General Discussion/Offtopic?

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Aug 18, 2008
I know that the point of [H]ardocp is to discuss [H]ardware...but some of us have lives outside of computers and sometimes we would like to share things that aren't related to computers with our fellow forum members.

Has the idea of implementing a general discussion or offtopic section ever been suggested?
I know these threads aren't meant for responses, but it's worth every single penny for either a year or lifetime :)

I like lifetime personally, the year just goes by too quick ;)
The $5 yearly fee is basically what we call an "idiot filter" which keeps out the spammers and general idiot types and is well worth the money. It's also where some of the most knowledgeable members hang out....and most of the 'good spammers'....there are about 1500 of us in there now, so the forum moves pretty quickly. :cool:
There are lots of gems in it, worth every penny indeed.

I guess the apple2gs story will be added to the fresh meat welcome thread? No pics please, text will do just fine in this case.
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