Gears of War 2 Multiplayer Footage


Jan 17, 2008

Truely amazing.
I still play gears 1 daily on my PC.

I can't bring myself to buy a 360 but, this game is playing with my mind. So sick.
My Ps3 might have to take a long break if I get a 360 w/GoW2

What do you guys think of this?
GOW 1 was as polished as you could get I think. It really looks exactly the same as the first game, just a couple extra guns thrown in. The "destructable" environments are really half assed, its just your standard prerendered shedding from a few specific objects like columns and crates, theyve been doing that for like 5+ years.

Im not sure what they are spending all their time on. Its not the gameplay obviously, it couldnt be the middle school level story since theres no saving the disaster from the first one, maybe its just going to be longer with more levels. One big technical feat was probably getting hundreds of models on screen at the same time, so maybe that took them a long time to develop despite it not really adding anything of value to the game.
I hate how there are only 2 chainsaw animations and ppl break apart the same way every time. They just let you make your own or use the right thumbstick to control the saw
Personally. I really dont give a sh!t about the story. That MP looks like fun.

I already have a ton of fun with GoW on PC.

With new weapons, New game modes, 10+ new maps, changing environment in maps, New curbstop animation, taking downed enemies hostage and using them as a human shield, Crazy new take downs with new & old weapons, 5on5, better communication and ranking system in Windows live & ranked matches, less lag, voice sounds ran on different server then game, etc.

All this makes the game sold to me. I might have to just wait to get it on it's PC release though.
(which who knows, probably mid-late 2009)
I'm definitely going to pick it up. Looks like online will be much better then before.
I cant tell the difference between the first game

They changed it from a gray to brown overlay!
The first Gears of War suffered frame rate issues, and occasional texture loading/popup. Graphically the sequel might not be a huge leap away from the original (which considering how good the first looked anyway, I really don't see the big deal). However, having watched the single player game play footage released a while ago, GoW2 is indeed more polished.

Anybody who watched the video would have noticed the action was a lot more intense, with more enemies on the screen at once, more visual effects going on, and to top it all off it ran quite smooth. A more polished game DOESN'T have to mean more polygons. :rolleyes: Aside from continuing the story, all they really need to do, in my opinion, is do some visual tweaks, iron out the frame rate, increase the color pallet, and throw more action at us. They seem to be doing that.

I'm looking forward to this game.
Those screenshots are funny since all they really did was change the time of day and tweak some of the art a little to make it look more busy
Those screenshots are funny since all they really did was change the time of day and tweak some of the art a little to make it look more busy

they added alot more detail, look at the armor. you can see more the the design and bumps and grooves
Thats more attributed to the lighting, the 2nd shot looks almost the same as the GOW2 armor if you really compare the details. While they most likely gave it a little facelift its really hard to tell the difference, its mostly just the lighting giving it more definition.
I'll buy it, but it does pretty much look the same. And I hope the MP has improved the 1st one online always felt way to clunky for me and their supposed to implement actual matchmaking and party invites in this one.
all they did was put a brown shade over everything..........