Garbled Screen on Startup - Kubuntu Live CD (64bit)


[H]F Junkie
Mar 5, 2005
I downloaded the 64 bit Kubuntu Live CD ISO (Yes, I have an Athlon64) and burned it to a CD with Nero. Upon rebooting, the CD loads as you would expect; I select what language I want to use, what keyboard layout, what resolution (you get the idea).

After all this, loads of kernel text scrolls down the screen, and I'm eventually dumped at a red, vertical pinstriped screen :confused:

Any ideas? I’m downloading the 32bit Live CD Iso now to see if it has the same problem.
I just found my digital camera! (its been MIA for the last 4 months :eek: )

The 32bit version locks up too, but it shows a different screen:
I had a similar problem a while back, and it was due to a bad stick of RAM... I don't know if that's your problem, but it's worth a shot. Try running memtest86 or some other memory checker for a while and see if it finds any problems...
Ok, but first I think I'll try runnign my processor/RAM at stock speeds :D

Even if it is the RAM, it would be strange that everything I do in Windows works fine, but this distro of Linux crashes (Knoppix works just fine)

Edit: Running the RAM at stock speed didn't help...
What video card?

I'd bet that using the cheatcode-

knoppix 2

will get you booted into text mode just fine. Sounds like kanotix is choking up on your video hardware. There are other cheatocdes that might remedy this, but it will help to know what kind of hardware you've got.

PS- Try pressing CTRL plus ALT plus + when its like that to see if it'll switch to a lower resolution and clear up.
I've got a GeForce 6600GT

I'll give those "cheat codes" a try :D

Edit: None of that worked :confused:
"Knoppix 2" just causes it to spit out an error. They key combo didn’t do anything at all either.

...although there was one failed item that scrolled by during startup:
[COLOR=Red]*ror[/COLOR] : Temporary failure in name resolution [COLOR=Red][Failed][/COLOR]
I'm guessing this must be the problem (Its the only thing thats obviously wrong)
Unknown-One said:
I've got a GeForce 6600GT

I'll give those "cheat codes" a try :D

Edit: None of that worked :confused:
"Knoppix 2" just causes it to spit out an error. They key combo didn’t do anything at all either.

...although there was one failed item that scrolled by during startup:
[COLOR=Red]*ror[/COLOR] : Temporary failure in name resolution [COLOR=Red][Failed][/COLOR]
I'm guessing this must be the problem (Its the only thing thats obviously wrong)

errr Knoppix on the brain. knoppix is not the name of the kernel image for a kubuntu live CD. I'm not sure what is... might be linux, might be kubuntu. Consult kubuntu ppl/forums/docs to find out how to pass various options to the kernel and/or HW detection scripts at boot. In Knoppix this is called cheatcodes. I'm sure other live CD's do something similar. There's got to be a way as they can really help wtih hardware that doesn't mix well with the HW detection scripts.
Ok, I've tracked it down to the display driver its using. I managed to get the 32bit version (64bit version did not have the options necessary) to boot by setting the display driver to "VGA" but that looked like crap (640x480 4bit color)

Any ideas before I go download decide to try a different distro (any recommendations?)
The 32bit Kubuntu live CD worked fine on my laptop (with ATI graphics, go figure) and I must say its the first time I've felt comfortable with a Linux distro (And that’s saying something coming from a Windows user) :eek:

I'm very tempted to install it on my Laptop, all but one thing on my laptop worked out of the box...It doesn’t recognize my built in wireless network card :( (tips?)

BTW Arkaine23, I'll try those out on my desktop PC :D