Gaming PC


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 17, 2005
Well, I figure I'll share my story. I was holding out on a new pc until the 9th when the 7900s become available, but my computer took a dive. Video card went, and the way I figure it is that I shouldn't spend $400-500 on a video card. I play at 1080p anyway. So I went ahead and ordered the following, after stripping out my PC and keeping what I wanted. About 6 fans, 2 HDDS totaling 1.75TB space, a PSU for a back up and a DVD burner that's unfortunately PATA.

This is what I bought:

NZXT Phantom White
Corsair Vengeance 16GB ram (4x4gb) DDR3 1600
Samsung 22x DVD burner
MSI Z68A-GD55 (G3) Motherboard
Kingston HyperX 120gb SSD drive
Cooler Master Hyper 212
Season 750W 80 plus gold PSU
MSI Radeon 6950 Twin Frozr III PE/OC 2GB
Windows 7 Home Premium
Dirt 3 (Free)

Came to $1333.05, I got $70 off for bundling a few of the parts. And $35 off from promo codes, so it would have been 1438. I also got $100 of mail in rebates to do. I think I did pretty well. PC is ivy bridge ready and PCI-E 3.0, incase I want to upgrade in the future.
Wouldn't have gone with that Kingston SSD but looks like a nice build overall.

Good luck with the build!
The Kingston SSD uses a SandForce controller, and SandForce controllers have suffered from random BSODs in Windows. Though a recently released firmware update reportedly fixed the problem, some users are still reporting issues after the fact. (And these problems are occurring with all SSDs that use SandForce controllers, not only the Kingston models.)

The SSDs that we normally recommend here are the Crucial M4, Intel 510, and Samsung 830 series, none of which use SandForce controllers.
Oh well hopefully I have good luck with it. Should have probably done a bit more research.
I'll give it a shot, I must have got distracted when I put it in my cart. Come to think of it my girlfriend was talking to me. I saw a $50 rebate, but didn't really look at the regular price. Looking back through with the rebate it's only down to the cost of most other SSD drives :(
I have one more question for you. I'm looking for a good headset with microphone in the $50 range any suggestions? Everyone I buy dies.