Gaming in 1680x1050


Sep 16, 2004
So I'm finally deciding to buy a 20.1" widescreen (prolly a 2007) over a 19" Widescreen. The part that I was worried about was the native rez of a twenty incher would be too high for comfortable gaming. The reason I was thinking of the 19" was cause of its 1440x900 rez and I know pretty much all mid-high end cards can run games at that rez with no difficulty.

I currently have a 7900gtx on the way (I know its power) but am worried I wont get respectable FPS in new games such as Oblivion and FEAR under 1680x1050.

How have you guys fared?
You might want to go take a look at some in a store. I was thinking of buying a 19" widescreen online, but ended up getting a 20.1" LG L204WT at CircuitCity. When I saw a 19" widescreen, I was glad I didn't get one because it was very small.

For games that support it, I run 1680x1050. For games that don't support widescreen I set the display drivers to "Fixed aspect ratio scaling" and run in a 4:3 res (usually 1280x960) and just deal with black bars on the side. The screen, vertically, is slightly bigger than the 19" CRT it replaced, so it's not like I'm losing any view size. I've even run some old games that max out at 1024x768, and to me they look just as good as they did on my old CRT at that res. even though it's stretched to fill the screen. I don't have FEAR, but so far everything I have tried has run just fine, except the Call of Juarez demo.
Though you may not be able to run 60fps min with all option in Oblivion set to will not be dissapointed with the performance you get with the 7900GT. Consider 16x12 to be the baseline for high res gaming with a lot of the eye candy turned on, now take into consideration:

1600x1200 = 1,920,000 pixels

1680x1050 = 1,764,000 pixels

It becomes clear that you've got some breathing room. With today's cards paired up with a decent cpu, imo no gamer should ever fear for decent fps.
I have a Dell 2405 Widescreen (24") which is 1920x1200 and I have a eVGA 7800 GT CO (+OC check my sig).

Playing CSS at 1920x1200 with max settings is excellent but FEAR is another story, I run it at 1280x960 and it runs great. When a game doesn't run as I expect which means decent framerate I have no problem using a non-native resolution. The scaling is good enough and because a game usually has complex graphic it doesn't show much like FEAR or even Oblivion.
I have a 7900GT and I game quite comfortably on my 21" WS Gateway at 1680x1050.....

For serious online on lan gaming in Q4, I do turn off AA though to keep the fps steadier....same way in COD2. At high res, you don't need much AA at all to keep things nice looking.
jimnms said:
When I saw a 19" widescreen, I was glad I didn't get one because it was very small.


Yep. I have both a 19 and a 21 widescreen, and when you look at the 19 it looks like a baby compared to the 21, but it's still nice having widescreen and my 7yr old son loves his 19" ws lcd.
I've been using the Benq 20.1'' widescreen since May, and haven't had any troubles with widescreen gaming, mostly thanks to one site:

They've got soultions for just about every game on getting it to run in the correct aspect ratio (if possible) on a widescreen monitor. If you're not afraid to mess with .cfg and .ini files, you can find everything you need in there.
spono said:
I've been using the Benq 20.1'' widescreen since May, and haven't had any troubles with widescreen gaming, mostly thanks to one site:

They've got soultions for just about every game on getting it to run in the correct aspect ratio (if possible) on a widescreen monitor. If you're not afraid to mess with .cfg and .ini files, you can find everything you need in there.

yea that kinda stuff is all good I'm just worried about decent FPS. I turn everything up and don't use AA/AF. From the looks of it 1680x1050 isn't TOO bad. Thanks again for the above inputs.