Gaming mouse with scroll wheels that have momentum?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 8, 2008
I spend a lot of time on my computer reading, and looking things up.

At my work, we have Logitech MX master mice and I LOVE the scroll wheel. It is fantastic.

Unfortunately, that mouse is wireless. I want something like that, but wired, both to not deal with batteries/recharging, and for minimal input lag.

Are there any options other than Logitech M500 that have a similar scroll wheel? I don't need one that auto switches, but something that has actual momentum and continues scrolling if I scroll quickly would be nice.

I'd get the Logitech M500, but it's a bit on the ugly side. Not as ugly as the Logitech gaming mice, at least..
What do you mean by momentum? Like the physical scroll wheel keeps on moving (like a number of Logitech mice which have scrolls wheels which can switch between a "freewheeling mode" and a regular mode at the push of a button) or via software?
What do you mean by momentum? Like the physical scroll wheel keeps on moving (like a number of Logitech mice which have scrolls wheels which can switch between a "freewheeling mode" and a regular mode at the push of a button) or via software?

When I flick it, it continues scrolling for at least a second even after I let go. Many scroll wheels, such as those on Razer mice, will stop immediately.
Yeah, logitech mice will be your best bet, then.

For example:

Speed and precision
With Proteus Spectrum, you decide the mode. Choose hyper-fast scrolling or click-to-click precision.

Allows you to use a button to select between a scroll wheel that freewheels (it rotates smoothly, too), or a scroll wheel that stops moving the moment you stop applying any force on it (it rotates with a "click, click, click" sensation). A lot of Logitech gaming mice have this feature.
I have a mx master and the wheel is awesome. I also have a G700s from Logitech which have almost the same feature. But you have to hit a button to toggle the mouse wheel mode, it's not auto-switching like the master. It's a gaming mouse though, so you get wired mode and alot higher sense if you like that.
Just look for "Free spinning" or "Dual-mode" scroll wheel. A switch engages the detents on the wheel. Or disengage and it spins freely for several seconds. I've been using the same G500 with this feature forever. It won't die... I kinda wish it would so I could buy a mouse with a different laser position. It's way up at the front which has always been weird to me.
Caveat on the auto scrolling, you will wear the ratchet out. Went through three MX Masters until I just stopped using it that way.
Ended up getting an M500. Cheap, good mouse, but the cable and mouse feet are really cheap. Going to replace both.