Gaming laptops - an OXYMORON


Limp Gawd
Jun 11, 2003
Why would anyone pay $2000-3000k for an essentially un-upgradeable, non-portable, already-obsolete SLOW gaming machine?

a $1000 desktop with an Athlon 64 and a Geforce would outperform any gaming machine out there.

So why not get a light laptop that you can actually tote around, then keep a desktop at home with the money you save? And if you ABSOLUTELY have to play games on the road, some better, smaller laptops can run games at low-res.

Really , gaming laptops are the biggest piece of marketing hype ever perpetrated on us.
as Stephan A. Smith would say, "HOWEVER", those that frequent lans that don't upgrade much, a gaming labtop is great (yes i kno the who SFF argument)
rant much? :rolleyes:

Some people only need one machine. So a DTR thats easy to lan with is more then enough to make people happy.

I can get a 17" DTR that:
2gb 400mhz in dual channel
256mb 7800GTX mobile
200gb of 7200rpm harddrive space (2x100 in raid 0)
2 8x dual layer DVD writers
Audigy 2 ZS PCMCIA
internal wireless g

Sure, you pay out the ass, but I highly doubt you have to worry about outdated hardware. :rolleyes:

Inspiron 9400 is the only way to go ;) Stack on dell coupons and you get a GREAT deal!

Who cares about upgradeability on a laptop? I bough an Inspiron 6000 for $900 about 8mnths ago and recently sold it for $825..... I walked into Best Buy last week and found the HP version of my compaq laptop that I bought over a year ago! I paid $1700 back then for it with a 3.2Ghz CPU, better LCD, better hard drive, second battery and tons of other things. Saw one with a 2.8Ghz CPU, base parts all around and it was $1300!

My thoughts on a DTR is you won't get killed by selling 1yr later ;) Just don't be a dumbass and hold out for a truly good deal and you could quite possibly have a laptop for 6mnths or more AND not lose any (or very little) cash when you sell it to get the latest available.

How much will you lose if you try to do the same with a desktop? You'll get killed LOL video card will be pretty much worthless ;)
MadSkills said:
Why would anyone pay $2000-3000k for an essentially un-upgradeable, non-portable, already-obsolete SLOW gaming machine?

a $1000 desktop with an Athlon 64 and a Geforce would outperform any gaming machine out there.

So why not get a light laptop that you can actually tote around, then keep a desktop at home with the money you save? And if you ABSOLUTELY have to play games on the road, some better, smaller laptops can run games at low-res.

Really , gaming laptops are the biggest piece of marketing hype ever perpetrated on us.

Show me a 1000 desktop that will pwn my AMD X2 4800 and Geforce Go GTX.
And don't start talking smack cause my desktop will probably pwn you from dusk until the break of dawn as well ;) Come on. Try me. I dare you. How about we compare 3DMark 06 scores?
I dont even know where to begin. I guess I'll start by saying this: Laptops and desktops are totally seperate worlds. There are those of you out there that think they need the best equipment in the world to play games, and they're perpetually upgrading their machines and paying waaay more than they need to. Sure, the $1200 I spent on my laptop could've gotten me an FX processor, a pair of linked 7800's, or more, but thats not what I wanted. I needed a machine that could play games, yet be portable enough to take to LAN parties without having to lug around a monitor and tower.

A gaming laptop isnt a bunch of hype, I'm using an Inspiron 9300, and it can play all the games out there. But, *GASP* not all games are about graphics (if you think so, you're an idiot), gameplay factors in as well, and I would rather have a fun gaming experience than worry about how smooth the lines in game are.
Performace > Graphics
Certainly, laptops are more upgradeable than they ever have been. The CPU, memory, hard drive, and videocard are now upgradeable on most DTR laptops. SLI options are on the horizon (if not implemented already), and mobile CPU and GPU development has nearly caught up with desktop development because the segment is growing so fast.
NewBlackDak said:
Anyone who buys an Alienware Desktop has no business on [H]ard forums ;)
Hell ya! He better get his head out of his ass and shut the hell up.

I know damned well that I can get a better desktop than a laptop for the same prices. Common sense here.
I don't think it is an oxymoron.

