Gears of War update free or not?


Limp Gawd
Mar 23, 2007
Seems like there is a little disagreement between Microsoft and Epic over whether the new map pack should be free.


If you ask me Microsoft already made a lot of money off Gears of War, it sold a ton of consoles for them, and to want Epic to charge for a map pack is a bit greedy. (but hey its a company)

This is exactly what I feared would happen with micro transactions on Xbox live. I am a gamer, but I don’t want to be paying for every new map pack when I already spent $70 on the game.

This part especially made me laugh
Also, if Epic gets in the habit of giving gamers content such as maps and modes for free, it will make Microsoft look very miserly when they charge for every map and mode and macguffin when Halo 3 is released.

I’ve been a fan of xbox live since it was first released for the original xbox, but man oh man I hope I don’t end up paying for every little download when PC gamers get it for free, and half the maps being released have probably already been developed but canned before the game got released.

Side note: I hope they release this map in the map pack. I saw it a long time ago but noticed it was never put in the game, looks really fun in my opinion

there are TWO updates comming, the one with Annex is first and will be a free download (sponsered by discovery)

the second one will be additional maps which will cost money to get, but will be free later on.
annex is out, and not sponsored by anyone. It's not an additional map pack, it's a game update that is not optional if you play online.

The future map pack will be a pay to play for a few months, then convert to free.