Gears of War for PC?


Limp Gawd
Jul 12, 2003
I have read on some sites that its been rumored that the game will come out for PC in the near future. Does anyone have any new news reguarding the status on if that game will come out for PC or not?
Wrench00 said:
Sheesh Search function dood..

Its not gone happen Gears are only xbxoxoro

"Its not going to happen, Gears of war is only for the Xbox" Uh I think I have deciphered that correctly. :rolleyes:

Gears of War is a Microsoft product and with their revamp of Games for Windows on Vista we will see it on PC and Vista.
there has been a ton of "xbox only" titles that worked thier way onto the PC.
There are pictures floating around the net that show a Games for Windows display with Gears of War on it. Most people believe that it will come out for the PC but will require Windows Vista. So bottom line is MS will find a way to force you to convert to Vista somehow is my guess.
Ebby said:
There are pictures floating around the net that show a Games for Windows display with Gears of War on it. Most people believe that it will come out for the PC but will require Windows Vista. So bottom line is MS will find a way to force you to convert to Vista somehow is my guess.

That was pointed out as a hoax.

But, MS' J Allard and Epics big wigs have stated that they want it to come to PC, but they are letting it run its 360 dominance into the ground. Face it, it's the 360's killer APP. They want it to sell as many copies as it can, and once it slows down they will announce it for PC... just like they did with Halo.
prolly gonna come out sometime after vista to get ppl to buy Vista....
Just got it for my kicks ass. Cant wait to get the keyboard/mouse for the XBOX. I am having a horrible time adjusting to the stupid fucking controllers.
Hurley_2002 said:
I have read on some sites that its been rumored that the game will come out for PC in the near future. Does anyone have any new news reguarding the status on if that game will come out for PC or not?

I certainly would like to see Gears of War, for PC. The game is so hyped, that I'm curious about it. I've watched a few videos, that didn't really impress me, so I would prefer to play it. Since I don't know anyone with a Xbox 360 and the game, I guess I'll need to wait for the PC version.
Silus said:
I certainly would like to see Gears of War, for PC. The game is so hyped, that I'm curious about it. I've watched a few videos, that didn't really impress me, so I would prefer to play it. Since I don't know anyone with a Xbox 360 and the game, I guess I'll need to wait for the PC version.
My nephew got it for his 360 on christmas and let me tell ya, Its worth the money! The coop is awesome on it and I enjoy doing a little deathmatch with the Torque Bow and the Sniper Rifle :)
It will and its just a matter of time. MS owns the rights of Gears(even though epic made it), so why pass up the money? Knowing that pc gamers will buy it.
Nate_MachV said:
That was pointed out as a hoax.

But, MS' J Allard and Epics big wigs have stated that they want it to come to PC, but they are letting it run its 360 dominance into the ground. Face it, it's the 360's killer APP. They want it to sell as many copies as it can, and once it slows down they will announce it for PC... just like they did with Halo.

Don't count on seeing it for the PC for at least 1-2 yrs.
GJohn said:
Is it really that hard to convert a game from console to pc?
I think from my experience getting a game ported and still run worth a damn is the hard part. I have avoided buying known ported games because of this.
Ebby said:
There are pictures floating around the net that show a Games for Windows display with Gears of War on it. Most people believe that it will come out for the PC but will require Windows Vista. So bottom line is MS will find a way to force you to convert to Vista somehow is my guess.

that was confirmed as being a promo made by a marketing company using photoshop. Gow might come to pc, but not until MS and epic let it, which won't be for a very long time.
Hurley_2002 said:
My nephew got it for his 360 on christmas and let me tell ya, Its worth the money! The coop is awesome on it and I enjoy doing a little deathmatch with the Torque Bow and the Sniper Rifle :)
Microsoft will probably have coop removed from the PC version.

Screw GoW! Unreal 2007 will look even better, and have more content. Not to mention an almost endless supply of mods.
BladeVenom said:
Microsoft will probably have coop removed from the PC version.

Screw GoW! Unreal 2007 will look even better, and have more content. Not to mention an almost endless supply of mods.
Man if it comes out for PC and no coop that would totally ruin it for me. :mad:
If the gow port is as poorly executed as the halo port was, it will not be worth playing anyway, imho..
Halo was a great xbox game, but a rather ho hum, eh, whatever, pc title..
Hopefully with gow, they will either do it right or not bother..
I think a lot of the ho hum came from the fact that halo was an early xbox the time it finally made it to pc, it was so outclassed by the fps already out for the pc, that it just felt dated. At least it did to me.
2Fresh said:
Just got it for my kicks ass. Cant wait to get the keyboard/mouse for the XBOX. I am having a horrible time adjusting to the stupid fucking controllers.

Uhhhh, no kidding, I love the consoles, but I simply CANNOT play FPS games with the lame ass thumbsticks.....

If I could get a mouse/kb on that sucker, you'll see some good stick players getting owned like cheap taiwanese hookers on a 2 for 1 friday night special in bangkok :D

I played some Resistance:Fall of Man on my buddy's PS3 and it rocks, but the fucking controllers, well, they suck too. If only I could get a mouse/kb on that bitch....
The halo2 fps !!!!!!s would make you weep. I'm terrible with analogs, but people have insane skills.
Hopefully it does come out. Hearing so much good things about it, I definitely want to try it out. Unfortunally I have no 360. :(
Don't get your hopes up. While many "Xbox-exclusive" titles have made it to PC, the vast majority of Xbox-exclusive titles have not made it to PC and never will. GoW could very well fit into the later category.
Technoob said:
I think a lot of the ho hum came from the fact that halo was an early xbox the time it finally made it to pc, it was so outclassed by the fps already out for the pc, that it just felt dated. At least it did to me.

I think he was talking about its performance. It didnt matter how much of a beast of a PC you had, the FPS were jumping anywhere from 10 to 50 on any graphical setting you set in the game.
I remember when Halo was first annouced by Bungie. I believe it was right after Myth: The fallen lords came out and man that was a long time ago.
bangkok is in thailand and taiwanese people are in taiwan

and im thai

but gears of war is tps
note235 said:
bangkok is in thailand and taiwanese people are in taiwan

and im thai

but gears of war is tps

just a figure of speech buddy, no racism here, I am actually in a mixed race marriage going on 12 years....
Lazy_Moron said:
I think he was talking about its performance. It didnt matter how much of a beast of a PC you had, the FPS were jumping anywhere from 10 to 50 on any graphical setting you set in the game.

You're right, I forgot about those performance issues
2Fresh said:
Just got it for my kicks ass. Cant wait to get the keyboard/mouse for the XBOX. I am having a horrible time adjusting to the stupid fucking controllers.

I got the joy of playing it last night for the first time on a 22'' TV. Glass screen covered with suit at 480p and it was still a fun game to play. Too bad I don't have the funds to setup something like GOW + a 42'' LCD, now that would be hot.

But quite like you said, the controller is really a primal device as far as gaming and computing goes. It's like taking a step back and for some reason, xbox live is filled with brothers from the hood who kick ass with two sticks.

On another note can you just plug in a regular Mouse and keyboard that are USB? Oh and, if you plug a mouse and keyboard into it, I'm just letting you know that you basically bought another PC just for games.. lol.
topslop1 said:
On another note can you just plug in a regular Mouse and keyboard that are USB? Oh and, if you plug a mouse and keyboard into it, I'm just letting you know that you basically bought another PC just for games.. lol.

that is a question which someone should be able to easily answer.....