Gaming Laptop Dilemma


Jan 23, 2006
Alright here's the deal,

I've been looking for a laptop that can do some gaming for the past month or so. My 3 requirements are that is must 15.4widescreen or smaller, must have a decent dedicated graphics card, and it must be core duo. My budget can go up to $2500.

I was waiting for the Asus W3J, but i need the laptop by April 8th... so it looks like it won't make it. :(

I looked at the Sony sz, but the keyboard sucks.

I know Acer has some good specs, but from what i've read on the forums, their quality sucks.

I was ready to order a Dell 1505 with the x1400, but they just put a 2 week wait on the cards, making the ship date too late.

I can't really find anything else out there that meets the requirements. I was thinking about the new Dell Latitude line since it comes out in a few days. But, will the GPUs on those computers be capable of some gaming? And by some gaming, I mean games like FEAR, Oblivion, BF2, etc... I know i can't play them on the highest settings, but as long as they run with medium specs... i'll be happy.

Thanks for the help :)
If you want to play those games, you need to be looking at x1600 and up. x1400 won't run games well.
I don't know if this will be out in time but this might be a candidate for what you require

MSI laptops generally have good reviews on their build quality. It might be worth a look. I agree the x1600 would be the minimum for playing F.E.A.R. at medium settings with 30 - 40 fps at 1024 by 758.

I just reread your post and I don't think you can play F.E.A.R. at anything more than the lowest resolutions at medium settings on a laptop with a 15.4 inch screen unless you can wait for the x1600
Yup... that's what i was thinking. I wonder why companies haven't been releasing any laptops with anything better than a x1400 with the core duo so far...

Thanks for the advice though :)
I have a similar problem without the deadline (will probably wait for the Asus), but I'm wondering just how good the x1600 is. I haven't seen anything with a better gfx chip that is truly portable (ecomony class useable) with any battery life. The Acer 8204 looks okay, but it's just too big to use on a plane...:(
I just ordered a Sager 5320 for now. I couldn't wait any longer. I figure an x700 will do alright in a 15.4 size screen. If you can wait... i'd go for the Asus. An x1600 is supposed to be the refresh of the x700 (meaning better). Also, MSI will be out with a new laptop soon, the MS 1039. That will also have an x1600, but it's 15.4 inch screen, instead of 14.1 like the Asus. It's also an AMD chip.