Gaming laptops exist. You just need a clarified definition of gaming laptop.

Gaming Laptop: A laptop that a) can game, and b) was designed with a thought towards better game performance than is available on traditional laptops.

I have an a64 laptop that is for most intents and purposes, a "gaming laptop". It runs every game I play just fine---except BF2. BF2 is isn't so much a game as an extended hardware torture test, though, imho, hehehehe.
CTSxViper said:
Wow, do we hate Alienware.. Just cause they are sooo overpriced.. hehe

I hate them too, and not just because they're overpriced. I really detest their feeble attempts at being 'cool' and 'hip' and gamer-oriented, when their real orientation is removing-dollars-from-your-wallet-asap.

If they were gamer oriented, their customer service would be a bit more useful than tits on a boar.
Krig said:
I dont even know where to begin. I guess I'll start by saying this: Laptops and desktops are totally seperate worlds. There are those of you out there that think they need the best equipment in the world to play games, and they're perpetually upgrading their machines and paying waaay more than they need to. Sure, the $1200 I spent on my laptop could've gotten me an FX processor, a pair of linked 7800's, or more, but thats not what I wanted. I needed a machine that could play games, yet be portable enough to take to LAN parties without having to lug around a monitor and tower.

A gaming laptop isnt a bunch of hype, I'm using an Inspiron 9300, and it can play all the games out there. But, *GASP* not all games are about graphics (if you think so, you're an idiot), gameplay factors in as well, and I would rather have a fun gaming experience than worry about how smooth the lines in game are.
Performace > Graphics

I totally agree, In my case the 9300 is the perfect balance, who cares if its not as fast as the current desktops, my main concern is space, meaning i can use my laptop anywhere, in bed on a desk, road, etc.. and can still fire up any current game, if i please, or time permits,lol Not all off us are young, im over 30 have 3 kids, wife etc.. so playing games, is something cant do all the time anymore. ( wish i could though,) my point, a laptop fits me better than a desktop,
MadSkills said:
Why would anyone pay $2000-3000k for an essentially un-upgradeable, non-portable, already-obsolete SLOW gaming machine?

a $1000 desktop with an Athlon 64 and a Geforce would outperform any gaming machine out there.

So why not get a light laptop that you can actually tote around, then keep a desktop at home with the money you save? And if you ABSOLUTELY have to play games on the road, some better, smaller laptops can run games at low-res.

Really , gaming laptops are the biggest piece of marketing hype ever perpetrated on us.


and why do you think they cant be upgraded? news flash for you, most $2k laptop you can change the CPU / RAM / HD and video cards now - might want to read up more on newer laptops before assuming.

I know damned well that I can get a better desktop than a laptop for the same prices. Common sense here.

lets see you move that desktop down to your living room to move it, then outside,then to your bedroom later, then to a friends house - built in wireless, battery - sure seems i would rather get a laptop and i get all those other great features and "ease" with it. i was going to buy a $2k gaming rig this year, then decided i would rather have a $2k laptop.
MrGuvernment said:
lets see you move that desktop down to your living room to move it, then outside,then to your bedroom later, then to a friends house - built in wireless, battery - sure seems i would rather get a laptop and i get all those other great features and "ease" with it. i was going to buy a $2k gaming rig this year, then decided i would rather have a $2k laptop.
I wasn't referring to portability.

But I can get better SPECS in a desktop than a laptop. And you know that in that point, I am correct.

I would like to be abl;e to afford a laptop. But I can spend ~$400 on a desktop that will cost me ~$600 in a laptop.
Next rant:

How idjets crap all over a product(s) because they aren't part of the market its aimed at :rolleyes:

What you guys are calling "laptops" with Athlon X2's are actually 10+ lb monsters.

The ONLY conceivable, practical application for a laptop so large is LAN parties, and yeah, we know that that's what all the Alienware brainwashed fanatics buy them for.

My point is, if you are just going to sit at home with the huge hunk of hardware anyway, get yourself a desktop and save money. You can even connect it to a bigger screen, and you'll be able to upgrade more easily and with more options for less expense.
MadSkills said:
What you guys are calling "laptops" with Athlon X2's are actually 10+ lb monsters.

