Gearbox Working on Duke Nukem Forever?

Part of the problem with Duke Nukem Forever is that the designers (by their own admission) tried to create the "ultimate first person shooter." They wanted the best graphics, the best gameplay, the funniest humor, etc. They wanted to make what would be the best first person shooter of all time. It seems like every time a new game engine would come out they'd pull the plug and restart development on that engine. I used to know game developers who worked on DNF with the Quake 1 engine. Then later UT. They'd fire much of the staff and move onto a new development team and start from almost square one each time. They set their goals far too high. They generated too much hype for their own product. Setting the bar high is one thing; being able to deliver is another. If you want your game to use the latest and greatest FPS engine at any given time you will need a shorter development cycle. For whatever reason, 3D Realms couldn't understand this or was simply too inept to get it done within the necessary time frame to make that "best game engine available now" time window.

When you want to release a game on any given engine before something newer, better and prettier comes along, you've got to move your asses and create the content quickly. The time frame from coding, to modeling, animation, texturing, scripting, map making, etc. to play testing has to be as short as possible. To do that (and do it well) you need resources. You need the right talent pool and you have to have management that can drive the project and get it done within a reasonable time frame. Given that game developers go from company to company and from project to project with some unemployment time between projects, there was an incredible talent pool available. I knew a few people looking for work during this whole time that could have been tapped especially given that 3D Realms is or was local to DFW at the time. (The local DFW talent pool for 3D animation and programing was huge at the time.) Yet applications over there were always rejected by everyone I've never known that applied there. People with other quality games under their belts. So from my perspective 3D Realms didn't do what needed to be done to get their project developed within a reasonable time window to meet their goals.

What they should have done was go the route Crytek did with the Crysis 1.0 engine and develop it all in house. Unfortunately they didn't see that as an option for whatever reason. Yeah it would have increased development time and they would have had to hire the necessarily programming talent to make that happen. But hell they've been developing the game since the Quake 1 days, and failed to get anything out the door. I think this method would have allowed them to reach their goals with better results than they ever could have licensing other company's engines. Years ago when it became fashionable to design your own engine vs. license one they should have jumped on that bandwagon. And with a clear design direction for the game they could have brought their concepts to life with fewer restrictions than they could with a modified version of someone elses engine. At least in theory. Unlike the Crytek team who truly set the bar high with their own in house engine that could do more than anything that came before it, they chose to stick to an engine licensing model. And rather than trying to get on a particular engine bandwagon quickly, they chose to adopt the engine well after the first games using it were already released.

Essentially where 3D Realms really screwed up aside from setting the bar too high for themselves was sheer mismanagement.
WTF??? I loved the look of Borderlands. It was refreshing to see a developer try something different with their art work.[/QUOT

Different? Its been done before... and ported to the movie screen.. then ported back to the comics.. then back to videogames... then back to the movie screen...

Do you see a pattern here?

It may not have been done on an immensly popular platform and made money.. but its certainly not anything new or different...
I'd like to see a new Duke Nukem game... i had some of the most fun playing games with Duke Nukem 3d...and some of the user created maps were pretty damned good... now will i buy it? Would depend on mod tools being available for users to create whatever they wanted... with no bullshit DRM...
I just want to know what Mr. and Mrs. Nukem were thinking when they named their baby boy.
Wonder if this is the reason for crysis 2 and portal 2 being pushed back to 2011, they have no chance against the duke
If it actually happens, I hope it exceeds everyone's expectations considering how long it has been in "development" and how many numerous game engines it has gone through. Lets hope it doesn't turn into another Daikatana.
If it actually happens, I hope it exceeds everyone's expectations considering how long it has been in "development" and how many numerous game engines it has gone through. Lets hope it doesn't turn into another Daikatana.

Even if its totally badass I doubt anyone will say that it was worth the wait. I also think people will be more critical of it than they would a franchise that constantly or at least regularly puts out titles.
Duke got me into PC gaming. I believe!

Same here...I remember that I had to get my cuz to buy it for me from the US because it was not available in Canada at the time.

To be honest I just went on ebay and put a bid on a copy of Duke Nukem 3D for a laugh :D
whatever they spit out.. regardless if it turns out to be gold.. will not live up to over a decade of hype, unfortunately.

I would love to be able to play LA Rumble in full glory as much as the next guy though.
I hope this is not just another baseless rumor like Duke and Value hooking up a few months ago.
Really, the name is worth so much at this point, that somebody will eventually buy the name and release a game. It might be TERRIBLE, but it would have a lot of first day sales.
It's going to suck. I just have a bad feeling about this. Even if it doesn't suck, it better have so many inside jokes to make it not suck.
As long as they don't screw it up. I want DUKE like the same as if 3DR was making it.
It's going to suck. I just have a bad feeling about this. Even if it doesn't suck, it better have so many inside jokes to make it not suck.

If Gearbox have enough belief in the game to complete the work on it, then I have a feeling it won't. They've never put out a bad game, a few mediocre ones maybe but plenty great ones too.
I hope it never comes out so that way it can live up to its name. If it does come out, i have a feeling people will be disappointed.
Wonder if this is the reason for crysis 2 and portal 2 being pushed back to 2011, they have no chance against the duke

Crysis 2 would be delayed even if it's release competition was just a remake of Pong...
DNF could be the second coming of Final Fantasy 7 and gamers would still be disappointed.

Hell, Duke would have to jump of the screen and bang 2 chicks at once on your bed and then spout an epic one-liner at the moneyshot. That would probably get maybe a FEW people say "The wait was worth it.".
I hope it never comes out so that way it can live up to its name. If it does come out, i have a feeling people will be disappointed.

