GTA IV review.

I've only seen the IGN review and I'm still so stoked for it. Hopefully I can get 60 bucks together by Tuesday.
It looks amazingly fun. Hope it gets ported to PC soon because I don't have a console =/
But they do say that PS3 version is slightly better graphically and texture loading is not nearly as annoying as 360.

They did?

Kotaku said:
The two versions are so close to identical, visually, that putting together a comparison was a challenge. Initially, it appeared that the PS3 suffered from more noticeable aliasing than its 360 counterpart, but after eyeballing the final retail copy, they appear to be on par. I noticed that the paint filter applied to cover some of the game's imperfections appeared a tiny bit muddier on the PS3 version, with night time scenes seeing more streakiness. Some of these minor complaints may be the result of our particular television settings and require the finest of fine tooth combs to assess.

At any rate it's so minor who cares, honestly? Pick the one that has the better controller setup.
They did?

At any rate it's so minor who cares, honestly? Pick the one that has the better controller setup.

Gamers will have to decide which is more important to them, a slightly more technically sound experience on the PlayStation 3 or downloadable content and Xbox Live integration on the Xbox 360.

The Xbox 360 version can suffer from some very noticeable texture loading, as things like trees, vehicles and building signs will regularly pop-in as one tools about town.

The second quote really does it for me. I hated how the textures loaded in previous versions, plus I only have a ps3 :).
If Bestbuy holds a 12:01am thing for selling GTA:4 I swear to god I'll be there waiting.
University's done, job doesn't start until May 17 and I have nothing to do.
midnight launch at gamestop booya! maybe ill get free Redbull from the Redbull MiniCooper like at the halo3 midnight launch :D
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its not found.

I've seen the 'offical trailers' for GTA4, but have decided to hold off on watching any video reviews of the game. Everyone is already creaming their pants over it, so I'll just wait to see it for the first time live on my bigscreen. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy :)