Gaming Headset Suggestions


Limp Gawd
Feb 19, 2008
I use to be all about the headset with the pull down mic on it for gaming but switched to a headphone and standup mic setup about a year back. I'm just about over it now as the sound quality is relatively poor and it picks up background noises far too well so now I'm looking into headsets that are relatively inexpensive but suitable for gaming.

I've done some shopping around and I'm seeing alot of the new headsets have the mic on the cord which I am pretty much against 100% unless there is a reason I'm not seeing.

Price range is $50-$140... I just want to get something decent, suggestions?
I have a pair of the sennheiser pc350's and I like them a lot. out of the box they lack bass, but a simple mod from the guys at changed that.

stay away from the razer cacharias. they were tempting at the price point, and i loved the sound they put out, but the microphone picks up whats played over the headset. that gets aggravating if you do any voice chat.
I use these GameCom . They're cheap because it's an older headset, but it works well and they don't hurt my ears like other headsets. Plus you can push the mic out of the way when you're not using them.
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Audio Technica AD700 + Zalmon Mic clipon.

Probably the best combination you can get in your price range hands down.
Definately Audio Technica ATH-A700 and Zalman Mic. I saw amazon had this combo with the black headphones for about 120. That is a great deal on a great sounding headphone/mic combo.

The soundstage of the Audio Technica's is about as good as you get in gaming in headphones. I would give that combo a very high rating (well unless you got the 320 for the Beyer Dynamic MMX300)
Audio Technica AD700 + Zalmon Mic clipon.

This be good shit.

I'm also fond of the Sony MDR-V6 with velour replacement pads and again the Zalman clip-on. They're great to begin with, but they shine with stronger amplification if available. I also think they have better isolation, fit, and comfort compared to the AD700s for many people.