GeForce 290.53 Beta Drivers


Limp Gawd
Feb 22, 2006
290.53 Vista/Win 7 64-Bit

This is the second beta release from the R290 family of drivers. For more information, read the 290.53 driver article on .

This driver package supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500-series desktop GPUs as well as ION desktop GPUs.

New in 290.53

Optimizations for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Increases performance by up to 25% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim vs. 290.36 drivers (measured with GeForce GTX 560 at 19x10 Ultra – Indoor Scene). Results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and in-game location.
Updates the NVIDIA Control Panel ambient occlusion support for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to a higher performance profile.
Added new 3D Vision laser sight /crosshair options to better match Skyrim crosshairs.
For a full Skyrim tweak guide, visit .


Adds SLI profiles for Trine 2, WRC 2: FIA World Rally Championship 2011, and Afterfall: InSanity.

3D Vision

Fixes issues with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 not launching into 3D Vision mode
Added new 3D Vision laser sight /crosshair options to better match The Elder Scrolls Skyrim crosshairs
Added or updated the following 3D Vision game profiles:
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome – rated Good
The Adventures of Tintin: The Game – rated Excellent
Assassin's Creed: Revelations – rating changed to Fair
Driver San Francisco – updated settings to work better in 3D Vision
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – updated in-game compatibility message
Hard Reset – updated in-game compatibility message. FXAA x2 and x4 are now supported by the game
Ignite – rated Good
Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters – rated Fair
Jurassic Park: The Game – rated Good
Orcs Must Die! – rated Good
PAYDAY The Heist – rated Poor
PT Boats - Knights of the Sea – rated Good
PT Boats - South Gambit – rated Good
Race 07 – updated in-game compatibility message
Race Room – rated Good
Serious Sam 3: BFE – rated Poor
SkyDrift – rated Good
Star Wars: The Old Republic – rated Good
Stronghold 3 – rated Good
Take on Helicopters – rated Fair
Trine 2 – rated 3D Vision Ready
Waves – rated Excellent

Key Bug Fixes

Fixes some random instances of triangular artifacts when playing Battlefield 3 (fix is now enabled for GeForce 400 and 500 series GPUs).
Fixes a default panel resolution/ timing bug in 290.36.

Other Details

Supports multiple languages and APIs for GPU computing: CUDA C, CUDA C++, CUDA Fortran, OpenCL, DirectCompute, and Microsoft C++ AMP.
Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, DirectX 11, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel and AMD motherboards.
Thanks, will check them out. A lot of people complained about the 290.36 but they have been a good set for me. Hoping these will be just as good.
Fixes some random instances of triangular artifacts when playing Battlefield 3 (fix is now enabled for GeForce 400 and 500 series GPUs).

hmmm, it doesn't sound like this will fix the black flicker i sometimes get under grass and on distant mountains with my 460's. thanks for the link OP, i'll try them out tonight.
Some people on Guru3D were saying that this is a killer driver for BF3.
Personally, I'm just disappointed that the FPS limiter people keep talking about still isn't there...or if it is, it's buried deep within some random game-profile menu. I'm starting to think it's just a myth.
Cool, looks like these fix the LCD issues I had with 290.36. Skyrim improvements are nice to see as well. My BF3 performance has always been good, but two 580s for 1920x1200 is almost overkill :p
Maybe I can finally move on from the 280.26 drivers.

Seems to be working well with Skyrim so I am happy.
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Yess... they fixed SW:ToR 3D vision profile. That's one thing I wanted to get from new drivers :)
Whoa! .. TF2 @ 1680x1050 on my GTX460 768 meg'r .. Pure Awesome! ..... still ...
BTW... Learned that FPS-painful way.... new drivers, by definitions switch off SLI ;P

Was wodnering what the hell is happening with my cards, and why them not work properly. Of course looking into driver control panel was last thing I done :D
gtx570 here, got a pretty nice boost in BF3 and noticeable problems yet (knock on wood).
The Skyrim improvements are pretty nice. FPS still stutters a little when it drops into the 40's but it's better than the previous drivers. I'm happy with these.
haven't ran Skyrim yet, but BF3 runs the same for me. i also still get black flicker on grass/rocks/etc.
was hoping these drivers would fix the 2D clocks on my 8 series cards(yes i'm still using 8 series cards) but looks like its still broken(290.36 beta drivers were the first ones to break it). so both my cards on a single display(left monitor finally died after 7 years) are still running at 3D clocks.. GRRRR!!!!
This driver fixed my right monitor (connected to the second gpu for surround) going black when playing BF3. There were no such issues using 285.79 but I did experience awful texture flicker from time to time which I have not experience with this new driver. Definitely a keeper!
I still initially get the texture flicker on BF3 with SLI 580s. It goes away after a few minutes in the server. The drivers work great though. Super smooth with no lag @ 2560x1440
Wee, more performance for my Skyrim machine (which is essentially all I play on my lounge machine atm).
Some people on Guru3D were saying that this is a killer driver for BF3.
Personally, I'm just disappointed that the FPS limiter people keep talking about still isn't there...or if it is, it's buried deep within some random game-profile menu. I'm starting to think it's just a myth.

It's there and it works. You have to use nv investigator with a custom exe to find the oprion, but I've been using it with skyrim and it works. A googling will find you both nv investigator and the fps limiting exe you need.
Anybody been able to install these with the GTX 560 ti w/ 448 cores? I'm getting a "Driver Installation Failed" error.

Any tips/help would be greatly appreciated!
Anybody been able to install these with the GTX 560 ti w/ 448 cores? I'm getting a "Driver Installation Failed" error.

Any tips/help would be greatly appreciated!

i got that same message during my first install, tried it again and it worked.

i think after you delete older drivers and reboot and come back to windows you need to reboot again.

and then after the second reboot you install the new driver.
I like this driver 290.53 running smooth for BF3, few games also not seen any TDR at this moment (cross fingers).
Damn, just like the last set of beta drivers, when I enable SLI on my 560 Ti cards, I just get a black screen, had to boot into safe mode and uninstall them. Back on 280.26
well had to roll back to the other beta drivers.. for some reason my cards would instantly hardlock the second they hit 70C which i never had a problem with on any other drivers. rolled back and tested again with the 290.36 drivers and hit 85C without an issue.

i got that same message during my first install, tried it again and it worked.

i think after you delete older drivers and reboot and come back to windows you need to reboot again.

and then after the second reboot you install the new driver.

why would you uninstall the new drivers? theres an uninstaller built into the install so you don't have to reboot. either way you still don't need to uninstall the old drivers unless you are rolling back.

Damn, just like the last set of beta drivers, when I enable SLI on my 560 Ti cards, I just get a black screen, had to boot into safe mode and uninstall them. Back on 280.26

sounds like you have something else screwing it up if you are having to go back to the 280.26 drivers..
About to try these.. I have read good things about them. Anyone else run Spyder Pro calibration software? For some reason with the last Beta it stopped working. I am hoping it gets fixed with this one.