gaming periods for groups of gamers. pre-WOW and post-WOW.


May 30, 2005
for me and my local friends, we used to LAN it up and play FPS games, RTS games, or any kind of wacky games in the late 90s, early 2000s. Now everyone(and their girlfriends!) plays WOW and never wants to try anything new. its the end of a fun and exciting gaming age for us.

now this isn't a rant, but just an observation of what WOW has done to gaming for a certain group of people. Now I don't hate WOW, i actually acknowledge all the coolness behind it, because I hear from my friends about it all the time, but the fact that it keeps my friends glued to their chairs for up to 6 hours at a time, has made all my friends less patient, less likely to try something new, whether it be in gaming or a real life event and just makes me wish WOW and games like it never existed.

like i said, this isn't supposed to be a rant, heres my gaming related question, How different do you think gaming or life in general would be within your friends if mmorpgs didn't exist? i just loved the thrills and cursing I got from playing FPSes with friends like 2v2 or more. and i love the fact that you can pick it up, play for an hour or so, and feel good, and then go and do something else.
Without mmorpgs my lungs probably wouldn't be as healthy as they are if you know what I mean. ;)
Well, first of all.. alot of my friends are glued to WoW and do nothing else, besides a LAN party. Within' my group of friends, you seriously must have something going on to skip out on a LAN. Hell, some even come to the LANs and play WoW a lot of the time.

What would it be like without MMOs eh? Well, there would be more Tekken fight nights, and.. more FPS I guess.. lol.
All of my friends play Counter-Strike. I honestly don't see how people get "Addicted" to WoW or any MMO for that matter. I've played most of them, and I play for about a month or two and I get bored with them. Half way through the level cap, the game is nothing anymore, and I rarely play them after that to do anything but socialize.
TranquilRed said:
All of my friends play Counter-Strike. I honestly don't see how people get "Addicted" to WoW or any MMO for that matter. I've played most of them, and I play for about a month or two and I get bored with them. Half way through the level cap, the game is nothing anymore, and I rarely play them after that to do anything but socialize.

WoW is a social addiction. You don't get 'addicted' to the game per say because quite honestly with a little work, BOOM you're level 60. The addiction kicks in FULL bore once you're involved in a fairly large and well organized guild raiding instances nightly... all the while contributing back to your guild in every way when not raiding. Seriously when I was at my deepest point of addiction, I would come home and login to ventrilo before even loading the game.

The addiction becomes social, if you're a guildless solo player ... WoW will NEVER become addicting. I think you expected too much from the game, and probably experienced about 20% of what was actually available for you to get your hands on.

WoW starts at level 60, everything else before that is just a tutorial.
theNoid said:
WoW starts at level 60, everything else before that is just a tutorial.

That's too much time to invest for me. I'll stick to my CS:S server talking to regulars.
theNoid said:
WoW starts at level 60, everything else before that is just a tutorial.

Whenever I hear that I just think it's someone justifying wasted time. I played wow up to about level 42 (got my mount and all). The game just loses any aspect of funby forcing you to grind to get your weapons and armor and the lack of world events was a real let down. If they came out with some sort of organized invasion (read as all out war) I might get back into the game but, the fact that the only world battles are small skirmishes that end up in one side ganking the other it's just not fun. I began playing WOW on an open pvp server for the raids that SHOULD take place but those never end up working.
I played wow for periods of time. The most I played was up to 4 months I think. I took a 6 month break and started up back in april. I went 20 levels from april to june 10 when i deactivated it. I am in a guild and like the game but the 15 dollars for non stable servers and drops all the time isnt worth it. The service is pathetic for millions paying 15 dollars a month. Plus it seems that the quest are just teh same thing over and over again. I guess I just have to keep going back and forth between cs:s, wc3, and bf2 (when it works). I cant play wow like i can play cs. I guess I never really used ventrillio alot with wow so who knows. Awesome game for the most part.
theNoid said:
WoW is a social addiction. You don't get 'addicted' to the game per say because quite honestly with a little work, BOOM you're level 60. The addiction kicks in FULL bore once you're involved in a fairly large and well organized guild raiding instances nightly... all the while contributing back to your guild in every way when not raiding. Seriously when I was at my deepest point of addiction, I would come home and login to ventrilo before even loading the game.

The addiction becomes social, if you're a guildless solo player ... WoW will NEVER become addicting. I think you expected too much from the game, and probably experienced about 20% of what was actually available for you to get your hands on.

WoW starts at level 60, everything else before that is just a tutorial.

This man speaks the truth. Unless you make friends in the game, you will not have any "addiction" or need to log on and play.

The only reason I play is for the few good in-game buddies I have that I have known since release. It's also fun to try and make new friends and to kill some time. I am not big on going out and partying or going to clubs, so I'll stay home at night and play Warcraft.

Cheap entertainment. SAFE entertainment :D
WoW is fun if yes, you have about 20 people that you regularly (and actually) hang out with in what they might remember as "the real world". the "fun" in WoW is really the learning of strats, and just general gaming experiences. it is not fun if you just play for the epics (like i admittedly did, but then again my only RL buddy on the server proceeded to quit).
WoW is only as fun as the people you play it with.

Anyway, as long as you play smart and not hard I don't really see why most people couldn't play other stuff at the same time. I still play WC3 with a person in the very same guild as me in WoW quite regularly for instance.
I can relate with the original poster. I have about 10 local friends I've been playing PC games with for years. Mainly shooters.

But since WoW, that's all most of them do anymore. I've moved on, but the others are still there grinding away MC and the battlegrounds.

Pretty frickin' boring if you ask me.
Darakian said:
Whenever I hear that I just think it's someone justifying wasted time. I played wow up to about level 42 (got my mount and all). The game just loses any aspect of funby forcing you to grind to get your weapons and armor and the lack of world events was a real let down. If they came out with some sort of organized invasion (read as all out war) I might get back into the game but, the fact that the only world battles are small skirmishes that end up in one side ganking the other it's just not fun. I began playing WOW on an open pvp server for the raids that SHOULD take place but those never end up working.

thats because you only got to level 42. Like Face said.. you only really start the game at level 60. And I agree about the soacial addiction. I'm in a good PvE guild (C'thun killing) and really i cant imagine playing solo. Just too much fun stuff goes on in /g chat