Buy, Circuit City and Wal-Mart for new games now roflmao

Yeah I usually don't like to buy from there, but yesterday I stopped by at a mall because it was on my way out and saw Red Steel for the Wii at 50% off. Not an amazing game, but it was marked at $12 and at 50% off that, I couldn't go wrong.
That does suck, but I don't really understand why people hate on Gamestop. I only go there to get used games, and I only buy stuff from them when they have their 25% off PS3/Xbox360 games coupon. It's hard to beat 35% of a game (almost always in perfect condition with the manual, at least for me) for instant gratification vs. shopping on eBay.
see and most of the games I go there to find used never have the original covers, for example I have been wanting to pickup Kameo for 360 and Conker for XBOX

instant gratification used other than gamestop I usually shop at pawnshops lol I picked up Halo 3 for $20 in excellent condition, which gamestop still sells for $49.99 used
oh and I did pick it up as soon as I got home as stated above :) I went online to and placed an instore pickup order online. I didn't happen to be near Circuit City, but did happen to have the newspaper and was at the mall so figured why not, I've done it before.
I stopped shopping there when they started asking me for all kinds of information when trying to return a game I had purchased from them. I had the game, I had the receipt, no one said anything about having to give phone # and address when returning the game while purchasing it, and no where on the receipt does it say anything about giving my personal information. The receipt tells me I have a certain time frame to return the game, and the "terms".

So when the guy asked for my phone number, I said what for. He said "its policy". I said "that’s great, but it doesn’t say anywhere on this receipt that I have to give you this kind of information to return it... all it says here is that I have to have the receipt (which I did) and the game (which I did) and within a certain timeframe to return it(which it was)". I don't want to give out my personal information so they can sell it to some advertiser. I don't want to give them my address so they can send me GameStop ads. So I gave him a bunk phone number, and then he goes "I need your address". I blew up, and told him I'll take this to small claims court, and that BestBuy just went through a trial on this same shit. At which point he just returned the game, gave my money back, and I've not set foot in one since.
I think it was more related to people returning pirated games or scratched/ruined games as "used"

So now that they have your phone number and address they will have an easier time tracking you down in such an event.

But it's not like you can't fake it -_-

My favorite moment in ruining one of those employee's days was calling 15 minutes before closing asking if I can get cash for some old game equipment, he said yea, bring it in anytime we're open till 9 so you'll probably wanna bring it tomorrow. I said "Sure"... and walked in at 8:55 with a cardboard box filled with roughly 50 xbox/ps2 games and accessories and he had to manually enter in the information for each game and check for disks/manual. (They actually give you more if you got the manual)... then at about 9:15-9:20 he finally finished and I got about $160 out of it... good enough for me...
I think it was more related to people returning pirated games or scratched/ruined games as "used"

So now that they have your phone number and address they will have an easier time tracking you down in such an event.

But it's not like you can't fake it -_-

My favorite moment in ruining one of those employee's days was calling 15 minutes before closing asking if I can get cash for some old game equipment, he said yea, bring it in anytime we're open till 9 so you'll probably wanna bring it tomorrow. I said "Sure"... and walked in at 8:55 with a cardboard box filled with roughly 50 xbox/ps2 games and accessories and he had to manually enter in the information for each game and check for disks/manual. (They actually give you more if you got the manual)... then at about 9:15-9:20 he finally finished and I got about $160 out of it... good enough for me...

Tracking me down? haha, what a joke. If the game is being returned as used, this means it’s been opened. Therefore, who ever is taking my return can open the case to see if the game is there, if it's the right game, and can even take it out to see if its damaged. I'm also providing the receipt received from when I purchased the game. I might be able to understand if I didn't follow the rules on the back of the receipt (not within the return time frame and they are going up and beyond for customer satisfaction) but if I'm returning the game under all the circumstances the back of the receipt clarifies, then there is no need to take down personal information.
I just stick to bestbuy and fry's for all my gaming needs, better prices too.
Another reason I buy most of my games off of Steam and the rest off of Amazon if possible....
If they say they do price matching and they refuse, then simply put down all the gear you were going to buy onto their counter and say "fine, I'll go buy it at X" and walk out.