The ONLY conceivable, practical application for a laptop so large is LAN parties, and yeah, we know that that's what all the Alienware brainwashed fanatics buy them for.

My point is, if you are just going to sit at home with the huge hunk of hardware anyway, get yourself a desktop and save money. You can even connect it to a bigger screen, and you'll be able to upgrade more easily and with more options for less expense.
I fail to see why you should care what we spend our money on.
MadSkills said:
What you guys are calling "laptops" with Athlon X2's are actually 10+ lb monsters.

The ONLY conceivable, practical application for a laptop so large is LAN parties, and yeah, we know that that's what all the Alienware brainwashed fanatics buy them for.

My point is, if you are just going to sit at home with the huge hunk of hardware anyway, get yourself a desktop and save money. You can even connect it to a bigger screen, and you'll be able to upgrade more easily and with more options for less expense.

This "argument" has already been answered (Read below).
The term DTR exists....for a reason.
Ominous Gamer said:
Next rant:

How idjets crap all over a product(s) because they aren't part of the market its aimed at :rolleyes:

My my170 was only 7-8 pounds without the ac adapter. How much lighter can you get without being a less durable piece of equipment? It played games great with 2 gig of ram and it was portable. My desktop however being 75+ pounds without the monitor is not. So the hype is portability which is practical anymore. So if it’s practical can you still call it hype?
DarthBeavis said:
Show me a 1000 desktop that will pwn my AMD X2 4800 and Geforce Go GTX.
And don't start talking smack cause my desktop will probably pwn you from dusk until the break of dawn as well ;) Come on. Try me. I dare you. How about we compare 3DMark 06 scores?
3D Mark? Get real, man. That isn't a game, nor does it indicate real-world performance :rolleyes: And "pwn"? This isn't a Couter Strike forum, it's a forum for mature people.

On topic:If you have the cash to upgrade laptops every year, I say go for it ;)
TheOmniscientCreator said:
3D Mark? Get real, man. That isn't a game, nor does it indicate real-world performance :rolleyes: And "pwn"? This isn't a Couter Strike forum, it's a forum for mature people.

On topic:If you have the cash to upgrade laptops every year, I say go for it ;)

3dmark does allow you to compare computer performance in an apple-to-apple manner by equalizing variables. What is Couter Strike ;)

"Mature" people to me soundls like someone who would be afraid of computers and probably wears Depends ;) In case you did not notice, gamers drive the rapid increase in techology. You should show proper respect for us. You also don't know anything about me so please don't try to label me so quickly.

I don't want a flame war with you unless that is what you are after.
DarthBeavis said:
3dmark does allow you to compare computer performance in an apple-to-apple manner by equalizing variables. What is Couter Strike ;)

"Mature" people to me soundls like someone who would be afraid of computers and probably wears Depends ;) In case you did not notice, gamers drive the rapid increase in techology. You should show proper respect for us. You also don't know anything about me so please don't try to label me so quickly.

I don't want a flame war with you unless that is what you are after.
I'm not after a flame war, I was just astonished by the use of "pwn". And, in case you didn't notice my sig, I have an X850XT...which is one of the best, if not THE best AGP cards around. And the fact that I have the Battlefield 2 server in my sig, you'd think that I play games too ;) About 3D Mark...ask anyone. It's a synthetic benchmark. It doesn't prove much. Obviously, better hardware=better performance and IQ.
MadSkills said:
Why would anyone pay $2000-3000k for an essentially un-upgradeable, non-portable, already-obsolete SLOW gaming machine?

a $1000 desktop with an Athlon 64 and a Geforce would outperform any gaming machine out there.

So why not get a light laptop that you can actually tote around, then keep a desktop at home with the money you save? And if you ABSOLUTELY have to play games on the road, some better, smaller laptops can run games at low-res.

Really , gaming laptops are the biggest piece of marketing hype ever perpetrated on us.

I just dropped $1500 on my new desktop system with a dual core cpu, a 7800 series gpu, 1gb ram, dvd burner & an 80gb hd. That price also also includes a 17" widescreen flat panel monitor, sound, keyboard, speakers, wifi & a media card reader. It plays any game I throw at it, and churns out images, videos, & 3d renders a lot faster than my old venice @ 2.7ghz.

