GeForce Game Ready 347.52 WHQL Driver for Evolve

lol was waiting for Steve to post this even though we already have an existing thread as always.
so i guess this doesnt help with teh 970 .5 issue on teh 970's ...............? 3.5 ackkkk:rolleyes:
I'm sure if it ever does we won't be reading any offical notice of it! Hush hush fix..

we can't fix something when there's nothing wrong.
Somebody just needs to make Civ V CUDA aware... then I could actually play huge maps with lots of players.

The bitching is 90% based on the whole DLC content shit storm 2K and Turtle Rock has created as a result of the game
This. The actual game is a lot of fun and looks great. But $6 for a skin? $15 for a single monster?! Fuck that...
It sucks for Turtle Rock because they're the developer, I doubt they have any real say in the DLC pricing :( The game itself is a lot of fun. I played 20+ hours in the alpha and just played about an hour of the retail release. It's very polished and the game play is really enjoyable imo. I like asymmetrical multiplayer games.
This. The actual game is a lot of fun and looks great. But $6 for a skin? $15 for a single monster?! Fuck that...

oh tell that to Riot Games and League of legends skins.. =).. I actually love Evolve since the alpha.. anyway i'll be playing it later as the humble bundle its keeping me busy with star wars =D.
This. The actual game is a lot of fun and looks great. But $6 for a skin? $15 for a single monster?! Fuck that...

I blame 2K more for the bullshit selling/marketing DLC model then Turtle Rock, sounds like they would just avoid it from the interviews but no one else would fund the studio and project after THQ went under.

This part of the interview cracked me up a bit
That doesn't mean he views DLC as some sort of taboo, though.

"I don't quite understand the knee-jerk negative reaction to DLC. Because I know for me, as a gamer, when I have a game I really love and I play it for a while and I want more, I want more. I'll pay for it. I don't mind."

Robb is cognizant the industry is teeming with parasitic DLC programs, and was quick to point out all of Evolve's maps will be free. "Good," I tell him. "People hate shelling out $20 for map packs." So does Robb. At this point in the conversation, I recall glancing back at a 2K Games PR handler sitting in the corner, trying not to squirm as Robb made one unbridled remark after the next.
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This. The actual game is a lot of fun and looks great. But $6 for a skin? $15 for a single monster?! Fuck that...

They must have taken a few pointers from IGP/PGI and MechWarrior Online. :p

Overall, the game looks to be a load of fun (watching streams) but what I'm most concerned about is the longevity. It honestly seems like a game who's player base will greatly diminish within a few months. Though, I hope I'm wrong.
so i guess this doesnt help with teh 970 .5 issue on teh 970's ...............? 3.5 ackkkk:rolleyes:

Actually I am seeing 3.6-3.7 VRAM usage and no slowdowns or stutters on my 970. The game looks pretty damn good maxed out and plays well too. I'm glad I bought it
Still no MFAA for SLI?????

No MFAA or DSR for SLI + G-Sync owners :\ Don't give a shit about MFAA, I just want the DSR for games that don't support it natively. Fortunately BF4 has it's own internal scaling which looks awesome at 150% scaling on a 1440p display.
This. The actual game is a lot of fun and looks great. But $6 for a skin? $15 for a single monster?! Fuck that...

It does look great. And it does look fun. For maybe a few days. And then it dawns on you, that it's highly repetitive. And you just spent $60 for a shiny version of a game, that is only worth maybe $30.
It does look great. And it does look fun. For maybe a few days. And then it dawns on you, that it's highly repetitive. And you just spent $60 for a shiny version of a game, that is only worth maybe $30.

Do people really pay full price for new game these days? I got it for 45 on GMG. In fact I don't remember the last time I paid full price for a new release...
Do people really pay full price for new game these days? I got it for 45 on GMG. In fact I don't remember the last time I paid full price for a new release...

Sorry, but old school me prefers real copies of my shit. Now get off my lawn....

Sorry, but old school me prefers real copies of my shit. Now get off my lawn....


Hey more power to you man! I just was trying to tell the guy if 60 bucks is to much, there are many options to get a game less than full price on release.

BTW, saw the friend request. Shoot me a msg if you want to play, really enjoying this game.
Is evolve worth getting? Read mixed reviews so user opinion is more important to me.
from what i can see, there is no real long term play ability, happy to be proven wrong though
I've logged about 8-9 hours already and I am really enjoying it. Re-playability is no different than a left 4 dead game if you ask me. Yes the levels are the same (12 regular and 4 defend style), but the monster is controlled by a person so it'll be different every time in that respect. I only have a handful of the hunters unlocked an nothing from the 3rd tier ones yet. I have noticed the game is harder with the first tier hunters when you face the higher tiered monsters so don't let that discourage you. Certain monsters required someone skilled in a class to have a chance of winning. (e.g. Skilled Trapper to get the Kraken) I think all the hate is because of the DLC stuff. So far I haven't wanted any of it and really it's all just skins at this point. Any new maps or modes will be free. New monsters and hunters will cost something, but in it's current state I find it very worth it and fun.

Sorry for all the blabbing...