Gear of War for PC question


Jul 20, 2004
Here's the scoop. I borrowed Gears of War from my friend and was going to play it. Well, it keeps saying that I need a "Windows Live" account to be able to save my games. Am I missing something, or is that actually the case. ** I only want to play the single player campain, I have NO interest in multiplayer**. If that is true that is the biggest peice of bullshit I have ever heard. I can use my friends account or make one of my own, that's not a problem. The problem for me is that you *have* to make an account. I don't want to get too bent out of shape over this (and I might be misunderstanding the whole thing), but if I'm correct in my assumptions then this is pretty shitty. Again, it's not that I can't make/get an account, it the principal of the whole thing. What if I want to play and my ISP is down, of if I'm somewhere with no connection? Would someone confirm or correct me on this? Thanks.
Yes you have to make an account to save your games. It seems like MS is going with the Live route. There might be around this but I have not looked into it. Use your friends account if possible.
there is a fix to enable offline play

use google but if you are unable to find it pm me and i'll send it to you when big brother is finished
Ok. thanks for the replies. I might try the offline savegame route, but I don't know if the game's really gonna hold my attention or not. It may just take a little time to get used to the 3rd person view. Thanks again.
Just make an offline account and play, should work, unless you go online then it'll erase your save file :S
Yes, the offline works too. I haven't played it in awhile but It is a good game. I never played the Xbox version.
Just make an account through the in-Live registration thingy. It makes you a silver account that you can use. Or use your same Xbox 360 account.
Just make an account through the in-Live registration thingy. It makes you a silver account that you can use.
You don't even need to do that. IIRC you just enter your name on the sign-in page and if you exit without clicking the "Sign up for Live" button, it creates an offline profile.
It's not a big deal..use your XBL account, or create one for free.

You see, I was under the impression I could only access my savegames if I signed into "Windows Live" and that I'd have to pay for an account to do so.
Thanks for the replies and for setting me straight.
Just make a X-box live account. It's free and it works off-line.

Or the best idea would be to uninstall it. IMMEDIATELY. I was really really really disappointed in this game.