Oh, and did I mention it's a notebook that weighs 8 pounds and is really easy to bring with me anywhere I go?

2000k-3000k? i think not.
sarbz said:
I just dropped $1500 on my new desktop system with a dual core cpu, a 7800 series gpu, 1gb ram, dvd burner & an 80gb hd. That price also also includes a 17" widescreen flat panel monitor, sound, keyboard, speakers, wifi & a media card reader. It plays any game I throw at it, and churns out images, videos, & 3d renders a lot faster than my old venice @ 2.7ghz.

Oh, and did I mention it's a notebook that weighs 8 pounds and is really easy to bring with me anywhere I go?

2000k-3000k? i think not.
Hmm? ;)
TheOmniscientCreator said:

yeah, it's a 9400, and I call it a desktop because that's how I use it most of the time. It's huge :eek: But it's still VERY portable compared to desktops & monitors.

Like the tower and monitor I used to have, I bring this with me some times. It's a hell of a lot easier to lug around. perfect for everyone? No. But it's going to hold it's resale value a lot better than a comparable desktop & monitor. And that sounds good to me :D

And $1500 is a good deal for the hardware, even if you priced out a comparable desktop.
TheOmniscientCreator said:
I'm not after a flame war, I was just astonished by the use of "pwn". And, in case you didn't notice my sig, I have an X850XT...which is one of the best, if not THE best AGP cards around. And the fact that I have the Battlefield 2 server in my sig, you'd think that I play games too ;) About 3D Mark...ask anyone. It's a synthetic benchmark. It doesn't prove much. Obviously, better hardware=better performance and IQ.

My point is it's hard to compare rigs without a 'standard'. Even running the same time demo does not guarantee the same settings. What would rule would be a 3dmark program that used actual games but still maintained a verifiable control set of parameters.

I did notice the BF2 in ur sig and the irony ;) No hard feelings. Now come partake of group huggage Mr. l33t haXors.
DarthBeavis said:
Show me a 1000 desktop that will pwn my AMD X2 4800 and Geforce Go GTX.
And don't start talking smack cause my desktop will probably pwn you from dusk until the break of dawn as well ;) Come on. Try me. I dare you. How about we compare 3DMark 06 scores?

i don't think his comment was specifically meant for those that can afford to throw away money unecessarily like that. more-so towards those thinking of getting a gaming laptop, when in fact it's kind of a waste of money. i know my acer ferrari 3400 was overpriced but i still got it anyway. ... wish i bought an ibm or a small vaio though.
MadSkills said:
Why would anyone pay $2000-3000k for an essentially un-upgradeable, non-portable, already-obsolete SLOW gaming machine?

a $1000 desktop with an Athlon 64 and a Geforce would outperform any gaming machine out there.

So why not get a light laptop that you can actually tote around, then keep a desktop at home with the money you save? And if you ABSOLUTELY have to play games on the road, some better, smaller laptops can run games at low-res.

Really , gaming laptops are the biggest piece of marketing hype ever perpetrated on us.

So, my laptop, with 17" screen (1920x1200), and a Geforce 6800, that I paid $1250 for, is somehow non-portable (not true), non-upgradable (also not true), already obsolete (hardly, it's a year old, but still runs great), and is somehow marketing hype?

I think you've just never looked around or really ever thought about it. Why get a light laptop that can't game,when you can get a real one and do everything that your desktop can? You a pansy that can't carry 10lbs around? and those llight lappys have screens far too small to be usable for anything I do with mine (and btw, I LOVE playing HL2 at 1920x1200 on the road)
MadSkills said:
What you guys are calling "laptops" with Athlon X2's are actually 10+ lb monsters.

The ONLY conceivable, practical application for a laptop so large is LAN parties, and yeah, we know that that's what all the Alienware brainwashed fanatics buy them for.

My point is, if you are just going to sit at home with the huge hunk of hardware anyway, get yourself a desktop and save money. You can even connect it to a bigger screen, and you'll be able to upgrade more easily and with more options for less expense.