I'll consider it a minor miracle if DNF comes out and more than two people go more than 'meh' about it. My guess is that it'll become just Yet Another Shooter, with as much creativity as in the Halo (*snicker*) games.

Ah~ to think that DNF could turn into another Daikatana... it's kind of ironic if you think about it :)
I'll believe it when I see it. Even if they do take it over and get serious about making the game They'll have to use a new engine and partly remake the game at best to make it look halfway descent. Figure a few years before there's even a chance of actually seeing it.

Personally I expect they will perfect fusion before we see this game.

Or intersteller space travel. By then there'll be a Duke Nukem on earth fighting crazy aliens.
Part of the problem with Duke Nukem Forever is that the designers (by their own admission) tried to create the "ultimate first person shooter." They wanted the best graphics, the best gameplay, the funniest humor, etc. They wanted to make what would be the best first person shooter of all time. It seems like every time a new game engine would come out they'd pull the plug and restart development on that engine. I used to know game developers who worked on DNF with the Quake 1 engine. Then later UT. They'd fire much of the staff and move onto a new development team and start from almost square one each time. They set their goals far too high. They generated too much hype for their own product. Setting the bar high is one thing; being able to deliver is another. If you want your game to use the latest and greatest FPS engine at any given time you will need a shorter development cycle. For whatever reason, 3D Realms couldn't understand this or was simply too inept to get it done within the necessary time frame to make that "best game engine available now" time window.

When you want to release a game on any given engine before something newer, better and prettier comes along, you've got to move your asses and create the content quickly. The time frame from coding, to modeling, animation, texturing, scripting, map making, etc. to play testing has to be as short as possible. To do that (and do it well) you need resources. You need the right talent pool and you have to have management that can drive the project and get it done within a reasonable time frame. Given that game developers go from company to company and from project to project with some unemployment time between projects, there was an incredible talent pool available. I knew a few people looking for work during this whole time that could have been tapped especially given that 3D Realms is or was local to DFW at the time. (The local DFW talent pool for 3D animation and programing was huge at the time.) Yet applications over there were always rejected by everyone I've never known that applied there. People with other quality games under their belts. So from my perspective 3D Realms didn't do what needed to be done to get their project developed within a reasonable time window to meet their goals.

What they should have done was go the route Crytek did with the Crysis 1.0 engine and develop it all in house. Unfortunately they didn't see that as an option for whatever reason. Yeah it would have increased development time and they would have had to hire the necessarily programming talent to make that happen. But hell they've been developing the game since the Quake 1 days, and failed to get anything out the door. I think this method would have allowed them to reach their goals with better results than they ever could have licensing other company's engines. Years ago when it became fashionable to design your own engine vs. license one they should have jumped on that bandwagon. And with a clear design direction for the game they could have brought their concepts to life with fewer restrictions than they could with a modified version of someone elses engine. At least in theory. Unlike the Crytek team who truly set the bar high with their own in house engine that could do more than anything that came before it, they chose to stick to an engine licensing model. And rather than trying to get on a particular engine bandwagon quickly, they chose to adopt the engine well after the first games using it were already released.

Essentially where 3D Realms really screwed up aside from setting the bar too high for themselves was sheer mismanagement.

Nail - Meet - Hammer

Your absolutely right Dan. I work in the applications biz, and timetables, tight management and talent management are critical factors on any software project, be it a game or manufacturing application.
Are peoples expectations of what this game SHOULD be? Maybe. Nobody is going to be able to take back the legendary vaporware nature of Dukes development cycle. Whats done is done. But what I think, (and hope) is that its not really all about cutting edge graphics and what not. It's the gameplay. And Duke *DOES* have something here that, again, I think very VERY few other game characters have. Carisma. I dont think there is anyone here that can deny that. If Gearbox can understand that and execute on it, it wont really matter if the graphics are on a par with Cryengine 2 or Unreal 3. or WHATEVER. Look at HL2. Source is pretty dated and not even 5 minutes into the game STILL and you forget about the graphics (consciously). Your too engrossed in the story.

I firmly believe that Duke Nuken Forever can be a great game. We get John St. John back in there and those great one liners and attitude, and all the elements of gameplay we remember..the *CARISMA* of the game, and the rest of it..and 12 years of delays, will vanish and we will only be left with a smile.

And I also totally believe it is completely possible to see a demo before the end of the year. As I am sure those posting here that seem to be "in the know" can attest, at least from an asset/development standpoint the game really was quite far along. As the flood of info/pictures/video "leaks" following the duke meltdown happened. (I've only got about 100mb of DNF leaked pics/videos but I know there was more out there) and it clearly shows a LOT of development done.

Just my 2¢, your mileage may vary.
I'll believe it when I see it. Even if they do take it over and get serious about making the game They'll have to use a new engine and partly remake the game at best to make it look halfway descent. Figure a few years before there's even a chance of actually seeing it.

Personally I expect they will perfect fusion before we see this game.

5-10-15 years ago, i would have agreed whole heartedly;
But engines of the last 3-4 years are solid enough to still deliver a solid experience. Anything made past the UT3 engine will still shine. and be easy to port.
So what will be come out first.. The Duke Nukem Movie that was rumored a few years ago, or this game? :)
it seems appropriate to use the racing term "did not finish" for duke nukem forever.
I've patiently waited for DNF ever since it was announced. Even though it has been many years and still no game, the announcement that GearBox has taken up the challenge gives me renewed hope. I now believe, given no other issues arise, DNF will finally see the light of day.
If its anything quality wise like they put out with borderlands, it'll be a gem.