Gaming at 1680x1050, what are my options?


Limp Gawd
Nov 17, 2007
Well they is a surge of video cards hitting the market between June and July and I am now throughly confused on what card is adequate for gaming at resolution 1680x1050. I already have a 8800gt and it feels more then enough for most game but when I fired up Crysis on very high (on vista), my average fps in the first level seemed to be around 15 and dropping with every level making it very unplayable. Now I dont wana run with AA or play beyond 1680x1050 (22inch monitor) so I was wondering, what graphics card would be sufficient to play crysis on very high at 1680x1050? I am fine playing on 25-30fps.

Although I do no plan to buy another graphics card for another few months (wana see how everything turns out), with the price of the 8800gt going down quickly, was wondering if going SLI with an 8800gt would significantly increase my frame rate (5-10 extra fps is all i need in crysis on top of 15fps from 1 8800gt) or would it be better just to get an 9800gtx has it drops significantly in price (or a 4850). I heard that some cards where better suited only for higher resolutions 2500x1600 (i think that was it), what exactly is in this category?
Signs point to a 4870... or maybe a GTX 260, if it drops in price.
In my opinion, if you already have an 8800GT, I don't think you'll see much of an improvement with the latest offerings of video cards, from either the Green or the Red sides. :(

The GTX280 seems to be way too expensive for the average gamer, and the 4850 would be a good improvement in Crossfire, but in a single card duel, is about the same.

If you already happen to have an SLI-compatible board, SLI'ing 8800GTs may be a viable option.
In my opinion, if you already have an 8800GT, I don't think you'll see much of an improvement with the latest offerings of video cards, from either the Green or the Red sides. :(

The GTX280 seems to be way too expensive for the average gamer, and the 4850 would be a good improvement in Crossfire, but in a single card duel, is about the same.

If you already happen to have an SLI-compatible board, SLI'ing 8800GTs may be a viable option.

Gaming at 1680, your 8800 GT will do the job for a while. I wouldn't updrade until you're really seeing some poor performance.
1+ on all the replies

dont let crysis bully you or your system - that game is a beast

you'd spend $300 on a new card and realize that you can only bump a few settings

keep your gt and lower your resolution [but keep your aspect] i suggest 1280x768 - turn all the settings up to high... that's what i do and it looks amazing and it's smooth enough for government work
I am in the same boat/same rez. But I have an 8800 GTS 640MB(96 SP's). I was going to get the 260 but am trying to save some coin for a summer trip. I don't have the option for X-fire or SLI so is the 9800+ GTX the best way to go overall? I am confused cause I keep seeing ppl say the 8800 GT is the way to go for others here. Thanks in advance.

P.S. the cpu is a core2 duo at 3.2 Ghz.
Wait another 6 months till christmas-ish and see what is out then. Your 8800GT is still a very good card.
I am in the same boat/same rez. But I have an 8800 GTS 640MB(96 SP's). I was going to get the 260 but am trying to save some coin for a summer trip. I don't have the option for X-fire or SLI so is the 9800+ GTX the best way to go overall? I am confused cause I keep seeing ppl say the 8800 GT is the way to go for others here. Thanks in advance.

P.S. the cpu is a core2 duo at 3.2 Ghz.

I have the same card and game at the same rez. I'm going to see what the HD4870 brings and see if the GTX 260 drops in price accordingly. I will make my choice after I see the new info next week.

Well I have a stock E6850, 3 gigs of ram, and an OC 8800 GTX and it averages 27 FPS on Crysis based on the Crytek GPU benchmark tool and that is at 1680 x 1050.

The 8800 GTX speeds are: 630 Core, 1550 Shader, and 1000 Memory. That is with no AA and 4AF.

The settings I run Crysis at are: Everything High except for Shadows, Textures, Post Processing, and Water Effects which are all set to Very High.

I think it is pretty decent for an older card. This is also under XP 32 bit, so the very high is set manually through the config files.
I'll toss out a +1 on the 4870 (depending on reviews) or the GTX 260 (if the price drops to $300). Both of those should be a noticeable step up from the 8800GT.
I run 2 8800GT's at 1680x1050, and Crysis, and everything else, run fine.

Fine as in everything set to Very high and runs smooth? How about AA? Most games will run fine if you make enough compromises. A friend of mine is still using an ATI 9800 Pro.