Gaming PC for my Friend. Rate this build please.


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2007
This is the max he can go, budget wise. He likes to keep his computer for years. Playing games but nothing hardcore here. Source games, Spore, RTS, Skyrim, Fable 1/3 etc. And playing blu-rays, All on a 1920x1080 monitor.

These are parts I found locally, in Canada, with their current price.

GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 @ 99$
Corsair XMS 1.5v 1600mhz 2x2GB @ 14.99$
Intel i5 2500 @ 180$
6770 @ 80$
Case Thermaltake V3 @ 30$
Extra 120mm Fan 10$ (front)
750 Watt TR2 PSU (already included)

Anything I should change ? Thanks !!!
- The HD 6770 is a bit weak for 1920x1080 for Skyrim but if he's fine with low to medium settings, he should be fine there.
- Definitely change the PSU: That PSU is a total pice of shit and can barely provide half its rated power. Go for the Corsair CX430 as a replacement.
- Is the Core i5 2400 any cheaper?
- The HD 6770 is a bit weak for 1920x1080 for Skyrim but if he's fine with low to medium settings, he should be fine there.
- Definitely change the PSU: That PSU is a total pice of shit and can barely provide half its rated power. Go for the Corsair CX430 as a replacement.
- Is the Core i5 2400 any cheaper?

- Ok, my other friend got a 5770 and it plays well @ 1080p resolution for most of the game @ med-high settings. 6770 is minor improvement with tessellation/hdmi 4.1a. So it should perform about the same. Im sure its gonna play fine at medium setting tho.

- I know, but Its my old PoS PSU. It will handle this setup tho. It didnt like my 570gtx :p

- The i5 2400 is 200$, the i5 2500 is 40$ off. So its 180$ :p

Let me add, he likes GTA 4. Im pretty sure its gonna play fine on med settings tho. Since it seems it like alot of CPU power.

I was going for the FX build and a better graphics card. But damn, the bulldozer is bad. Since hes gonna keep it for few years, I like to get him a strong base that he could just swap GPU if needed and add a SSD.

Thanks !
- Ok, my other friend got a 5770 and it plays well @ 1080p resolution for most of the game @ med-high settings. 6770 is minor improvement with tessellation/hdmi 4.1a. So it should perform about the same. Im sure its gonna play fine at medium setting tho.
Hmm, that doesn't sound right to me as my bro has a HD 5770 and it's only plays well at medium to high at 1680x900.
- I know, but Its my old PoS PSU. It will handle this setup tho. It didnt like my 570gtx :p
Still a piece of shit so I really don't recommend giving your friend that PSU. You did ask "Anything I should change ?". Well that's something you should change.