Gaming Mouse that important?

After owning an MX510 I would buy nothing less, take that as you will.
no it doesn't matter. i was just as good with my cheapo optical mouse as i am with my mx310.
After buying an MX700, I will accept no less. ;)

I have over 100 bucks in my mousing setup... Ratpadz GS, MX700, teflon feet, and I clean the mouse pad with alcohol and give it a good spray of pledge, keeps it moving nice and free. Can't stand to use any other mousing setup now. I'd say it's definitely worth it. :)
thats cool that you guys like your expensive mice and micepads and all but it doesn't really make a difference in gaming performance though. so to the threadstarter, get whatever you like. but for comfort, maybe you should go to best buy or something and try them out and find one that fits your hand good.
I always say the best mice ever made(even though it comes from Microsoft) is the oldschool ball mice with the roller ball. You dont have to worry about the lazer jumping or anything when you lift it up and they are built great I think. I'm still pimping mine with style and give anyone who hates on it the finger! :D In all seriousness though, I think these are the best mice made, I've tinkered with opticals and never like them, were too light and the lazer skipped, so I say old school.
Cryptic said:
I always say the best mice ever made(even though it comes from Microsoft) is the oldschool ball mice with the roller ball. You dont have to worry about the lazer jumping or anything when you lift it up and they are built great I think. I'm still pimping mine with style and give anyone who hates on it the finger! :D In all seriousness though, I think these are the best mice made, I've tinkered with opticals and never like them, were too light and the lazer skipped, so I say old school.

I have owned 3 optical mouses and the lazer never skips. I personally like them light.
mx 1000 all the way, baught 1 and cant use anything else, nothing matches its proformance and feel.
Cryptic, you're not trying the right mice then. only certain opticals skip. My MS intellimouse 4.0 skips every once in awhile and the left click is a little picky at times, so i'm gonna rent.....i mean borro.....I MEAN purchase an MX1000 from best buy and return it if it's "not my thing" i.e. cause newegg has it for 30 bucks less...
I used to think that the mouse wouldn't matter. But when I picked up the MX518... Let me tell you, I've never been so convinced in my life that gaming mice are important. Playing some games with my new mouse was like playing them for the first time. It really does make a difference.
A quality piece of eq is a good thing to have. You can tell the difference between a 2 dollar ball mouse and a good mouse like logitech 510 or 518
do NOT think that a mouse will make you better than you are.

don't let anyone tell you that this $80 mouse and this $30 mousepad are going to make you super player.

get something that you like and that makes you feel you are doing better.

I have a logitech m700 and a ms intelemouse explorer 3 and a 4 before they put on the tilt wheel stuff. I do just as bad with one as the other lol

I do better with the 4 because it fits my hand a little better. The 700 is nice but a little too quick for my play style. I will pick up a 518 because I want to try the shift on the fly BUT might not be needed..

I have seen 510's on sale for as little as $18....get one if it fits your hand and feels good.
DAMN GOOD MOUSE from everyone I know that has them.
me I want a blue one but I AIN'T giving $40 for it LOL

Of course you can buy skill what make you think you can´t :rolleyes:

You can be fine with a cheapo mouse but generally unless you are a real low sense player you won´t be as accurate as if you get a real gaming mouse. Can be perfectly fine with that too however you can buy skill to get a mouse that reacts better to your movements :).

Creme de la creme currently is Diamondback and MX518 and both those I find remarkably much better than the MX 510 and Intellimouse 4. But then I am a high sensitivity gamer. Low sense gamers will see a smaller but probably will still notice the difference :)
I think a good mouse is pretty important in accuracy games. If your ball mouse is sucking up every speck of dust in the room till it makes a pet dust bunny inside the housing, then I can think your accuracy will be a little off and reactions a bit slower.

I'm loving my MX510 and MX1000.
A good mouse will only help you if you're a good player already. If you're not already fairly good at gaming, it won't help you improve unless your current mouse is a complete pile of crap.
It will help any player definiatly. Because the MX510 and MX1000 for example isn´t fast enough to track really fast movements accurately. So you don´t even have to have crappy mouses before to see the difference :).

Now the MX510 and others are good enough for many but that is another story.

If anything less good players would benefit more from a high quality mouse to make up for their less good instincts, tactics or whatever :D
if you're buying that mouse for a first person shooter, dont. If your buying that mouse for a game that is real time and requires precision dont. However if u play a turn based RPG or something that doesnt require high precision, there is nothing wrong with that mouse.
I use an Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 that I've had for years. I bought an MX510 last Christmas and ended up taking it back. I can say, in all honesty, that I couldn't tell a difference between the two and the "upgrade" wasn't worth the money. I'm not some hack player either; been playing Desert Combat on competative ladders for quite a while.

There is no replacement for a quality mouse/keyboard setup. I'm using my MX1000 and I LOVE it. Remember, your mouse and keyboard are your sword and shield.
AceTKK said:
I use an Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 that I've had for years. I bought an MX510 last Christmas and ended up taking it back. I can say, in all honesty, that I couldn't tell a difference between the two and the "upgrade" wasn't worth the money. I'm not some hack player either; been playing Desert Combat on competative ladders for quite a while.


I also noted that. I did notice a small improvement over Intellimouse 3 and going to Mx510 and Intellimouse 4. However there was a bigger jump from MX510/Intellimouse 4 to the Razer Diamondback I have currently :).

