Gaming at 1920x1200, wanting most bells and whistles


Feb 4, 2007
I have been happier with Nvidia in the past, mainly due to drivers and cool utilities made by forum users. I'm trying to decide between a gtx 670 and a Gigabyte 7950. I'm thinking the 3gb of vram on the 7950 will come in handy for my modded Skyrim game, but I need to know if drivers for AMD have changed in the last year or so. That's the major clincher for me right now. Any glitches with AMD/7XXX series to speak of? Thanks.
Skyrim is not that hard on any system unless you're running 2k textures with ENB.
That's what I plan on doing, but I'm glad to know it's not too bad. I have an i5-2500k, but can't upgrade that for a while. Thanks.

The 2500k is still a great gaming processor. Pickup a 7950 and you will be very happy with your setup!
I pulled the trigger on a Gigabyte WF 7950. I was really happy to see that AMD has some killer drivers out. Thanks to all!