Gears 5 Won't launch


[H]F Junkie
Sep 5, 2001
So I'm using XBOX game pass for PC (beta?) and I was playing Gears of War 5 without issue as well as Hellblade and Metro Exodus. I can still play Hellblade and Metro just fine .. but now Gears 5 errors out when EAC launches and generates an error (not on pc right now to give exact error). I've tried reinstalling the game, reinstalling the XBOX app/program .. reinstalling/repairing EAC for Gears 5 to no avail ...

I play Hunt:Showdown that uses EAC just fine and have since way early in early access.

I've Google'd the specific error to only find dead end threads with no fix. EAC's site offers fixes/things to try and still no-worky

In System Event Viewer it says EAC has loaded just fine but I get bunch of informational DCOM errors related to EAC to the tone that it's not getting access to whatever it needs get access to..

I've tried running Gears 5 as administrator

ran sfc /scannow it found and error with CBS.log file that it replaced/repaired .. and that was it.

The only thing I can think of is that I'm running Windows Insider Preview so basically a beta version of windows above and beyond the current 2004 version(I think that's what its officially up to) and something is incompatible with the game .. I'm having a similar yet different issue with Destiny 2 where there is an incompatible file (again, not at PC so don't remember the exact file name) ..but what happens there is that Destiny 2 plays just fine for as long as I want ..just as long as I don't hit the ENTER key during game play .. in a menu it's fine .. but not in game or even when you're staring at your space ship and want to chat before you go into a mission.. just closes the game out back to desktop.

At some point , I will probably just reinstall windows and not mess with insider preview builds .. but curious to see if I can fix this/these issues before I resort to that...
Yeah that happened with Gears of War 4 ALL THE TIME for months on end.
People blamed it on different things like the Nvidia drivers ect...
I would suspect it's the Insider build that is giving you issues. Microsoft recommends to run Insider builds on a separate partition for a reason.
Yeah that happened with Gears of War 4 ALL THE TIME for months on end.
People blamed it on different things like the Nvidia drivers ect...
Gears of War 4 didn't use EAC.