But the Intellimouse 3 had the best ergonomics of all these mouses the DB is only second in that regard followed by Intellimouse 4 and last MX 510.
I love my MX510. That having been said, a mouse is similar to golf equipment. Will a $1500 set of irons improve your game? A bit, perhaps. Tiger Woods would still own you even with a $50 set of beat up clubs purchased at a K-Mart in 1961. In the end, it's skill that matters.
However Tiger Woods would loose every single tournament out there if he had say 3 year old equipment ;)
I use my POS optical mouse and I regularly end up on top in Half Life 2 DM. Mind you I find all mice too small and not comfortbal for my hand, but then again with the size of my meat hooks I would need a friggen frizbie sized mouse to feel comfortable.
oqvist said:
However Tiger Woods would loose every single tournament out there if he had say 3 year old equipment ;)
Well, I don't know about 3 year old equipment ;) But if TW was still playing with 'wood' woods and other 20 year old equipment, he'd be at a serious disadvantage vs. Mickelson, Singh, etc. The best equipment does help versus people of similar skill.
Trust me it´s enough with 3 year old equipment. This means no trampoline drivers but more importantly the golf balls mean he loose 20 metres just there :).

Now mouse development doesn´t go as fast and doesn´t have such a major impact however it does still make a difference for both high and low handicappers ;)
that mouse you put up... appears to be pretty poor.. stick with the ones these guys recommended... youll be much happier than with a gimic mouse.
This mouse is going on 5 years and still going strong, and on good days I can stay in top 3 on CS:S, and I dont even play that much, I'm a WoW person....So I dont think that 3 year old or 3 day old equipment makes a differnce. Old school Microsoft ball mice still own all your fancy lazer mice.
Im still lovin the Logitech Dual Optical

Prehaps its time to check out this MX 510/518 everybody is raving about.
Thanks for the comments. I decided to go with a MX510 from newegg. I kept thinking it would be like 50-80 dollars which was way too much for me, but no, it wasn't even thirty.

I'll let you know when I get it how it is...
3 factors affect my mouse buying descions:

if its cheap and on offer, it touches me so i'll dunk out cash for it ^^ ( got my blue mx510 for around 1200 NT go figure :) )

i want a top notch mouse with no "flip and see ground" syndrome common in fps games whenever u "flip" the mouse, and im comfortable with my mx510, but its just that the mouse isnt the bottleneck anymore, i am cuz i still need lots of practice...

Do i really need a new mouse? is my old mouse irritaiong you? etc etc
I've had my MS Intellimouse Optical for years now and its great. When it comes to gaming results I dont think that you will do better with a $65 mouse as opposed to a $20 mouse. Yeah ok so they have all these super duper features like sensitivity adjustment on the fly etc and OMG it can sample at 1 billion times a second. But do you really need features like that?

If you think it will make that much difference to your gaming then all power to you. Go for it. But IMO I think any mouse, as long as it is comfortable in your palm and has the buttons you need will do. You can only move your hand so fast and your screen has finite dimensions. Go for comfort above all things and as long as it has buttons for 1ry fire/2ndry fire and whatever else you need you will find that will serve you better than going for a $65 "gaming mouse".
have an el cheapo $9 IBM optical mouse. black no frills heavy duty

it takes a lot of punishment and still works perfectly. it is quite enough for games, as I kick ass. Although that could just be me :D :cool: :eek:
WSlyce said:
thats cool that you guys like your expensive mice and micepads and all but it doesn't really make a difference in gaming performance though. so to the threadstarter, get whatever you like. but for comfort, maybe you should go to best buy or something and try them out and find one that fits your hand good.
im sorry but going from a cheap wireless optical logitech to a diamondback i can tell you personally that my ratios went 1:3kd to 2:1kd ratio and it gave me the ability to snipe which was impossible on that 50hz pos
The mouse and the keyboard are two of the most important pieces of computing gear for comfort and ease of use. But probably the LAST component people consider. Now, when i'm playing, i tend to be on for hours at a shot. That mouse and keyboard had better "Feel" good, or i'm going to suck big time.

Get what feels good to you. Resolution, optical/ball, all of that other stuff is secondary, if you can't make the mouse perform due to discomfort. For example, i have a logitec "click" optical on my computer at work. While it seems to be a quality mouse, it is simply too dang small for my hand. I'd actually rather have an old MS ball mouse than this optical. Again, it's not a bad mouse, but it's uncomfortable to use for extended periods.

I'm strongly considering a nostromo keyboard add on thingy, as it looks a lot more ergonomic than a keyboard for FPS's. Plus i've heard good things about them from other people i trust in such matters. ;)
Whoever says "all mice are equal, it's all about skill" is absolutely crazy! I went from getting 1 kill per DM with my intellimouse explorer 1.0 to getting 2 kills per DM with my MX510. That's twice as many! I'm 50% better now people!! Take my advice, spend your whole paycheck on a mice! You must do this or regret it forever! ;) :D
Booby McNipples said:
Whoever says "all mice are equal, it's all about skill" is absolutely crazy! I went from getting 1 kill per DM with my intellimouse explorer 1.0 to getting 2 kills per DM with my MX510. That's twice as many! I'm 50% better now people!! Take my advice, spend your whole paycheck on a mice! You must do this or regret it forever! ;) :D

Well I used to play on a 8 dollar no name mouse, I now own a mx510. My parents dont like the mx510 so I only use it when I play games.

It makes a slight difference, when awping and really pin point shots in CS. So it depends on how much u r into a game.

I would say it improved my CS game 15%

BTW: I use one of those promo mouse pads u get in the mial from companies(mines a cloth one form a bank) It is to small tho, so if u invest in a mouse invest in a mousepad(not one of those 50 dollar ones tho)