Gaming Mice: DeathAdder, Logitech G5, G9 or other???


May 2, 2005
Hey folks. I have an old, rev 1 G5 that's been dying for awhile now. It blinks in and out, occasionally leaving me without mouse control in critical moments. It's cost me more than a few deaths in Team Fortress 2 recently.

I use a palm-style grip, and have large hands. I'd like more buttons than the rev 1 (just one thumb button and resolution selectors). I occasionally do FPS sniping and such, so being able to select mouse sensitivity on the fly was nice.

Should I go with a Logi G5 Rev 2, or is there anything else I can consider?

Also, $50 is a bit steep for a mouse. (Though I think it's what I payed the first time. I'm cheaper than I used to be! :D)

If anybody knows of any current deals on these mice, please post 'em!

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I think the G5 V2 is great (extra thumb button over V1 is a godsend)

As you like a palm grip, avoid the G9 (claw grip feels terrible to me, couldn't get the hang of it - my TF2 suffered for it). My motto is stick with what you know

Never tried a Deathadder so can't comment.
I've had a Deathadder for about two weeks now. I love it but then again I've never owned any gaming mouse. I have a palm grip and medium to large hands and love the feel.
DA too expensive ? buy MS intellimouse explorer 3.0/mx518 then, much better tracking perfomance than almost any laser sensor on the market, if you ever decide to go low sens so you can be more consistant with hitscan weapons these are the mice to buy, keep in mind tho that if you game at high resolutions with a kinda fast sensitivity then you might need more than 400dpi to avoid pixel skipping, use this calculator for reference :)
If your still under warranty contact logitech they pretty much have the best Customer Service as far as mice and kb's are concerned.

I'd personally take a G9 at this point, but a G5 v2 is also good. I have a few razers, but don't really like them as much as logitech. I think Logitech is a lot better in terms of materials and software. Razers can be had for pretty cheap though so if price is a big factor and you want to try something different you can often find Razers for way below retail.
G9, not a huge fan of the feel of the extra buttons on Razer mice unfortunatley; typically they are positioned at to much of a down angle to be of much use.

That and the Razer software has a bit to large of a foot print for my liking; I like the fact that I can load profiles into the G9 and no need the software running in the background at all.
That and the Razer software has a bit to large of a foot print for my liking; I like the fact that I can load profiles into the G9 and no need the software running in the background at all.

When your done configuring your options, simply uninstall the drivers and it's saved to the internal memory in the mouse. It's driver free.
When your done configuring your options, simply uninstall the drivers and it's saved to the internal memory in the mouse. It's driver free.

on the Razer line? Cool, I don't think they had it when I was running the copperhead; (or I didn't realize it.)
I <3 my deathadder, though it took some getting used to after i went to it from my MX Revolution.

you cant have more than one finger on a button, otherwise the weight from the 2 fingers will accidentally click the button :D
OP, you have 3 choices (maybe 4) when it comes to a quality gaming mouse.

1. mx518
2. ie 3.0
3. deathadder

and maybe the steelseries ikari OPTICAL

pick one. you dont need laser tech, you dont need 4732984732894 dpi.
When your done configuring your options, simply uninstall the drivers and it's saved to the internal memory in the mouse. It's driver free.

Interesting, thanks for the tip!

Any idea if this would also work with the Microsoft Reclusa keyboard? (uses Razer software)
I have an old, rev 1 G5 that's been dying for awhile now. It blinks in and out, occasionally leaving me without mouse control in critical moments.
I've heard great things about Logitech's tech support (although I've never had to make use of it myself). Why don't you try contacting them? They may just replace your current mouse free of charge.

If you can't/don't get it replaced, my preference would be the G5 Rev. 2.
Another vote for the DeathAdder.

As someone else noted, there's no need to bother with the Razer software, unless you care about profiles. Vista mouse control works fine, at least for my needs.
Logitech MX518. I wouldn't bother with the newer MS IE 3.0 because the quality is poor compared to the older 3.0 model (look on Ebay if you need the older one). The MX518 makes a great replacement mouse for those that are using the IE 3.0.
Again I have a DeathAdder and love it. Great for my big hands (can palm a full size basketball at 15). I also like the pulsing logo :D
Mx518 without a doubt, however the rubber on mine is coming off all over the mouse.