I've found the moment you decide to turn to alternate shops for highstreet shopping they go a little funny and will often apologise etc, but then the highstreet shopping is getting hit hard in the UK, especially for games.
This might make me a big dork but I'd rather buy my games from Bestbuy anyway just because I like the store. You go to gamestop and its all tiny and dreary and nothing is going on and everything is flat against the wall and the people are blah... You go into Bestbuy and it's this huge bright store with technology everywhere, it's just more fun to shop there and it gets me in the mood to play with my new games/electronics/whatever it was I bought.
When buying new games, location is completely irrelevant - everyone has the same selection at the exact same price (except WalMart may save you 0.01 so they can claim to be the cheapest :)). A lot of it is going to fall to personal taste. For instance, I will never step foot into a Best Buy. Nothing against the company, I just hate the stores, and the fact that no matter where in the country you're at, some idiot went back into the audio department and cranked up rap music to max on every radio.

Just be glad you're not buying off of Steam :)
I haven't bought a game from Gamestop in years. I stick to Ebay and Steam. I wish I never traded my games to Gamestop when I was younger. :(
To me, it just depend on your gamestop. There's one near where I work I refuse to go to. The one near my house is great. Yes, you make less if you sell your games there. Yes, they mark them up a ton. But that's the price of being convenience.
I used to love going to EB games, maybe it was because I was 10 years younger and wasn't "old". Always gamer types that would spend the extra time talking about what's hot etc. I received a PS3 a year ago, went into Gamestop and asked them what they'd recommend for the console, their reply was a 360. My ps3 is more for blueray and streaming network media, but for all 3 of their staff to start cracking jokes about how stupid I was for "buying" it in the first place.

Oh, and I was even dumber, since blueray wasn't going to make it.

Whether it was Gamestop or 3 kids that needed a dental rearrangement, I avoid that place now.
gamestop used games is joke
they only give you 15-20 dollars for a used game unless you have a special offer
than they turn around and sell it at $55.00 dollars
i think actually all ps3 /360 games sell for $55.00 used
which is retarded because i would rather buy a new copy for $5 more
I used to love going to EB games, maybe it was because I was 10 years younger and wasn't "old". Always gamer types that would spend the extra time talking about what's hot etc. I received a PS3 a year ago, went into Gamestop and asked them what they'd recommend for the console, their reply was a 360. My ps3 is more for blueray and streaming network media, but for all 3 of their staff to start cracking jokes about how stupid I was for "buying" it in the first place.

Oh, and I was even dumber, since blueray wasn't going to make it.

Whether it was Gamestop or 3 kids that needed a dental rearrangement, I avoid that place now.

Similar to reasons why I avoid one of the gamestops near me. I went to buy Civ rev and they were sold out. Then he makes some comment on that's why they have pre-orders. That just pissed me off. Funny thing was as I was leaving right after some other guy told him that they didn't even receive enough copies to fill all the pre-orders.

So instead I go to a different one. The employees there are much better.
I haven't been in a GameStop for about a year now. There are so many other places that have better prices and not as much shifty policies that GS seems to be a haven of. Since I tripped over Goozex via CheapAssGamer, I haven't even thought about trading-in a game at their rip-off prices.

Seriously, if you want to get the bang for the buck on trading games, Goozex is the place. It was created by 3 guys who got fed up with GS and actually did something about it.

