Gearbox Working on Duke Nukem Forever?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The rumor of the day has to be this one claiming that Gearbox Software is working on Duke Nukem Forever. If true, the bright side is that there is probably no better group of people to hand that game off to than Randy and the crew at Gearbox.

Attributing the rumor to sources "claiming to have knowledge of the situation" and "sources who wished to remain anonymous," Kotaku reports that Gearbox Software has picked up development of Duke Nukem Forever, the on-hold first-person shooter that was in development at 3D Realms for so long that Wired awarded it a lifetime vaporware award in January 2004.
If it ever gets done... I'm buying 2 copies. One to actually use, the other to put in a case.
I will be at PAX, if they have a booth with DNF, I will be convinced. Otherwise...
well last thing i heard was someone was making duke nukem forever using the starcraft 2 map editor.
If it were true shacknews would be jacking all over themselves trying to get an exclusive from George Blowhard....
Galaxy and Gearbox are in the same office building in Dallas, I will sneak in next time I am over there.
They can't release Duke Nukem Forever. Now they have a sort of "legend" status, but once they release it, it will be Daikatana v2.0.
They can't release Duke Nukem Forever. Now they have a sort of "legend" status, but once they release it, it will be Daikatana v2.0.

Hehe, I played Daikatana deathmatch with John Romero and Billy Wilson here in another Dallas office building.
Whats sad is that SIX YEARS ago it was given a LIFETIME vaporware award, meaning that it made the list so often at that point that they needed to free up space for new blood yet people still feel the need to try and ressurect it.
So will it look like Borderlands? If so, I'll definitely pass (looked like shit in a dirty fishbowl).
I'll believe it when I see it. Even if they do take it over and get serious about making the game They'll have to use a new engine and partly remake the game at best to make it look halfway descent. Figure a few years before there's even a chance of actually seeing it.

Personally I expect they will perfect fusion before we see this game.
So will it look like Borderlands? If so, I'll definitely pass (looked like shit in a dirty fishbowl).

WTF??? I loved the look of Borderlands. It was refreshing to see a developer try something different with their art work.
So will it look like Borderlands? If so, I'll definitely pass (looked like shit in a dirty fishbowl).

God... finally. I agree totally. I am not in an art studio or a comic book.

I hated the look too.
God I hope so... I've waited most of my teenage years and several of my adult years for this title. I would probably buy a copy for every friend of mine that owns a PC, just of out pure joy :)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed
Well.. it was supposedly 95% complete 18 months ago or so... But they held off to port to a console and then it all wen tto hell..

Ooh, new game engine...gotta start over (or at least that's the running joke, sadly).
Are they continuing the work or creating it from scratch?

They really need to start from scratch. They can use concept sketches and art from the last iteration of the game but nothing else. They really need to modernize and start fresh.
They really need to start from scratch. They can use concept sketches and art from the last iteration of the game but nothing else. They really need to modernize and start fresh.

You don't wanna see this game out anytime soon do you?
They really need to start from scratch. They can use concept sketches and art from the last iteration of the game but nothing else. They really need to modernize and start fresh.

nah... they can save that for the next iteration :)

Duke Nuken Forever's leaked footage looked great IMO. Nothing that was really jaw dropping, but it wasn't ugly. As long as the game play is good and it runs smoothly, I'll be happy.

Hell, at least their animations are better than Fallout: New Vegas :D
props to gearbox for doing something different.
I think they are an excellent choice to pick this up.
If DNF ends up being the dx11 or PhysX killer app I'll crap my pants.

and all my friend's pants too.
Well.. it was supposedly 95% complete 18 months ago or so... But they held off to port to a console and then it all wen tto hell..

Poor management is what killed the last decade of failure-to-launch Duke games. Does not matter how close to completion you are, it only takes a couple idiots running the show to change things and set project back months (or years in this case).
Poor management is what killed the last decade of failure-to-launch Duke games. Does not matter how close to completion you are, it only takes a couple idiots running the show to change things and set project back months (or years in this case).

Oh sweet, we got an insider in the thread!

So what are you doing now that you're not working on DNF anymore? Any other projects?

I still have faith that this game will be finished. I am looking forward to it.
If Gearbox is actually handling the game now then I have faith it'll turn out well. I'd even probably buy the game.
Oh sweet, we got an insider in the thread!

So what are you doing now that you're not working on DNF anymore? Any other projects?

Anyone in the software industry can pretty easily piece together why this whole project went down the tubes for so long in the hands of 3D Realms.