Gaming mouse to replace Mx518.

Jul 6, 2009
I've been using the Logitech MX518 for a few years now and I'm quite happy with it, but it seems like it is dying on me as it goes offline for a few seconds every now and then.

So I was thinking about getting a new mouse and I'm not sure which one to buy. I'm thinking of trying something new and not buy the same mouse again, but that too is a option if there is nothing better to buy.

I really like the mouse because of all it's buttons - I have use for all of them. So that's why I don't want a DeathAddres - I would want just a few more buttons.
I should also say that I would like a wired mouse because the wire doesn't bother me and recharging is a bitch.
I don't care about profiles because I only need and that can be stored in my PC.
And then for the third thing it would be super-high and on-the-fly changable DPI. I use the same regular DPI for every game, I can always change the sensitivity for each game from the settings and I'm never going to change it in-game (for example if I scope in with a sniper I'm still gonna keep the same DPI - I wouldn't care to change it even if it was one mouse click away).

Those reasons above are why I don't want to buy Razer's Mamba. It seems nice, but it costs too much and has a lot of features I don't care about.
I was looking at Lachesis, but I'm not sure because of the ambidextrous design. I'm right handed so why buy a mouse that is more uncomfortable for me?
Tnen I checked out Roccat Kone which looks pretty good and is quite similiar, but i heard that it's scroll wheel sucks and breaks easily.
Razer Imperator is also quite interesting, but it costs a lot more than another Mx518 for example and it seems that it has 1 less button.
But then I was looking at G500. What does it have that much better when compared to Mx518? I mean I really don't care about the weights for example. The button placement looks weird, are they still usable?

What do you guys think?
My Logitech G9X was awesome. It has interchangeable grips and you can fine tune the weight of it. It has multiple DPI settings which are changeable on the fly.

It was awesome for MW2 up until I smashed it against my desk.
I have a Logitech G5 V2 ( the one with the two side buttons ). It's great. In fact, it's exactly like the two other MX518's I've had aside from the texture. And alot like the G7 minus the one side button and the battery absolutely sucking balls. Logitech is always releasing new mice for more $$$, but it seems like it's all diminishing returns after the MX518. Sure, you get weights and interchangeable grips, and a scroll wheel that sucks a bit since it tilts now too, but as far as actual mousing goes, the difference is negligible.

Save your money and get another MX518 if you can still find it. Otherwise, you can't really go wrong with any Logitech gaming mouse, even if they're not a great value. (they're all the same, aside from some checkbox features and a higher price tag)
When my MX518 broke i got an M500 instead, not a "gaming" mouse but it still works very well in games. M500 has the same design as MX518 but has no dpi-buttons.
G5 V2. Coming from a 518 you'll be right at home and very little adjustment required.

I went to a G9 and had to go back to a G5

Better the devil you know
Get another MX518 :) haha.
Mine's on it's way out to, may get another or the G500, basically the same in my opinion, just sleeker and quicker.
I went from an Mx518 to a G500 after using the Mx518 for several years. It took a while to get used to it, but now I love the G500 more than any other mouse that I own.
I'll second the G500. Compared to my old v2 G5 the mouse buttons click better and the scroll wheel is much smoother to scroll there's even a toggle for hyperscrolling. It feels a little more comfortable to hold too. I recommend it highly.
I have the mx518, G5, and the G500. They are all similar enough to make me happy switching between them (work I use g500, home desktop g5, laptop gets the mx518). I think overall my favorite is the G5 - if anything for the rough feeling it provides.
The G5v2 is a good replacement. I replaced mine with a Razor DeathAdder which still give me the same feel. It took some adjustment but Im happy with it.
I've had the G5 rev 2 for maybe 3+ years now, awesome mouse, but wanted something new recently, and I wanted to go wireless.

Recently grabbed the Microsoft Sidewinder X8, and so far so good. The thumb buttons feel better than the G5, it glides well if not better (has interchangeable feet), tracks just as well as the G5 (3 DPI settings, up to 4000 DPI), looks better (kinda looks like a Cylon when that strip lights up red), and it's wireless. Wish it had weights though.
i have a razer mamba. if i didn't have this, i'd probably go with the razer copperhead/diamondback. the diamondback has been one of the best mice i've ever used.

that said, wireless is unbelievably useful for fast, but low sense players

to be honest, though, the 518 is one of the few mice that never disappointed me. the 518 or the diamondback. i'm considering ditching the mamba for a copperhead if i can get used to playing on a wire again
replace it with another mx518. cheap and the best gaming mouse ever made, or buy an ie 3.0 or a deathadder

you already love the mx518, so why not get another one? I have 2 mx518's in my closet to use when they die. should last me 2 years at least. I also have an ie 3.0 to use if i want
I'm a big fan of the Sidewinder from Microsoft. Though mine is on its way out at the moment (either that or it hates my desk) so I'm going to end up replacing it soon with one of the Razer mice, haven't decided which one yet. Figure I might as well make the rounds with gaming mice brands. Did Logitech already so Razer is the next obvious choice.
It has a three year warranty, mine died and all they wanted was the serial number i think and they sent me a new one.

Under three years and still have the package? Give it a try.
I might be a little behind in terms of mouse performance, but last I checked, the MX518 and Deathadder were by far the most accurate on the market. All others have severe negative/positive acceleration or tracking issues.

I would say buy another MX518.
Dont get the G500 or G9X, I have the G500 and it has an acceleration bug, it has a horrible laser sensor. The tracking issues become even more apparent on certain tracking surfaces, sadly this is purely in hardware so logitech cannot fix it, you can check their forums.
I got a Razr DB Plasma for a while when my last 518 went out. I used it and got used to it. But as soon as I saw the 518 on sale again I picked it up and ditched the Razer to the secondary machine.
G5 ver 2. G500 has stiff keys and some issues for gamers, from what i heard.
I had 3 518's and wanted something different but with the same button layout. Went with the Roccat kone and it has not dissapointed me at all. For me its actually more comfortable than the 518 ever was.

Hmm that looks like a nice mouse. A bit flashy but what interests me is that the entire surface, albeit the glowing parts, are covered by the same rubbery material on the sides of the MX518. I've been looking for a mouse like this! I hate the glossy plastic on the MX518 that can get grimy after hours of gaming. Anyone have thoughts or opinions on this company?
So far it seems like I should get another Mx518. It has been more than 3 years since I got this one.
I'll second the G500. Compared to my old v2 G5 the mouse buttons click better and the scroll wheel is much smoother to scroll there's even a toggle for hyperscrolling. It feels a little more comfortable to hold too. I recommend it highly.

good to heat this. I love my G5 v2 but the wheel is very bad in both scrolling and clicking. that's the main reason why I have 14000 BC2 kills with only 150 dogtags because it requires clicking the wheel (assigned another button but always forget to use it).
Shit that's a good price. I'd jump on it right away if it weren't for me taking a break from my PC games.

I just took my own advice. Been playing around with getting a dedicated gaming mouse but always talked myself out of it because of the price. A $90 mouse that is arguable the best on the market for $40 was more than even I could turn down. So I just pulled the trigger on it. $50 after shipping and stupid ass sales tax. :mad: Oh well.

Best thing is this gives me an excuse to buy some new FPS since Ive got a real mouse to play them with now. Woohoo!