If you plan on signing up, I'd appreciate a referral:
When I first got my 360 I was in gamestop all the time...then I realized that they arent much cheaper then the retail stores for newer games. Now if your looking for something a little older then you might catch a deal, but for new releases its not hard to decide. You can go to gamestop and pay $45 for a used game or go over to best buy and buy it brand new for $50...yea let me think about that.
i don't like gamestop at all, when i was younger i traded in my games and systems and such and they were such dicks about things. and now the people who work there are elitist assholes, thinking they are the only people who have ever played or beaten a game.
Do the employees really benefit at all from rejecting your price match? I don't think they did it to "protect" the business or turn in a profit in anyway, perhaps they genuinely had issues doing the price match. If I were an employee there, I'd do whatever I could to keep the customer happy and prevent conflict. I work in customer service now and I absolutely hate confrontations. So as long as I'm within company policy, then whether or not it's in the company's best interest comes second.

Anyhow, I don't shop at GameStop anyway. Circuit City seems to like dishing out $10 gift cards on new releases.
Anyone know any good shops beside ebay that still sale PS1 games? Gamestop doesnt anymore,
I don't like how gamestop sells you used games that they clean with a hand cleaner basically. WTF don't they have a resurfacer in back to do it for them? The used games I've gotten there in the past have all been scratched to hell. I could run a cloth or a hand cleaner myself. All the other smaller chains have them, so why can't the big one?
Since everyone is telling their horror stories, I guess I'll do mine.

Everquest 2 was coming out and I wanted to play on the first day, Tuesday. We also have or had a CompUSA and Best Buy but they never get PC games on Tuesday, maybe at the earliest Wednesday. Amazon may or may not ship prior so I couldn't count on them in getting it Tuesday.

So I reserved my Everquest 2 with $5.00 and my name and phone number. Well come Tuesday, I find out due to shipping problems with either FedEx or UPS, all EB Games were not going to receive their copies of EQ2 until Thursday. And luck would have it CompUSA had it in stock, so I purchased from CompUSA, and went down to EB Games to cancel.

The "friendly" clerk wanted a reason why I was cancelling and I told, EQ2 was release today and you don't have it in-stock, this is why I pre-ordered. He did his little song and dance, and told me I needed to provide him my Social Security Number plus my other information to get my $5.00 back. I told why did I need to provide you with my SSN when all you asked was a $5.00 deposit along with my name and phone number? Know what he told me? That it was the law! I told him my driver's license is good enough and I am not pre-ordering* from you guys again.

*For those are following the WoW: Lich King CE, I did pre-order from EBGames, but cancelled once Amazon had it on their web page. I wanted to make sure I got a CE set. The last two CE games for WoW were also ordered through Amazon.

So that was my horror story.
I bought an Xbox 360 there and I got the RROD about 8 months after purchasing their protection plan( fourty bucks) at the time I figured it would be worth it because then I didn't have to wait a month and send it to microsoft. I lost the receipt and when I went there to have them look up my account I had with them they said to me "Sorry we can't help you our information got wiped out about 6 months ago so we don't have any record of that any more." So after telling the manager it was my fault I lost the receipt to begin with, they're a business and it's only proper to keep record of important things like this. And that it's bad practice to hold your customers accountable for every mundane detail. However I did get revenge, it was my brother's birthday and I was going to get him a PS 3 after I had it replaced. Instead I said " Well it's my brother's birthday today and we were going to buy a PS 3 here for his birthday, but I guess I'll go some where else so I don't have to give him the receipt for his service contract." :) Take that!
Gamestop is rough. The staff is annoying when they're not retarded. The only thing I can think of that would support the laughable sense of superiority their staff exhibits is the fact that those poor lost souls are (arguably) "better" than suckers that still shop there.

I had one on the corner of my block for 3 years (college), and most times I'd go browse, laugh a bit at their prices, and then buy somewhere else. I think once I spent $2 there to buy an updated demo disc for WoW to save myself hours of patching.

However I did get revenge, it was my brother's birthday and I was going to get him a PS 3 after I had it replaced. Instead I said " Well it's my brother's birthday today and we were going to buy a PS 3 here for his birthday, but I guess I'll go some where else so I don't have to give him the receipt for his service contract." :) Take that!

I don't think that counts as revenge, they only lost a $5 profit sale from you buying a PS3 elsewhere :)
Ah, overlooked that fact. I didn't realize people actually bought service plans.