Gaming with IEMs?


Jan 16, 2003
Ok, so recently I took a huge plunge and bought myself a pair of JH16 pros. Yes, these are the uber-expensive IEMs that are custom molded to your ear.

Now, I already use a pair of Denon D5000s for my main PC gaming rig and I bought the JH16s for my portable music setup, but while I have been waiting for these I have wondered about the possibility of gaming with these IEMs.

Has anyone tried gaming with a pair of higher-end IEMs like the JH13s? What are your thoughts?
a lot of pro quake live players use ear buds, tbh i can't tell if they are fancy iem's or just your everyday ipod ones. but quake's sound system is so primitive that it doesn't benefit from having a larger sound stage. your iem's would probably be better than most of the those cheap 5.1 headphones they market the crap out of nowadays but i would stick with the denon's if only for the comfort during extended periods.
Well, that's the thing. To me, custom IEMs are far more comfortable than any over-the-ear headphones. I mean the customs are made from molds of your ear canal. They fit perfectly, block out a lot of sound and are far less irritating after long sessions than large, bulky full-sized cans.

That's not to say I don't love my Denons. I do, very much so. :)

From all I have heard about the JH16s/JH13s they are supposed to be some of the greatest headphones ever made, that includes full-sized headphones as well. I guess I will just have to wait until I get them before I know for sure how they will handle games.

The wait is just so excruciating!
Any decently high-end headphone will work well for gaming, regardless if they're in-ear or over-the-ear. That being said I've sometimes used my Ety ER-4S for gaming when I didn't have my other headphones available and they worked just fine. Of course their bass response was a bit less than optimal for impacts, but otherwise they were great. I'm sure the JH16's will work well for gaming.

Do remember that the IEM will provide a lot more isolation than a "regular" headphone, so if you're not alone in the house you might seemingly ignore people that try to get your attention :)