Gaming using dual monitors


Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2005
I was curious to see what u guys have to say on this. I recently downloaded a copy of Ultramon (not sure if anyone uses that) to do my dual monitor setup because i dont really like the nvidia setup. Now when i run a game, bf2, WoW, bf2142, etc etc. it always opens on my main screen being my samsung 206bw which is fine. yet when im playing the only way i can access items on my second screen is for me to minimize whats on my first screen. is this normal practice? what id really like to be able to do is while playing WoW or something be able to get my cursor on the second screen without having to minimize the game im in. is this possible?
IMO I dont think this is possible... I use Ultramon as well (love it to death) and I game on a 24 inch Dell and keep a 22 inch Dell on my right side, When I game I have ultramon set to disable the 2nd monitor and then reactivate it when I end the game. When I want to answer an IM or check a page I have to alt+tab out and then check it on my primary 24 inch. Maybe someone else has a better way of doing things...
yea, thats exactly what im stuck doing.

I have the samsung 206bw as my main and a samsung 712n as my secondary
I game with duals as well. I just look at the second screen to see my PC stats.
well im not sure if the other games you mention may have this option but in WoW.. theres an option in the video setting where you do window mode + maximize the screen which gives you the opportunity to have full screen on one monitor while the other one you can surf and do what you want WITHOUT ALT+TAB.
Sorry, it's just the way the extended desktop works. I wish it were more flexible to do the things like you are talking about.
I game with duals as well. I just look at the second screen to see my PC stats.

I do the same.Also when I am surfing, I keep the news network, mp3 player, instant messager, and pc stats running in the second screen.
well im not sure if the other games you mention may have this option but in WoW.. theres an option in the video setting where you do window mode + maximize the screen which gives you the opportunity to have full screen on one monitor while the other one you can surf and do what you want WITHOUT ALT+TAB.

Yeah some other games feature this. Age of Empires 3 is one of them. Just check for a Windowed mode option, or better yet, a full screen windowed mode option.
If you want to see what it is like to be able to scroll off the first screen without minimizing it play Command and Conquer Generals. If you run the cursor to the right of the main screen (if your second monitor is right of the first) then the cursor runs off, the problem is that you can't scroll as fast. Locking the cursor in the first screen is a good thing.

What I do is have all my IM's, and performance stuff of the second monitor. If it is Xfire IM then I can read it and reply iwth scroll lock x if needed. If it is another IM program, trillian in my case, then I can simply read the IM without alt tabbing and if it is important enough to reply to then I will alt tab.
well im not sure if the other games you mention may have this option but in WoW.. theres an option in the video setting where you do window mode + maximize the screen which gives you the opportunity to have full screen on one monitor while the other one you can surf and do what you want WITHOUT ALT+TAB.

Yea, WoW is the only exception really. I do that so it doesnt minimize. Alrite, ive got my answer. thanks guys, i kinda figured it was a long shot. Its more of an annoyance than anything
I'm not sure if this would work with the newer games, but I used to use it on the old ones.. if you modify the shortcut and add a "-w" at the end of its target... it will run the game in windowed mode. I'm not sure if that will solve your problems, but worth a try?