Gefoerce 7800GTX for sale, 250.00.....


Jan 15, 2005
Hey, i tried selling this card a few days ago and got great responces, however, the person jerked me off and here i am with my card still. So, anyone who is interested, i have pics and refs, drop me an IM at William_tripp2003 on yahoo IM. I waited for days and at the end i hear nothing from the guy. So this time im gonna wanna do bussiness right away, no waiting. Thanks.
Let me know if any deals fall through, I'll take it upon seeing your ref's.
WhoBeDaPlaya said:
3rd dibs if it falls through. Oh, and I'm offering $270 ;)

Might want to keep this sorta stuff outta the post. No need to turn it into an auction style thing.
Hah, he tried to sell it a few days ago and it was same exact thing. Good luck and be careful you guys
Yeah, doesn't look too hopeful again. I'd read through the last thread he had before buying. Something about he had two buyers lined up for one card? And common who doesn't manage to sell a 7800gtx for almost half the MSRP?
tripp, couldnt you have pm'd one of the other people that were interested in your card in the last for sale thread you posted? the thread was like 4 pages long, geez. anyways nice price on the card :)
Odd that it has not been sold yet and that you would sell so low when you can get atleast $100 more on what your asking just as easy. Good luck on selling it and especially to whoever gets it.
The buyer backed out? That sounds very odd. I don't know about you guys, but this price sounds too good to be true.
I don't know if I'm the only one, but I IMed him, exchanged references, he sent me photos, we found his paypal email address, I paid via Paypal CC, he upgraded/accepted, then said everything was crazy, refunded the money, and said "everything is cool" but now he's not responding to IMs...

... so I have my money, and no card. And no clue.
well, thanks for the interest, to all the "nay-sayers" well, not much to say but get a life and stop worrying all the time, believe it or not, MOST people arent, i was a nice guy and waited for a couple days for 2 people and both fell threw, so i put it up and its sold. If the money goes threw tomorrow, all is well, if not, i will be back. I cant believe all the people that are sooooo worried about buying from here. Ive sold many things to users here without any incident, and i dont aprieciate people saying that i am anything other than honest. Run a search on me in this site and NO where will you findf anything negitive. Anyway, thanks to the people who did contact me, and thanks to Hardocp.
xxaaqq said:
I don't know if I'm the only one, but I IMed him, exchanged references, he sent me photos, we found his paypal email address, I paid via Paypal CC, he upgraded/accepted, then said everything was crazy, refunded the money, and said "everything is cool" but now he's not responding to IMs...

... so I have my money, and no card. And no clue.

Im sorry, i just got bombarded with so many people at once it was really hectic. I am sorry, but in the middle of it all someone offered me 300 and i lost you in the IM messenger box(37 people at once!) Thanks for the interest, and i wanted to make sure you had gotten your money back before i went ahead with anything. Thanks.
That is what heatware is for, so we dont have to take some anonomous person's word for it. ;)
i talked to mr. tripp on the phone and ended up buying the card from him. i'm confident in his intentions, and have no worries that he'll send the card. let's be careful throwing around accusations about people, just because they're selling something cheap. imagine getting 10 IMs at once, and a flooded PM box, and trying to sort through it all while people are just sending you money without even having a verbal agreement.

i'll post again once i receive the card.
Rev. said:
That is what heatware is for, so we dont have to take some anonomous person's word for it. ;)

I dont sell many things, about 3 cards, 1 motherboard, some ram and thats about it, all without any problems, in fact i checked up and made sure they were comfortable with the stuff they bought( ie. sent overclocking stuff, drivers, hacked bioses i had, ect...). With that in mind, should no one buy from me because i dont have heatware? Come on......i go abouve and beyond the call of duty to make sure the people who do help me by buying my "old" stuff feel good about it. People like you are why everyone is so afriad. Honesty is a great policy and i like to talk on the phone, give addresses, refs of others, if thats not good enough for a deal like this, then you dont get a really good card at half off. Oh, and so ya know, i have the box, all the cds, the cables, everything. I also took pics with my name in with the card so it would make people feel better. What else can i do if i dont sell that much, heatware is for people ALWAYS selling. Good day and thanks again to those who had interest.
looks like its sold
but i sent the dude a pm first regarding this thread, havent been replied to yet :p
congrats on the sale OP
This guy sells to the highest "bidder" and breaks his agreements.....I wouldnt buy from him if he offered an X1900XTX for $100.00 shipped.
Rev. said:
This guy sells to the highest "bidder" and breaks his agreements.....I wouldnt buy from him if he offered an X1900XTX for $100.00 shipped.

I will keep that in mind when i sell my X1900XTX in about 6 months. ;)