10lbs is still a laptop. I carry mine around every day, everywhere I go. I do all of my work on it, play games on it, and use it for general browsing / email / whatever. And I get 3.5 hours of battery life easily.

The only application? LOL. I need desktop power on the road.
lopoetve said:
10lbs is still a laptop. I carry mine around every day, everywhere I go. I do all of my work on it, play games on it, and use it for general browsing / email / whatever. And I get 3.5 hours of battery life easily.

The only application? LOL. I need desktop power on the road.

I agree totally. I think of it more as a mobile desktop. I game allot, and go to buddies houses for a weekend of racing every now and then. I also use it for work (which the dual core helps out with) I got tired of packing up all the stuff that goes along with a big desktop. I bought an Alienware MJ-12 m7700a to solve the problem. It isn't light at around 20lbs or so with mouse, notebook cooler and the enormous power brick they have. Put all that in the backpack and take off, so much easier than taking my water-cooled desktop and 24" monitor and all the other stuff you need to take. It has the 4800+, 2gig of ram, 7800GTX, dual drives in RAID 0, dual burners, the works at the time I bought it. I wouldn't say that it is outdated at all. Hell it runs faster than most of my buddies desktops. It's all about what you want the thing to do. It is perfect and exactly what I wanted it to be, knowing after researching what to get for my needs. Laptop, not really, but still mobile enough to take with you anywhere and only takes about 2 minutes to pack it all up. I look at these as a niche in the market. Some want thin and light, others want desktop power with easy mobility. Some of the posts above are too general to apply to all peoples needs, even if they are different than those who posted them. Just my .02.
Thankfully the intelligent people have sucked the stupid out of this thread. The OP was looking for a flamewar, and got spanked.

Any idiot with half a brain can configure a kickass brand new Dell 9400, drop a coupon on it to bring it down to $1500 and smack the crap out of the vast, wide majority of desktop machines sold today.
Heck with my Acer TM4404WLMi I can play HL2 and UT2K4 at max res, and max in-game settings. I have to leave off AA, and AF but it's perfectly fine for on the road. I'm able to play Q4, and FEAR aswell although they have to be turned down somewhat.

Having it all to do over again I'd do it differently.
Instead of upgrading my desktop I would've poured that money into my new laptop, sold my desktop, and had a kickass laptop that would do everything I need it to. Being able to game better than 90% of desktops out there would just be a plus. I'm going to be travelling alot this year, and those slow nights in hotel rooms would get quite irritating without being able to kick up the occasional game.
Gaming laptop isn't for when u want to use a laptop on your lap, its for when you want a powerful laptop that you can easily carry around to different places where you have a table, chair, and hopefully internet.

Here are some uses:
Go to vegas or nice hotel

Go to another country where internet is available and you want to play your mmorpg character

Have a computer project you need to do with your friends and dont want to have everyone squinting to see the small little 12 inch screen.

When you travel from an apartment near school and back home often

When you already have a desktop and a ultraportable laptop

the list goes on
Screw the 10 pound laptop. I want the 20 pounder. That way I can claim I'm bringing it everywhere for exercise, and not because I'm playing... :D
Tawnos said:
Screw the 10 pound laptop. I want the 20 pounder. That way I can claim I'm bringing it everywhere for exercise, and not because I'm playing... :D

LOL. Either that or get yourself a hernia. :p

But seriously, I'm a desktop guy all day long and I was pretty much forced to buy a laptop because I work at a remote camp here in Kuwait. Granded my situation is pretty unique, I still beefed up the specs to be able to call it a gaming laptop. Most all of us out here have "gaming laptops". Its actually a hell of alot easier to setup a lan party here then any other lan party Ive ever been to.
NewBlackDak said:
Anyone who buys an Alienware Desktop has no business on [H]ard forums ;)

I suppose.. they may not have business here, but they seem to have plenty to say.

Anyways... NO it's not an oxymoron. Gaming is simply playing games... solitare falls under the category of a game and pretty much any laptop can play that.

So yeah, silly topic because no, gaming is not the same has "constantly upgrading to stay up with the cutting edge"... I play WoW, BF2, UT2004... a gaming laptop for me, should follow suit... but I know plenty of people who game on www."some-dumb-flash-site".com and game on pretty much anything.